Dear Christian friends:
Often people begin to follow Jesus and then after
a few months they stop. And we wonder, "What is wrong?"
"Why do they stop coming to church?"
Here in our text we see that Jesus had the same
trouble. When He first began to preach and teach and do
wonderful works many many people followed Him and praised
Him. But then they became displeased with Him as we read
here in verse 66, "From that time many of His disciples
went back, and walked no more with Him."
In our text Jesus explains why these people stopped
following Him. If we attend to this lesson it will also
help us to understand why people today often stop following
Jesus. Then we will not be surprised if we see that happen
and we will not let that trouble us or tempt us to stop,too.
Maybe you, also, often feel like giving up Jesus and pulling
So let us attend now to Jesus Word's here and
receive strength to carry on unto the last.
Jesus Tells Why Some People Quit The Church
I. They joined the church with the wrong idea, verse 63.
A. Jesus says "the flesh helps nothing"
B. Jews began to follow Him because He did miracles. Gave
them bread and fish. (explain about the 5 loaves and 2 small
They wanted to make Him King so they could get free
bread and fish and have an easy life. Jesus told them,
"Don't labor for bread that perishes, but for labor to get
the bread from heaven."
Then they said Moses gave us bread from heaven, manna
in the desert. Jesus said, "That's only bread for your body;
that's not true bread from heaven. But My Father gives you
the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He which
comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Jesus
meant Himself, but they still misunderstood and thought that
He will give them magic bread for the body, like Moses did.
Then Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. I came
down from heaven to do the Father's will. He wants all to
be sorry about their sins and believe in Me. And I will make
them rise again on the last day." When the Jews heard this
many of them became displeased and began to leave.
So it is today: People join church because they
want bread and fish. Today many come to eat chicken. They
are not eager to get the true bread, God's word that offers
sin-forgiveness and life everlasting or the Lord's Supper.
They think chicken, fish and bread are more precious then
preaching and the Lord's Supper.
So when they see the minister tell them, "don't be
eager for worldly things and eating, but be eager for Jesus'
Word for Bible Class and spiritual things and work, they
stop coming and complain.
So let us listen to Jesus' warning here: "Don't
seek to satisfy bodily desires that helps nothing to save
Then Jesus showed a second reason why people stopped
following Him or quit the church. Only the Holy Spirit can
make a man believe in Him (Jesus). When Jesus told them,
"I am the bread which came down from heaven; they said, "Is
not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother
we know? How is it therefore that he saith, I came down
from heaven." (verses 41-42) They couldn't believe that
Jesus was the Son of God who came from heaven and was also
the Son of Mary, true God and true Man. They listened to
their own heart and reason and thought Jesus teaches strange
and crazy things.
Then Jesus told them, "No man can come to Me except
the Father which hath sent Me draw him." Only God's Holy
Spirit can pull a man from stubborn doubt to humble faith
and obedience. Jesus says in our text, "it is the Spirit
that quickeneth." Then He told them how the Spirit pulls
a man to God, by His Words, "the words that I speak unto
you they are spirit and they are life."
Before Jesus had spoken strong words to them: "Your
fathers ate manna bread in the desert and are dead; but He
that eats My bread shall live forever." (verse 58)
So today, If a man only wants to eat chicken, fish
and bread he is dead and will stay dead and will stay dead
separated from God forever. But if he hears Jesus' Words
and doesn't doubt that, then God's Holy Spirit will give
him faith and life and joy in Jesus and although we die,
he will continue to live forever and ever.
Today after the chicken dinner we have a program
to help you improve in daily attendance to Jesus Words. I
hope that you will be more eager for the lecture program
and skits than for the chicken. The chicken dinner is
not why we want you here, but for the program. We are not
trying to make a profit on you by that dinner, but we want
time to help you get Jesus' Words daily in your homes. May
God help us all to wake up and see the point!