Dear Christian friends:
Today is Pentecost Sunday and we think about the
wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. His
wonderful work may be called sanctification, to make holy. When
we think about the Holy Spirit's work we usually think about
Him as making us holy. But the Holy Spirit has another
purpose in making us holy. That purpose is shown in our
text. God said to Israel through the prophet Ezekiel, "I
shall be sanctified in you." When the Holy Spirit forgives
our sins and by that makes us holy and leads us to do holy
works, by that God's great name is sanctified. For this
Jesus teaches us to pray in the first petition of the Lord's
Prayer: "Hallowed be Thy name."
God's name should be honored in us. We have accepted
His name and are called His people. God's people, children
of God. If we truly live like God's people then His name is kept
holy and honored, but if we fail to live like God's people
then we shame and mock His holy name and give unbelievers
outside His Church good reason to mock and despise His holy
name. That is a terrible thing and God will not let that
be. He works by the Holy Spirit to defend and honor His
great name in us His people. Our text shows this very
God's Name Is Hallowed By The Holy Spirit
First of all, our text shows that God sends His
Holy Spirit and begins to stop the mockery. In Ezekiel's
day the people of God had done much sin, worshipped idols
and much crookedness and murder. So God had to punish
them. He let enemy nations conquer Israel and lead them
captive to other lands. So the heathen nations mocked
them and their God and said, "Where is your God in whom
you trusted? Why doesn't He help you now and save you
from us. Your God sleeps. He is no good. Our gods have
won for us."
So it was also at the first Pentecost. The enemies
of Jesus were mocking God's people. Romans had conquered
Israel. God's people were slaves of Rome and the Romans
despised the Jews and their God, as Pontius Pilate did at
the trial of Jesus. And the Jews themselves joined with
the heathen in mocking Jesus and having Him crucified as
the King of the Jews. Yes He who claimed to be the Son
of God the Savior and God of the Jews was crucified and
dead. True, He had arisen from the dead, but only a few
believed it. God's name is mocked and despised.
Also today God's name is mocked and despised
by many. The Muslims and other heathen and godless
Communists are growing much faster than we Christians are.
They mock and despise us and our God. When the Russians
sent their first Sputnik into orbit several years ago
Mr. Khrushchev mocked God saying: "You Christians and Jews
say that God made the moon, now we have made our own moon."
And Lenin, the father of godless communism said: "Christianity
is opium for the people."
So God's name is mocked and despised also today.
God must act to defend and honor His name among the heathen.
Yet we are fully unworthy that God saves us and His honor.
(Read verses 22&23) God does it not for their sakes but
for His name's sake for His honor. So it was the first
Pentecost and also now today. If God now today sends His
Holy Spirit and stops the heathen in their mockery and
makes us truly holy again it will be for His name's sake
not because we are good and deserve it. It is our own
fault that the heathen are multiplying faster than we
We, too like the Jews of Ezekiel's time have our
idols. We love our money comforts and pleasures and refuse
to use our time and money for witnessing and world-wide
missions work. We have plenty of money for T.V., boats,
fishing, bowling and cars, but little or nothing for
supporting church and missions. By May we should have
sent in $725 for missions. But to date your treasurer
has not been able to send in any thing. Many are behind in
their pledges and many refuse to pledge or give.
During the past one hundred years we lost China
to communism because our missions there were to weak and
too small. Now we are losing Africa to Muslims and
Communists because not enough men and money. (7 to 3)
This cold war between East and West is not a war of guns
but with words and books and preaching. We are fighting
to win people's minds and hearts. During the past
twenty-five years the East, Communism has been writing
more, printing more and preaching more than we Christians
with our missions. It is our own fault: laziness,
indifference, love for money and pleasures, refusing to
sacrifice for God's work.
Truly we are unworthy that God should give us His
Holy Spirit anymore. If He does He will do it for His
names sake. If He changes us and makes us wake up. If He
uses us in the future it is only because of His mercy
not our worthiness. Because of His Word and promise to
Abraham and to His children because of Jesus and His work
and His great mercy He continues to send His Holy Spirit.
On The first Pentecost the twelve apostles were
filled with the Holy Spirit. Before they were afraid
to stand up and defend Jesus before the Jews, but now
they spoke boldly, especially Peter. "Jesus of Nazareth
whom you with wicked hands have crucified Him God raised
from the dead and He is become both Lord and Christ."
Some continued to mock but 3,000 repented and were
baptized. After that the Christian Church grew rapidly
and within two hundred years had spread throughout the
whole Roman empire. Later to France, England, Germany,
Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and then to America
and Canada also to South America. In all this God's
name is hallowed, honored and praised among the heathen.
Now how does the Holy Spirit do such wonderful
things? Through us God's people, although we are sinful
and unworthy. He takes us and washes us and changes our
hearts and spirits. Truly surprising and wonderful that
He can help such sinful stubborn people. He shows us our
sin and stubbornness and what we deserve from God. Then
He offers us the forgiveness of our sins. (Read verse 25)
In Jesus name He offers us forgiveness of sins. After
Peter had showed the Jews their sins on the first
Pentecost they were "pricked in their hearts." Ashamed
and felt guilty. They asked, "What shall we do?" Peter
answered, "Be baptized everyone of you for the remission
of sins."
So God says to you today if you are not baptized.
If you were baptized, remember it! By that God showed
great mercy to you and adopted you as His son or daughter.
Then, by making us holy through Jesus' name in
baptism He gives us a new heart and spirit. Makes us
change from loving sin and selfish pleasure to serve God
and walk in His holy ways. (Read verses 26-27) Stony heart
means hard stubborn heart for selfish pleasures. Flesh
means tender, loving heart that seeks God's way and serves
His people with joy and without complaint.
So this happened to many on the first Pentecost.
Peter: "Be baptized everyone of you for the remission of
of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
(Acts 2:38) "Then they that gladly received his word were
baptized. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles
doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread (Lord's
Supper), and in prayers." (Verses 41-42) And they now had
one chief purpose in life, not three or four. "They did
eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart (one
purpose)." (verse 46) What? "Praising god. And the Lord
added to the church daily." (Acts 2:47)
Such surprising wonderful work the Holy Spirit
does in us that God's name be hallowed. I'm sure that as
you attend to this sermon today you wish for the Holy
Spirit to come to you more and more. He will if you repent
of your sins and gladly hear God's Word and pray as the
first Christians at Pentecost. Jesus tells us to pray for
the Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:13)
Come, Holy Spirit, Come!