Church Period: Pentecost Sunday
Sermon Title: Is The Holy Spirit In Your Heart?
Sermon Date: May 21, 1972
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 14:23-31
Dear Christian friends:
Today is Pentecost Sunday, and the whole Christian
Church remembers and celebrates because on that day Jesus
sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples (refer to Epistle
lesson). We, too, need the Holy Spirit to live in our
hearts and rule our lives. (Without the Holy Spirit we
can't even believe in Jesus, "No man can say (confess) that
Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit) (Martin Luther's
explanation of the Third Article) Without the Holy Spirit
we cannot do truly good work and please God. So we need the
Holy Spirit very much. Does the Holy Spirit Live in Your
Heart? That's the important question I want to ask you
today and want you to think about that. Let's see: In our
text Jesus says three things about a person who has the
Holy Spirit living in his heart:
I. He loves and keeps His word. Do you love Jesus? Do you
keep (obey) His word? It's easy to answer yes. "Talk is
cheap" Jesus says, "If any man loves Me, he will keep My
Words: and My Father will love him, and we will come unto
him, and make our abode with him."
If you really love Jesus, you will gladly learn
and remember His words: "Love one another" "Forgive as I
have forgiven you" "Forgive those who sin against you"
"Love your enemies" "Visit the sick and prisoner" "Feed
the hungry and give water to the thirsty" "Go, into all
the world and preach the Gospel to all people" "Baptize
and teach all nations."
II. Jesus knows that it is very hard for us Christians
to remember and obey his words, because we still are very
selfish and greedy. Also the sinful world and Satan tempt
us to forget Jesus' Word and be proud and selfish. We'd
rather get revenge and hate and punish, than love and
forgive someone. But if we daily attend to His Word the
Holy Spirit can help us be ashamed and sorry. He will
come and live in our hearts; He will give us new faith
and new life to obey Jesus' Word more and more better
and better. In verse 28 Jesus says, "The Father will
send the Holy Spirit in My name. (in My Name = the Word
of God(Gospel)) And that teacher will teach you all
things and will make you remember all things I spoke to
So it is very important and necessary for us to
attend to God's Word daily. Do you read your Bible
daily? "Portals of Prayer" is a good guide and reminder.
Use it daily. Don't miss Church on Sundays. Because
through that the Holy Spirit admonishes you and teaches
you and strengthens your faith and love.
So if the Holy Spirit lives and rules in your
heart, you will attend to His Word regularly.
III. Finally, if the Holy Spirit lives in your heart, you
will have wonderful peace.
Jesus says in verse 27, "Peace I leave with you, My
peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world
gives to you. Let not your hearts be troubled and don't
Jesus says, "I do not give (peace) to you as the
world gives to you" A policeman is called a "peace
officer" Police and governments establish and keep peace
by force with guns. Russia and the U.S.A. have peace only
because both are strong equally and afraid of each other.
That's very shaky uneasy peace. But the peace of God is
not shaky. It is very sure and strong and never breaks out
unto war. It is peace between God and man. Peace
established by love. God's love for sinners. He gave His
Son to win forgiveness and peace.
If we have Jesus' peace in our hearts, we fear
nothing, not even death. With Paul we say, "Whether we
live or die we are the Lords! If I live, I live for Jesus;
if I die that's better I will be with Jesus in heaven."
Do you have that wonderful peace and joy in your
heart? If you do have it, then the Holy Spirit lives in
you. But if you are always afraid and worried and feel
to give up, the Holy Spirit does not live and rule in
your heart.
Do you have the Holy Spirit living in your heart?
Test yourself here today! Ask yourself: Do I really love
Jesus and obey His Words? Do I gladly hear His Word and
believe it? Do I have peace and a satisfied heart? Do I
have joy and hope about going to heaven?
If you do not have the Holy Spirit now, today is
the time to confess your sins, be sorry and accept Jesus
for your Savior. Jesus says to you: "Look, I stand at the
door and knock. If you will open your door, I will come
in and My Father and I will live in you."
If you do have Jesus living in your heart, pray
God to have Him more and more. Attend to His Word more
regularly. Pray for stronger faith and love. Daily
obey and practice His Commandments. Walk with love and