August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost Sunday
Sermon Title: The Signs Of The Holy Spirit
Sermon Date: June 7, 1981
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Joel 2:28-29

Dear Christian friends:

When God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus' disciples that first Pentecost Sunday strange and wonderful things began to happen, especially to the disciples themselves. They acted so strangely that many people mocked them and said they were drunk. (Acts 2:13)

When the Holy Spirit comes into anyone's heart and leads him, he will become a strange or new person. He will not be the same as before. He will not be like the unbelievers in the world. His former friends will think he is foolish or crazy or drunk. His former friends will mock him and become his enemies.

On this Pentecost Sunday we need to ask ourselves a few questions: Is the Holy Spirit living in my heart? Am I a new person, not the same as before, not the same as unbelievers? Is the Holy Spirit leading me daily to walk Jesus' holy way?

If we attend to our text we can learn the answer to these questions. In our text the prophet Joel prophesied what would happen to those people who received God's Holy Spirit. And Peter said to those men who were mocking: "These men are not drunk, as you think, instead, what you see is what the prophet Joel said." (Acts 2:15-16)

So let us attend to our text and see what the signs of the Holy Spirit are.

The Signs Of The Holy Spirit

The signs from God
The signs in the people's lives

When God sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples that first Pentecost “there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire spreading out; and each person was touched by a tongue." (Acts 2:2-3) These were strange events in nature which God used to let the city know He was pouring out His Spirit as He had promised. Joel also prophesied of these strange events in nature. (Joel 2:30)

These strange signs that happened on the first Pentecost do not happen today when God gives His Spirit. That was a special, unusual out-pouring of the Spirit. Today there are other signs from God that He sends His Spirit to His people. What are these signs?

The signs today are the Word and the Sacraments. Where God's Word is preached and where people gather to hear His Word, there God is pouring out His Holy Spirit. Also where the Sacraments are administered, there God is giving His Spirit to people. We have two sacraments: 1. Baptism, and 2. The Lord's Supper. Where babies, children and adults are baptized in the name of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, there God is giving His Spirit to give new birth and new life. (Titus 3:5-7) And where Christians gather and kneel to eat the bread and wine, there God gives His Spirit to men and women.

The Word and the two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, they are the signs we can see. They are God's signs that He is sending His Spirit to His people as He has promised. And we need to use the Word and the Sacraments faithfully, so that the Spirit may come to us.

Well, now, perhaps you say, "I come to church regularly. I have been baptized and I go to the Lord's Supper. I think I have the Holy Spirit living in me." I hope you have Him in your heart, and I am sure that many of you have the Holy Spirit living in your heart. But I must warn you that some people come to church regularly and also come often to the Lord's Supper, but they do not seem to have the Holy Spirit leading them. They do not have the signs of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Here in our text Joel tells about these signs of the Spirit in the people's lives.

God says, "I will pour-out My Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy (preach), your old men will have dreams, your young men will see visions. And I will also pour-out My Spirit upon your slaves, both men and women, during those days." (Joel 2:28-29)

If we really have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts, we will show it and prove it by our good, holy life. Joel says that our sons and daughters will preach God's Word. Our young men will see God. That means that we the Christian parents will teach and train our children to grow up and become good Christian men and women. Our children will see our faith and love in Jesus. Our holy life will influence them. Some of our children will become pastors and missionaries. Some will become teachers and church leaders. Churches that have no active young people, only middle aged and old people might be indicative of a church with little or no spiritual life.

Have any of your children become pastors, teachers or missionaries? Not many children of the deaf have become pastors or missionaries. A few have. Now our Synod has two sons of deaf parents who are pastors: Rev. George Perry, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Rev. Jerold Munz, Indianapolis, Indiana. Both are serving deaf congregations in Indiana. Also here in Los Angeles, I understand that Rev. Delbert L. Hosteller's parents were deaf. The sons and daughters of the Christian deaf can become pastors and missionaries to the deaf because they already have the sign language skills and are familiar with the deaf culture. When your sons and daughters grow up to be strong Christian leaders that is a sign or proof that you, the parents, have the Holy Spirit living in your heart.

In our text Joel tells about another sign or proof of the Holy Spirit. Joel says, "Your old men will have dreams." That means that the senior members in the church will show that they have faith and hope for the future. They will not be sad and depressed like many old people are, and always looking back and wishing they were young again. Although their body is old and weak their faith and spirit is strong and young. Because the Holy Spirit lives in their hearts these old people dream of a bright and glorious future world with their Lord in heaven. And while they are waiting to cross the Jordan to that promised land, they are kind and cheerful and help the middle aged members and the young members. They are glad to serve and do what they can and share their wisdom and experience with the younger members. I am happy to say that many of our senior members are young in heart and spirit. They have a dream for the future, a sign of the Holy Spirit living in them.

A third sign of proof of the Holy Spirit in our church family is that even our servants, both men and women will receive the Holy Spirit. In our society today where we do not have slaves and most of us do not have hired servants this might mean employees or others of lower social standing. It would mean no discrimination or racial or class prejudices on the part of those who are wealthy or have a higher social standing. When the Holy Spirit is active in a congregation there is love, respect and unity among all the members.

Now I ask each one of you to think, and ask yourself these questions: Does my life show and prove that the Holy Spirit lives in me and leads me? Have I turned from sinful ways to walk Jesus' way? Is my life new and different than the unbelievers? Do they mock me and think I am foolish?

Perhaps you answer "NO!" Then pray the prayer on the banner: "Turn Thou Me; and I shall be turned, for Thou art the Lord my God."
