August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost Sunday
Sermon Title: Renewed By The Spirit
Sermon Date: June 7, 1987
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Acts 2:1-12

Dear Christian friends:

Today we celebrate the Holy Spirit, and how He renewed Jesus' 12 fearful disciples and made them brave successful preachers of salvation.

On that first Pentecost day the Holy Spirit began the beautiful song of salvation that continues unto this day, almost 2000 years later. As part of our congregations involvement in HIS LOVE - OUR RESPONSE program, we also celebrate the individual, personal renewal which the Holy Spirit works in us. The Holy Spirit continues to work in us and in many others in the same way He worked through the first disciples and the 3000 persons who received baptism on that first Pentecost day.

Renewed By The Spirit

Using the twelve disciples the Holy Spirit preached the Good News of salvation in various tongues to: Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Egyptians, Libyians, Romans and many others. The disciples had never learned these languages before or spoken them. Using these disciples the Holy Spirit proclaimed God's message which said that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ God promised through the prophets. Jesus had been nailed to the cross and then raised from the dead on the third day as the prophets had written. He had ascended into heaven and had now poured out the Holy Spirit, also according to the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets. Jesus' followers, untrained and uneducated, now led by the Holy Spirit, give witness, proclaim salvation, tell the world that all who repent and receive baptism can be saved. Adults, children, those near and those far, those living 2000 years ago and those living today and those who will live in the future, not yet born, can become God's children, can receive God's love in Jesus Christ.

The many people who heard the disciples preach that day were amazed. They knew these disciples had not gone to school. The disciples had come from poor, humble Galilee. They knew there were no universities in Galilee, no brilliant men to teach and inspire one another. That is why the people's feelings and responses were mixed with doubt, scorn, and surprise.

When we consider what happened that first Pentecost day, we are surprised at the Holy Spirit's power. We think it wonderful that the Holy Spirit could change these uneducated men from Galilee to become brave, strong preachers of the Christ. Before they were jealous of each other and argued about who would be greatest in Jesus' kingdom. Before they misunderstood and did not believe Jesus when He told them that the Christ must suffer and die and then arise from death on the third day. Even when it happened on Easter morning, they refused to believe the women's good news, which the angel had told to them at the open and empty tomb.

But now, through the Spirit's power, they are changed and have become new. Now they can stand up and witness with courage and skill about the greatest truth in history: God loves sinners and forgives their sins through His crucified and risen Son. God loves us so much that He sends His own Son to die for us, and then lets Him arise from death to assure the renewal of all believers, and their eternal life.

The Bible tells us and history shows us that the Holy Spirit, when He has called us by the Gospel and washed us with water and the Word, will also enlighten us with His gifts. The Holy Spirit gives to God's people new life to change the world. The Holy Spirit accepts us, although we are weak and humble, and He makes us God's tools to change the world from sin to holiness, from death to life, from Satan to Savior. The Spirit gives each of us one talent or many talents, one gift or many gifts. He renews us and changes us. He has done it for many others; He can do it for us, too! And He will do this as we respond, in faith to God's love in our Savior Jesus Christ. One black Christan in the Congo prayed, "Dear Lord, You be the needle and I be the thread. You go first, and I will follow wherever You may lead."

Some of you have written your Personal Renewal Statement (P.R.S.) I can't say what the Lord has led you to write and promise. But I know we can't bring our card here empty, with no prayer, no promise of response, no volunteering! Our Lord wants to continue His song of salvation! He wants to use us to bring His love and forgiveness to others. Can we answer, "No!" to Him?

That must not happen to any member of Pilgrim Lutheran Church. We are new persons in Christ! We must respond to God's love. Each one must ask himself or herself: "What talents do I have to proclaim His glory? What gift has the Spirit given to me to use in His mission? What ability have I been hiding and not using? Have I been careless or lazy?" Today our Lord renews us! Today is the day to respond to our dear Lord! Today God gives us a special opportunity! It may be our last.

The Holy Spirit has given you the most precious gift, salvation! No other gift is so precious! The Spirit wants to renew you, make you God's tool, but you can answer, "No," to Him. What will you do? Will you only praise Him here in church in the protection of these walls and friends? Or will you follow Jesus out of here into the world? Will you praise Him by what you say and by what you do for others?

If you want to witness to someone about Jesus, first, become his or her friend. It doesn't take long to make a friend. Be kind to a person and help that person. Soon you will be friends and then you can talk to your new friend about your Savior and His love. Then you will be using the gifts and the talents which the Spirit has given you.

Same as the black Christian in the Congo, let us pray: "Lord, you be the needle and I be the thread. Lord, You go first, and I will follow."

God has chosen us to be His people and renewed us. We are a holy nation, a special people, that we should show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness to come into his wonderful light!
