Dear Christian friends:
We know that Jesus sends each one of us to tell others about Him.
We have known that for a long time now and the sermons last Sunday
and two weeks ago reminded us of that duty and we perhaps are
feeling very guilty for not doing it.
We know it is not easy work. We think in our heart, "I should tell
about Jesus. I want to do it because He asks me to do it and many
people need to hear about Jesus or they will be lost. But how should
I tell it? I'm afraid. I'm too dumb. I don't want big arguments
and trouble. Nobody talks about their faith except in church and
at Bible Class. Only odd people or fanatics talk about religion
outside of church. Not nice to ask someone about his religion.
That's his business; not mine."
But still we know that we must find good ways to talk to others
about Jesus: How can we do it? That is the question we want to
begin answering today.
How Should I Tell It, Part I
In our text St. Paul says, "I can do everything God asks me to
do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and the power."
If we try to witness without Christ's help we will fail. Jesus told
His disciples, "The Holy Spirit will teach you what you ought to say."
And how do we receive the Holy Spirit? By letting God talk to us
through His Word. Attend church regularly and let God's Spirit
teach you and increase your understanding, your faith and your love.
Then practice talking to one another here at Church about your
faith in Christ.
Bible Class is a good place to start. When Pastor
comes back he will help us establish evangelism workshops. Christ
Lutheran Church in Cleveland has been having evangelism workshops
for more than one year now. In these workshops we can learn the
skills of witnessing for Christ and practice on one another.
When another member of our church has trouble, go talk to him and
try to give him support and comfort with your friendship and offer
of help. When Bob Harris’ house burned down he and his family needed
your words of comfort and support. That was a good opportunity to
show Jesus' love and concern to them.
Before you go out to witness to unbelievers or strangers, practice
on your Christian friends first. If you can't talk to your friends
about Jesus, how can you talk to strangers or unbelievers?
Another good place to practice witnessing is at home with your
family. It is easy to talk to your children about Jesus. Practice
on them in your home. They will eagerly listen as you tell them the
stories of Jesus and His love. Then talk to your wife or husband
about your faith and how much Jesus means to you. Many Christian
married couples stand side by side in church service and sing and
pray and confess their faith formally, but at home they never share
their faith with one another. Have daily prayer and worship in
your home with your family. Use Portals of Prayer or some other
worship guide. This will help you to get started witnessing of
your faith to one another and at the same time it will help you
and your family to stay close-to Jesus.
After you gain confidence and skill witnessing to your family and
friends, try witnessing to others outside your home. Some people
think it is easier to witness to strangers than to friends and
relatives. In some cases that may be true. Jesus once said, "A
prophet is without honor in his own home town."
Another way to help us witness is by praying often.
First, pray for yourself. Pray that Jesus' Spirit will come more
strongly into your heart. Here is a short prayer to give you an
idea of how to pray:
Lead me to some soul today.
Oh, teach me, Lord, just what to say:
Friends of mine are lost in sin,
And cannot find their way.
Few there are who seem to care,
And few there are who pray.
Melt my heart and fill my life.
Give me one soul today.
Here is another short prayer you can pray every day:
Lord, lay some soul upon my heart
And love that should through me,
And may I gladly do my part
To win that soul for Thee.
Second, pray for the ones you are trying to win for Christ. Keep
a little book with names of people you are worried about and daily
go through the list of names, praying for each person that God
will help you or someone else lead them to Christ. When one
becomes a Christian draw a red line through that person's name.
Say a different prayer for him then, perhaps that that person
will grow in faith and service to the Lord.
Before you talk to someone about Jesus say this prayer:
O Jesus, help me. Fill my heart with your love.
Tell me what I should say. Help me bring this
person the joy I have, the joy of sins forgiven,
the joy of life in You, my dear Savior. Amen.
Next Sunday we will continue answering this question:
How Should I Tell It?