Dear Christian friends:
Did you have any troubles or problems this past week? I think you
probably did. When we have a big problem or trouble we often complain
and sometimes despair. We ask, "Why does God give me so many problems
and troubles?" We desire a comfortable and peaceful life.
In our text we see that Jesus' disciples had a big problem. Jesus gave
them this big problem, and our text says that He gave it to them to
test their faith. (verse 6) Jesus was teasing them to see what they
would do to strengthen their faith, same as a father teaches his son.
Jesus also gives us big problems or lets troubles happen to us to test
our faith and to help our faith grow stronger. We need these tests.
They are good for us to prepare us for God's future plans for our life.
Jesus Tests Our Faith
When we have big problems and troubles we often limit ourselves to
human possibilities and solutions and thus fail to have faith in God.
Jesus asked Philip, "Where can we buy bread that these people may eat?"
Philip only thought about human possibilities and they seemed weak and
small. He thought about the many, many people gathered there, more
than 5,000 people! He thought about the small amount of money the
disciples had in their treasury, 200 denari, about $50.00, and he knew
that $50.00 would not buy enough bread for so many people. So Philip
and the other disciples asked Jesus to send the people away so that
they can go back to the villages around to buy bread for themselves.
But Jesus answered, "You feed them." (Mark 6:37) Jesus wanted them to
have the problem and to find a solution. But they failed the test.
They thought only of their own resources and possibilities.
We often are like them, we depend only on ourselves. We depend only
on our own strength and money. When we have good times and success
we are proud and pat ourselves on the back and boast. When we have
bad times and troubles we complain, worry and despair.
We, like these disciples, fail to depend on Jesus. We, like them, know
about Jesus' great power and ability to help in every need and we
know that Jesus loves us and desires to help us in our needs. But we
forget Him or doubt that he will help us in our troubles and needs.
We often fail Jesus tests because we depend only on ourselves and
earthly things. We can pass Jesus' tests, if we look to Jesus and
depend on Him. We need to have faith in His wonderful power and love.
Here in our text Jesus shows that He is the Son of God, the Christ,
who can help us in any trouble or problem, even in the hour of our
When the disciples failed His test Jesus took control of the problem.
He took the five loaves of bread and the two fishes which a little boy
had. He prayed and blessed that little food and then multiplied it
1000 times so that the large crowd of people had plenty to eat. By
this sign (miracle) Jesus intended to show the disciples and all the
people that He is the almighty Son of God become Man.
Jesus wanted them to be attracted to Him, not to the miracle. John
writes about Jesus' miracles and why He did them. He says,"And many
other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which
are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye might
believe that Jesus is the Christ (Promised Savior), the Son of God;
and that believing ye might have life through His name." (John 20:30-31)
Explain “sign” as opposed to a "miracle".
The people, who ate the bread that Jesus multiplied knew Jesus was
the Christ. (verse 14) They understood the sign, but they misunderstood
the person and work of Christ.
They, like most Jews, expected Christ to be a man, a king to give them
earthly riches, comforts and glory, such as King David and Solomon. They
did not expect the Christ to be the Son of God who must die on the
cross for their sins. They wanted a king only for this life on earth;
they were not interested in a spiritual King and external life in heaven.
They tried to force Jesus to become their king so that in the future they
would have an easy comfortable life under His rule. Jesus refused to be
such a king (verse 15) He is not a "Bread King," but He is the
"Bread of Life". Later on Jesus said to these people, "I am telling you the
truth, he that believes in Me has eternal life. I am the Bread of Life."
(verses 47-48) Jesus did this miracle and many others as signs to lead to
Him, the Son of God and Savior for sinners who gives eternal life to all
who believe in Him.
Jesus gives us "signs" also in our times of troubles and problems. As
He fed these 5,000 people in their need, so He feeds us and gives us
all that we need for our body and life. In every trouble and need He
is near to hear our prayers and to help us. He has done this for us
many times in the past! Remember how Jesus helped you in that time of
trouble or how He gave you health again! These are His "signs" to us
to lead us to believe in Him and trust Him, not only for bread, clothes
and health, but chiefly for forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Also remember that Jesus has our future planned. He knows before it
happens what He will do for us in time of trouble, the same as He knew
before it happened that He will multiply the five loaves of bread and
two fishes to feed 5,000 people. When Philip and the other disciples
were worrying and wondering how to feed the people Jesus already had
the plan. (verse 6) While Jesus is testing us and we are afraid He already
has the plan to help us or save us. And His plan and answer to our
problem is always good, the best.
Jesus greatest sign for us is His death on the Cross and His arising
from death on Easter morning! When our sins trouble us and blame us,
when we are sick and dying and none on earth can help or save His Cross
is there which guarantees to us forgiveness of sins, and His resurrection
guarantees eternal life and resurrection for us! (John 6:40)
So when you have big troubles and problems even in the hour of death don't
despair, but look to Jesus the Son of God and your Savior! Jesus never fails!