Dear Christian Friends,
Today is my last opportunity to preach God's Word
to you. I searched through the Bible to find a text
which I can use as my guide to say the right things
to you today, for my last sermon.
I have chosen some of Paul's last words to one of
his churches. Paul is in prison and expects he will
be killed for Christ's sake. He wrote one last letter
to the church at Philippi from prison.
I like his words and want to use them also as
mine to you.
My Last Words To You
I. The first word, "Love one another."
It is very important for you to love one another.
When Jesus Himself said, "Good bye to His disciples
His last word to them was the same: "A new commandment
I give unto you that you love one another ... By this
shall all people know that you are My disciples if you
really love one another" (John 13:34-35)
If you love one another you show that you really
know God and that you really are His children. If
you do not love one another, you will be jealous of one
another; you will complain much and argue much.
Paul writes here in our text, "In everything you
do, avoid complaining and arguing, so that no one can
blame you." (v. 14, 15a) Paul knew and Jesus knew
that we humans (sinners) easily become jealous of one
another and quarrel and argue. That's why in their
"Good Bye" sermons they warn the disciples about that.
During the vacancy you will get tempted more than
before to become jealous of one another, because you
will take up more responsibilities yourselves, some
responsibilities that I had. Some will be leaders
and readers for worship services. Others will be asked
to sign hymns more and more. You may argue about who
will do which work and will get tempted to feel jealous
of one another.
So I stay to you, "Love one another." If one person
receives more honor than another, accept that. Thank
God that He gave that person talent to be a leader.
Don't feel jealous of his talent. Don't refuse to
cooperate in doing the Lord's work. Thank God for
that person and his talent.
John writes, "Dear friends, let us practice loving
each other, for love comes from God and those who are
loving and kind show that they are the children of God
and that they are learning to know Him better."
(1 John 4:7)
"Love one another!" That's my first Goodbye Word
to you. Now the second Goodbye Word!
II. "Offer the Word of Life"
Paul writes in our text, "You must live clean,
innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full
of people who are crooked and stubborn. Shine out among
them like beacon lights, Offering to them the Word of
Life." (v. 15b,c & 16a)
Here Paul reminds (warns) the church at Philippi
about their chief work and purpose. They must not waste
time being jealous and quarreling among themselves, but
love one another and cooperate to do the precious work
of the Lord: "Offering the Word of Life Eternal to
stubborn, crooked people who live in this dark
world. They should be like warning lights for ships that
pass during the night. Same a warning light lets large
ships know about reefs near by so ships are not wrecked
on reefs.
Same as you members here of Good Shepherd Church
should be warning to all deaf who still live in darkness
and sin and not yet believe in Jesus Christ. Offer to
them the Word of Life Eternal. That's your chief work
and purpose. Don't forget it!
Volunteer to read Epistle. Volunteer to sign the
hymns! Volunteer to read the sermons Rev. Reinbolt will
prepare for you. Volunteer to lead in the prayers and
worship. You can't do more important work because when
you do that you are offering the Word of Life to one
another and to strangers who may visit here.
No matter that you are not the worship leader, come
anyway. When you come to church regularly you are
helping to offer and show the Word of Life to our dark
world. When you stay home and sleep or wash your car
on Sunday or go to other meetings, you are not helping
to show the Word of Life, but hide it.
"Offer the Word of Life to this dark world" that's
my second Goodbye word to you. Now the third Goodbye
III. Remember that Christ will come back on the Judgment
Paul says, "Then when Christ returns I will be very
happy to see that my work is not wasted on you." (v. 16b)
Paul wants the church at Philippi to remember that
they will see and meet each other again on the Judgment
Day, when Jesus returns. He wants them to remain true to
Jesus until death or until Jesus comes back. Then he will
be happy because he did not waste his time preaching to
Same way I feel. Now I have preached to you 6.5 years.
If I do not meet you and see all of you again in heaven
I will be very disappointed. I will feel I wasted my
time on you. I worked and suffered here for nothing, if
you do not continue believing in Jesus and doing His work.
But if I see you again and meet you again in heaven, I
will be very satisfied and happy like Paul says here. I
will know that my suffering and work, my ministry here in
Toledo was not wasted.
So, "Remember Jesus will come again and we will meet
again!" That is my third Goodbye Word to you.
Review: 1. "Love one another"
2. "Offer the Word of Life"
3. "Remember Jesus will come again."