Dear Christian friends:
Jesus did many miracles during His ministry: He changed water to wine at
a wedding in Cana; He commanded the storm to be still; He walked on water;
He made the sick well; the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the dead
to awake and arise from death.
Here in our text Jesus multiplied the five loaves of bread and the two small
fishes and with that He fed and satisfied more than 5,000 hungry people.
Jesus did many miracles and He says that we, His disciples also can do
miracles. On the evening before He died Jesus said to His disciples, "I
tell you the truth, He that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he
do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the
Father." (John 14:12) Like Jesus, we Christians can do wonderful and
surprising works. Perhaps we can't walk on water and do miracles in the same
way that Jesus did, but we can do wonderful and surprising works. Perhaps
you doubt, but I say that
We Can Be Miracle Workers
If we intend to do miracles, we need to have compassion for people like
Jesus had for the people. In our text we read that when Jesus saw the large
crowd of people "He felt compassion for them, and healed their sick ones."
(verse 14)
Jesus had heart for people, even those who opposed Him and were not worthy
of His love and kindness. Compassion means mercy, love and kindness to
those who insult you or do wrong against you. Jesus has taught us, "Love
your enemies, bless them that curse you, and do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you
may be the children of your Father which is in heaven; for He makes His
sun to rise on the evil, and on the good, and He sends rain on the just and
on the unjust." (Matthew 5:44-45)
Like Jesus we need to have heart, compassion to help those who are not good
or worthy. When we do that we are miracle workers. The unbelievers will
be surprised and impressed.
True, it is hard to show love and kindness to unworthy people or enemies.
That is not man's nature or way. Man's nature is to love his friends and
hate his enemies or to greet his brothers and ignore the stranger. But we
Christians should not be like natural man. We are different! We have new
birth and new life through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus now lives in our
heart. We are to speak and talk like Jesus. And remember, God has shown
great compassion on us! We are sinners. We were His enemies! We are not
worthy to receive His mercy and salvation. But He has shown mercy to us
and given His only Son to die for us. Since God has shown compassion to us
we now can show the same to others, also to our enemies. When we believe
in Jesus we can also be miracle workers, and not like natural man.
Yes, we need compassion, and we also need faith in God that He will help us
and bless us when we do His good and wonderful works, His miracles.
Often we are like Jesus' disciples here in the text. We have no faith.
When we have no faith we can't do the wonderful works of God. Jesus told
the disciples to feed the many, many people. They answered, "We have only
five loaves of bread and two small fishes. That's not enough food for the
many people." (verses 16-17) The disciples had no faith that Jesus could
multiply the loaves and fishes. They made excuses. So we often have no
faith and think we can't do what Jesus commanded us to do. We make beautiful
excuses, too. We say we can't afford to help the poor and the hungry. We
think we can't give for the support of our church and missions. We have
many and various excuses. We have little or no faith in God.
But Jesus challenges us like He here challenged the disciples. He says to
us also, "You give them food! You give them clothes! You go and preach the
gospel to all nations! You heal the sick!"
True, we often are poor or weak and have few resources with which to do the
Lord's wonderful works. But if we have faith in Jesus He will bless our
few resources and use that to do His miracles. He will use our weak bodies
and our handicaps to do the surprising wonderful works He wants’ done.
Jesus said to the disciples, "Bring the two fish and the five loaves to Me!"
(verse 18) “Then Jesus took the five loaves and two fishes and looked up to
heaven and blessed them." (verse 19) Jesus used the small amount of food
which the disciples had. He blessed it and did a miracle with it! With
Jesus' blessing on the small amount of food the disciples fed more than 5,000
people. And when they were finished they had twelve baskets of food left
over. (verses 19-21)
So Jesus will use our small money and do wonderful works with it! He will
use you although you are old and weak and do miracles through you and joined
with you. Although you are deaf Jesus can use you and with you do His
surprising, wonderful works. Have faith in Jesus and He will use you to do
His miracles!
St. Paul had a weak body, not good health and he was not a good speaker.
Yet he had faith in Jesus and obeyed Jesus' command to go and preach the
Gospel to the Gentiles. God blessed Paul's preaching. God did wonderful
works through St. Paul. He is most famous missionary of all time!
Dr. John L. Salvner, our first Lutheran minister to the deaf in Minnesota
became ill with T.B. in 1902. His doctor did not expect him to live more
than 6 months. But Dr. Salvner had faith and prayed to God. God blessed
him and used him to preach to the deaf for 60 years.
A few years ago some of our members joined in the Forward in Remembrance
offering. Only a few members made pledges. But these few, 17 members,
pledged $17,241.00 for Jesus' work. That was truly a miracle! God used
these few, poor members to do a wonderful work! Most have finished paying
their pledges. Some are still paying them! These 17 members had faith and
did a great work!
So let's continue on and do more miracles with Jesus blessing and help.
Let's have compassion for those in need and let's have faith in God. Then
we will do His wonderful works!