Dear Christian friends:
Our text this morning tells us about Jesus and Peter walking on the water.
When we read this story several questions pop up in our head: Did Jesus
really walk on the water? Did Peter also walk on the water? Did that really
happen? If it really happened, why did Jesus walk on the water? Why did
Jesus permit Peter to walk on the water? Does Jesus want us to walk on water
So this morning I want to preach to you about this story, about
Walking On Water
Do you believe this story really happened? Did Jesus really walk on the
water? Did Peter also walk on the water for a short time? That's what the
Bible says. Matthew, Mark and John write about this event. However, Mark
and John do not explain about Peter walking on the water, too. (Mark 6:46-52)
Many people today do not believe this story really happened. They say that
Jesus did not really walk on the water. They argue: "Nobody can walk on
water: it is against the laws of nature." It is true that walking on water
is against the laws of nature. Man can swim in the water and float on the
water and even ski barefoot on the water at high speeds, but nobody can
walk on the water. Yes, it is against the laws of nature for a man to walk
on water. However, the Bible says that both Jesus and Peter walked on the
water. Does the Bible lie? Many people today think that. But true Christians
believe the Bible is true. I believe that Jesus walked on the water.
Why did Jesus walk the water? His walking on the water proves that He is
whom He said He was, the promised Savior, the almighty Son of God. Jesus,
like God His Father almighty, is above the laws of nature. You and I are
limited by the laws of nature, but Jesus is not limited by these laws.
Jesus is God who became true Man so He could take our place under the
law; obey the law for us and also suffer the terrible punishment of the
law for us. (Galatians 4:4-5)
When the disciples saw that it really was Jesus and not a ghost and when
the storm stopped after Jesus and Peter stepped back into the boat, they
all worshipped Jesus and said to Him, "It is true; You are the Son of God."
(verse 33) We, too, should stop our doubting and worship Jesus and confess
to one another and to the whole world that Jesus is the Savior for sinners;
the Son of God!
And if we really believe that Jesus is the Son of God we will do more than
talk, talk, and confess that faith. We will like Peter get out of the boat
and walk on the water. (verses 28-29) Did Peter really walk on the water?
Yes, That's what our text says. Then Peter said, "Lord, are you really Jesus?"
Then invite me to walk on the water to you. Jesus answered, "Come," Then
Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water and started walking to Jesus.
How could Peter do that? He was not God like Jesus. But because of his faith
he could do it. Notice! First Peter asked Jesus' permission. (verse 28)
And then Jesus gave him permission. Jesus told him, "Comes." (verse 29)
Peter had Jesus' command and promise about getting out of the boat and
walking on the water. Jesus' power enabled Peter to walk on the water.
And as long as Peter had faith in Jesus he was able to walk on the water.
But when Peter doubted Jesus' power then he began to sink. (verses 30-31)
When Peter saw the big wave coming he became afraid and doubted Jesus' power.
But for a short time Peter walked on the water. The other eleven disciples
just sat in the boat. They did not try to walk on the water.
We Christians today should do like Peter. Have faith in Jesus' great love
and power. Don't stay sitting in the boat: Get up out of the boat and,
as it were, walk on the water!
Does Jesus really want us to try and walk on water? No! Not in the literal
sense, Jesus has not commanded us to walk on water. But Jesus has given us
other commands of hard things to do, things that are just as hard to do as
walking on the water. Jesus has commanded us to take up our cross and follow Him:
"Whoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,
and follow Me. For whoever will save his life shall lose it; but whoever
shall lose his life for My sake and the gospels, he shall save it."
(Mark 8:34-35) To take up your cross and follow Jesus through this wicked
and sinful world you need the same strong faith as it takes to walk on
Jesus has also promised us that our dead bodies will arise from death on
the last day and live forever with Him in heaven. Jesus says to us:
"This is the will of Him that sent Me, that everyone which sees the Son,
and believes on Him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up
at the last day." (John 6:40) You know that it is against the law of
nature for a dead person to awake and arise from death. No man can do
such a wonderful thing. It is harder to arise from death than to walk
on the water.
Often we are like the eleven disciples who continued sitting in the boat.
They did not believe Jesus' power and promise. Often you and I doubt
Jesus' power and promises. Jesus has given us many hard and wonderful
promises about forgiveness of sins, about arising from death, about eternal
life and glory in heaven, about using our money, our time, and about risking
our life to do His work here on earth. But often we keep on sitting
in the boat, doubting, fearing and doing nothing. Do like Peter! Be
brave! Believe Jesus' love and power! Get up out of the boat and walk
on the water!