Dear Christian friends:
When you went to school often the teacher asked you questions. The
teacher asked you questions because she wanted to know if you
understood the lesson. The teacher already knew the answers to the
questions. But she asked you to see if you understood.
In our text Jesus asked His disciples a question like that. He had
been teaching them and telling them about Himself - who He was and
what He intended to do. Now, like all good teachers, Jesus asks them
a question to see if they understood. Jesus asked them, "You say that
I am who?"
This is the most important question Jesus ever asked. It is the
important question for you and me to answer, or ask someone.
The Most Important Question
This question is important because often people give a wrong answer to
it and they need to be corrected. Many people in the world do not
know the answer to that important question. They do not know who Jesus
Before Jesus asked that question of His disciples He asked them another
question: "The people, they say I am who?" (verse 13) The disciples
answered, "Some people say You are John the Baptist, and some say You
are Elijah, and others say You are one of the other prophets." (verse 14)
Most of the Jewish people thought Jesus was a prophet of the past who
had died, and now had arisen from death to preach God's Word. Some
even thought Jesus was John the Baptist whom King Herod had beheaded a
short time ago. None of them believed that Jesus was the promised
Savior the Son of God. They believed that Jesus was just a man, true a
great man, and a good man, but just a man. They did not believe that
God was hiding in Him.
Since Jesus' time on earth, during the past 1981 years and also today
most people do not know who Jesus is. Most deaf people living today do
not know who Jesus is. They do not know the answer to that important
question. Many people today believe that Jesus was a good man and a
great teacher, but they do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Do you? Do you know who Jesus is? Do you know the answer to this most
important question? Many of your neighbors and friends do not know the
answer to that question. They could lead you astray.
So we need to ask you this question again today to make sure that you
know the right answer. Many, many people, also many deaf people do not
know the right answer. Jesus of Nazareth, whose Son is He? Who is
Jesus? This is a most important question.
This is a most important question also because our answer to it determines
whether we belong to Jesus' Church or not. Those people who answer
wrong or who do not know who Jesus is do not belong to His Church, and
they will not go into heaven, but to hell. But those who know the answer
to that question and believe it, they are members of Jesus' Church and
they will be saved and go to heaven forever. So you see this is the
most important question of any. On your answer depends your eternal
When Jesus asked His disciples this most important question Peter answered,
"You are the promised Savior, the Son of the living God." (verse 16)
Peter gave the right answer. Peter had the right faith in Jesus. Then
Jesus said to Peter, "Your faith is strong like a rock, Peter, and I
will build My Church on that strong faith and the power of hell can't
defeat it." (verse 18) Those people who believe like Peter that Jesus is
the Savior God promised and then sent from heaven, they belong to Jesus'
Church and they have forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven. But
those people who think and say that Jesus is only a man are not members
of His Church and have not forgiveness of sins. If Jesus was only a
man and not God His death on the cross is worthless and helps us nothing.
But if the man who died on the cross is God then His death and the
shedding of His blood is precious and saves us from our sins.
Who is Jesus? That is the most important question. Your eternal salvation
depends on your answer to that question. But how can we know and
believe the right answer to that question? Often we doubt, like the
others in the world. Only God can give anyone the right answer and
faith. When Peter gave the right answer Jesus said to him, "Peter, Son
of John, you should be happy, because you did not learn that from any
person, but My Father in heaven showed that to you." (verse 17) We can
receive the right answer to that question like Peter and the other
disciples did. They listened to Jesus' words and saw His wonderful
works, His many miracles. Through Jesus' words God the Father gave them
the Holy Spirit who gave them the faith. We have Jesus' words in our
Bibles and we can read and hear about His wonderful works in our Bibles.
Also Jesus has given us two Sacraments, Baptism and the Holy Supper, to
help us believe in Him. Attend to Jesus' words regularly and through
that God can give you the Holy Spirit to answer the most important question.
Then you will not doubt about Jesus. Then we can boldly confess our
faith to the doubting people in the world and say to them: "JESUS IS
A minister friend of mine who preached in Portland, Oregon wanted to talk
to his barber about Jesus. The minister did not know if the barber believed
in Jesus or not, so he asked the barber: "What do you think of Jesus, who
is He?" That may be a good way for you and I to start witnessing to our
deaf friends. Ask them this most important question: "Who is Jesus?"
You know the right answer, but many deaf do not yet know it. Ask them:
You cannot ask someone a more important question! Their eternal Salvation
depends on their answer to that question.