Dear Christian friends:
I think most of you remember the Korean War which happened about
29 years ago when Harry S. Truman was President. In that war, one of
every three Americans captured by the North Koreans collaborated with the
enemy. They did not remain loyal or true to the USA. One out of three
is a high percentage.
In the church, too, we have many who do not remain loyal or true to
Jesus. You yourselves know some people who in the past followed Christ,
but now they have quit.
When we see people quit the church, and not remain true to Jesus, we
easily become discouraged, and maybe ourselves are tempted to quit
following Jesus. But we should not become discouraged when we see others
leaving the church. We should continue believing in Jesus and stay true
to Him unto the end. We should say with the hymn writer, TLH 365:
Jesus, I Will Never Leave
From our text, we learn why we can never leave Jesus.
In our text, we read that many of Jesus disciples left Him. Why?
He had told them that he was Christ, the Son of God, the promised Savior.
As you have heard, during the past few Sundays, Jesus said to the Jews
that He was "the living bread from heaven." They complained, "He is the
son of Joseph. We know His father and mother. How can He say that He
came down from heaven?" (verse 41) Then Jesus said to them, "Does My
teaching displease you? What will you say if you see the Son of Man go
again up to heaven?" (verse 62)
Jesus means to tell them, "You don't believe Me because I tell you
I came down from heaven, what will you say when I go back up to heaven?"
Jesus refuses to change His teaching to make it more agreeable with their
human reason and limited understanding. He knows that man cannot himself
accept the teaching that He is God in human flesh. He tells them again
that no one can believe in Him without the Father teaching him and leading
him to faith. (verses 63-65) Jesus even knew since the beginning of the
world who would believe in Him and who would not believe. He even knew
that Judas would betray Him long before it happened. (verse 64)
Jesus is not surprised when many people do not believe in Him and go
away. He expected that to happen. He knows that only those people whom
God chooses and leads to faith and keeps in faith can come to Him and
stay with Him until the end. "Many are called, but few chosen."(Matthew 20:16)
After many people quit following Him, Jesus asked the twelve disciples,
"Will you also go away?" (verse 67) Then the Holy Spirit helped Peter believe
and make a beautiful confession of faith. Peter speaks for 12 disciples
and says, "Lord, to whom else can we go? You have the words of eternal
life. And we believe and are sure that You are the Christ, the Son
of the living God." (verses 68-69)
The Holy Spirit has helped you and me to believe in Jesus as He
helped Peter and the other disciples. Although our mind and reason
cannot understand the incarnation of Jesus, His crucifixion, His death,
His resurrection and ascension into heaven, still we believe it and rejoice
in God's great love for us that He shows mercy to us and forgives our sins
because of Jesus' coming from heaven and going back to heaven.
Like Peter, we say this beautiful confession when we see others
leave Jesus: "Jesus, I will never leave You. To whom else can we go? Is
there another Savior so dear and wonderful like You? You have the words
of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that You are the promised
Savior, the Son of the living God."
Peter said to Jesus, "You have the words of eternal life." When
Jesus says, "Your sins are forgiven," they are forgiven! When He says
"Fear not, I have overcome the world," we lose our fear and bravely face
the troubles and problems of life! When He says, "I go to heaven to
prepare a place for you," we lose our fear of death and hope for our
mansion above!
Keep on hearing Jesus' words of eternal life; keep on eating the
Bread of Life and you will remain joined with Jesus and true to Him until
you die. No temptation, no trouble or sorrow, no danger will be able to
separate you from your dear Savior, not even the last enemy, death.
Continue hearing Jesus' words and you will by the help of God's Holy Spirit
say with the hymn writer, Christian Keimann (Keyman):
"Not for earths vain joys I crave
Nor, without Him, heaven's pleasure;
Jesus who my soul did save,
Evermore shall be my Treasure.
He,redemption did achieve,
Jesus, I will never Leave."
(TLH 365, Jesus I Will Never Leave, Hymn Verse 5)