August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 15th Sunday After
Sermon Title: His Humble Servants
Sermon Date: September 5, 2010
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 14:1, 7-14

Dear Christian friends:

We are very competitive: In school, A's, in sports we want to win! In our text, which is the Gospel Lesson for today, Jesus warns about pride and selfishness. He encourages us to be

His Humble Servants

It is our nature to be proud and selfish. The Pharisees in our text were proud and selfish. A Pharisee invited Jesus to his house for a big dinner.

Jesus saw how the guests (visitors) hurried to sit at the head table. (verse 7) Are we the same as these Pharisees? I suspect that we are.

Perhaps we are jealous of someone who has a higher office than ourselves. Also pastors become jealous of other pastors! Jesus condemns those who are proud and selfish (verse 11a, sign it)

Their pride and selfishness proves that they do not understand about their sin and don't believe in Jesus their Savior.

Perhaps they are respected church members, like these Pharisees, but that will not make them right before the holy God. Jesus refuses to accept those who boast. Tell about the proud, boastful Pharisee praying in the temple (Luke 18:11-12).

We need to be aware of our proud selfish nature and confess that before God, asking His mercy and forgiveness, and then, with His help, live as His humble servants. Humbly serve God, our Maker, Savior and Sanctifier!

The humble, kind person shows that he understands about his sin and God's mercy in Jesus. He is like the Publican in Jesus' parable (Luke 18:13-14 Recite it!)

He has accepted God's mercy and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, which makes him humble. He is aware that he does not deserve that mercy and forgiveness. Therefore he can be patient with others who perhaps insult him and hurt him. (Recite Luther's Explanation of the Fifth Petition of the Lord's Prayer)

Therefore, he can show mercy to the poor and needy people. Jesus commands us to show kindness, mercy and help to the poor and needy. (Read verses 12-13)

If we do that Jesus will bless us and honor us. (read verse 14 and verse 11b)

God, through His Word, makes us become humble. He shows us our sin and that we deserve to go to hell. Nevertheless, He mercies us, forgives us because of Jesus. Then we can be humble and be patient with others!


The Lord's Prayer - The Fifth Petition

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us.

What does this mean? We pray in this petition
that our Father in heaven would not look
upon our sins, for we are worthy of none of
the things for which we pray, neither have we
deserved them; but that He would grant them all
to us by grace; for we daily sin much and indeed
deserve nothing but punishment. So will we also
heartily forgive, and readily do good to, those
who sin against us.
(Luther' Small Catechism, The Fifth Petition
and explanation.)