Dear Christian friends:
Tomorrow evening some of our members will go to Dodger Stadium to see
the Dodgers play the Houston Astros. Tomorrow evening is the Annual
Lutheran Family Night at Dodger Stadium.
Many of you enjoy to watch a good baseball game. Do you know that a
church is like a baseball team? A baseball team that wins the Pennant
and the World Series must have three things: motivation, talent and
harmony. In our text St. Paul says that a successful church must also
have these three things. So this morning I want to preach to you about
Our Church - A Winning Team
Like any good team that wins, our church must have a good team spirit
or motivation.
Usually the Dodgers win the Pennant or are close to winning it. Now
they are fighting with Houston and Atlanta for second place. Why do
the Dodgers consistently win? One reason: they usually have good spirit
or motivation. They want fame and glory. They want to earn extra
money in the playoffs and in the World Series.
Also a winning church needs good spirit or motivation. What is the
motivation for us who are members of our church? In our text St. Paul
tells us what our motivation should be. It is not the same motivation
as the Dodgers. It is much better and stronger motivation. Paul writes,
"Because God touches us with mercy, I urge you, brothers and sisters,
give yourselves as living offerings to God." (verse 1) God's great
love and mercy which He has showed to us in Jesus Christ is the motivation
for us us Christians. In Jesus God promises that He will never
abandon us. In Jesus God forgives our sins. In Jesus God promises
us eternal life. In Jesus we receive God's power to heal. In Jesus
we receive mercy for others by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus we shall
conquer death and arise from death with new and glorious bodies. In
Jesus we receive God's love. In Jesus we learn how to harmonize our
life with God's will. God's great love and mercy which He has showed
to us in Jesus is our strong motivation.
If we remember this, we will have good team spirit and eagerly work
together here at Pilgrim Lutheran Church for the Deaf. But if we forget
that, then we will have no good spirit here, and not have a winning
A good team that wins also needs talents. The Dodgers win because they
have many talented players on their team. If they do not have talented
athletes, they can't win.
Our church also must have talented members so we can do the Lord's
work and win for Jesus. Do we have talented members here at Pilgrim
Lutheran Church? Yes, we have many and various talented members here
at Pilgrim. I myself have seen some of your talents and abilities.
Some of you are leaders; some are good followers; some of you have
ability and talents for teaching; some of you have talents for signing
hymns very beautifully; some of you have good jobs and money;
some of you are able to encourage the weak and the discouraged; some
of you have ability to lead others to Jesus. Maybe some of you are
hiding your talents or feel too shy to offer your talents for the
Lord's use. Perhaps some of you think that you are too old and can't
do any thing for the Lord anymore.
In our text St. Paul says that God gives different and various talents
to His people. Not all can preach; not all can teach; but some can.
Not all can lead, but some can. We should find the talent that God
has given us, each one, and then use that talent in cooperation with
the other members. Don't expect me, your pastor, to have all the talents
that our church here needs. I do not have all the talents nor
the time to do everything here that needs to be done. God has given
me one or two talents. That's all! He has given you, the members, all
the other talents that Pilgrim Lutheran Church needs. Listen now to
what St. Paul writes about our talents: "Now one body has many parts
and each part has a different work. The picture is the same with the
church. We are many different persons, but we all join together as
one body in Christ. Therefore we must use our different talents
according to the grace God has given us. If God gives us the talent
to preach His message, then we preach as our faith leads us. If God
gives you the talent to serve others, then serve them well. If you are
a teacher, then do a good job of teaching. If you have the talent to
encourage others, then do that with understanding. If God has given
you money, then you should show mercy and share with others in need. If
God has made you a leader, then work hard and be responsible. If God
gives you the gift to show mercy, then you should give comfort to those
in trouble." (verses 4-8) Our church has plenty of talents which God has
given to us. We need to become aware or our talents, develop them
more and then use them in the church. Then our church will be like a
winning team.
The third thing that a winning team needs is harmony. The Dodgers cannot
win if they have strife on the team. A few years ago Steve Garvey
and Don Sutton were quarreling and striving. Manager Tommy Lasorda
worried about that. He knew his team could not win if the players were
jealous and quarreling too much.
It is the same here in our church. We the members must use our talents
in harmony and cooperation. Then we will be a successful and winning
church. If we are proud and jealous of one another we will fail. We
must not feel proud or better than other members, but be humble and
praise and thank God for the talent He has given us. Paul writes in
our text, "Don't copy the world, but become a new person, as God changes
your mind and heart. Then you will understand what God wants, and you
will know that God's plan is good and perfect; that pleases Him. Now
God has touched me with His love and I say to you all: Don't think proud
ideas about yourself or your importance. Be honest as you evaluate your
ability and faith which God has given you." (verses 2-3)
God, give us spirit, talents and harmony that we can be a winning team
for You.