Dear Christian friends:
This morning I want to ask you a very important question. You will
perhaps think that my question is foolish but nevertheless I must
ask it. My question is: Do you know Jesus? Yes, you know Jesus.
You have known Him for a long time. Why do I ask that question?
Because maybe we think that we know Jesus, but really don't know
Him very well. Billy Graham is the most famous preacher in the
world. Does Billy Graham really know Jesus? Almost everyone
thinks that Billy Graham knows Jesus. But Dr. Martin Scharlaman, formerly
a professor at our St. Louis Seminary, said that Billy Graham did
not really know Jesus. (Concordia Journal, Sept, 1982) Many
preachers and many church members think they know Jesus, but really
they don't know Him very well. Yes, God's final answer to our problem of
sin is Jesus, as our LWML worship guide tells us, but we really need to know
Him, who He is and what He did!
So this morning I want you to think about this important question:
Do You Really Know Jesus?
Our text can help us to know Jesus better.
Our text shows that if you really know Jesus, you will confess that
He is the promised Savior (Messiah), the One God chose and sent to
die on the cross and then arise from death to save the world from
sin and hell.
In our text we read how Peter had confessed that Jesus was "the
Christ," the promised Savior, but still he did not really know
Jesus yet. Because when Jesus explained to the disciples that He
must go up to Jerusalem and suffer and die and then arise from
death, Peter rebuked Jesus and said that this must not happen to
Him. Then Jesus scolded Peter and called him "Satan", explaining
to him that he was thinking like men and not like God. (verses 27-33)
Peter and the other disciples thought that they knew Jesus, but
they did not really know Him yet. They, like many Jews of that
time misunderstood about the purpose and work of the Messiah. They
thought He would save them from the burdensome rule of Rome. They
did not think of the Messiah as a Savior for sinners. They did not
know why Jesus must suffer and die on the cross.
Do you? Do you know why Jesus must suffer and die on the cross?
(read verse 31) If you really know Jesus, you will confess that Jesus
must suffer and die on the cross because we are sinners and can't save
ourselves from sin and hell.
Many people confess Jesus as a great teacher, a wonderful example,
a good man, but they do not confess about His suffering, death and
resurrection and how important and necessary that is for all us sinners.
They do not believe that they are such bad sinners. How about you?
Do you confess that you are such a bad sinner and helpless in your sin
without Jesus? Do you confess that you are born with sin and cannot, by
yourself, do anything good or holy before God? Do you believe that Jesus'
death on the cross has won forgiveness of sins for you and for all
people? Do you believe John 3:16? John 14:6? Ephesians 2:8-9?
If you really know Jesus, you will eagerly tell others about Jesus'
suffering, death and resurrection, and why that is so very important
for sinners. Also, you will gladly help support this gospel preaching
here at home in our District and in world missions through our Synod,
which, of course, includes mission projects of the L.W.M.L.
Many who think they know Jesus think they will have an easy life.
But our text tells us that if we really know Jesus, we will daily
take up our cross and follow Him in this wicked world. (read verses 34-35)
What does that mean? It does not mean Jesus' cross. You and I can't
take up His cross. His cross is too much for us. Only He could suffer
His cross because He is both Son of God and Son of Man. On His cross
Jesus suffered and died and paid for the whole world's sins. That is
finished. We can't add one thing to that. We have full and free
forgiveness because of Jesus' cross. But there is a cross for every
believer in Jesus. The believer's cross means the shame and
suffering here on earth. When anyone follows Jesus, many unbelievers
mock and laugh and say bad words against Him. Unbelievers always
persecute and mock believers. Jesus said to His disciples, "All men
shall hate you for My name's sake." (Matthew 10:22)
I'm sure that you, too, have experienced this suffering. I have seen
that happen often to those deaf who faithfully followed Jesus and
helped me with the church work. They called one deaf man "preacher's
pet." Another one they called "sucker." But these faithful Christian
deaf leaders accepted such insults and continued serving Jesus. They
daily took up their cross and followed their dear Lord and Savior.
They showed the same courage as Jesus. Although Jesus knew that His
preaching and teaching would offend many and finally cause His
death on the cross, Jesus did not stop teaching and preaching the
truth. Jesus knew that He was doing the heavenly Father's will and
So, we too must not quit or become discouraged when unbelievers
persecute us. We must receive strength of faith and courage daily
through Jesus' Word so we can continue to suffer for His name. We
know that Jesus is with us, and if we do not give up, He will at
last give us a crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)
Those who really know Jesus confess the necessity of His suffering,
death, and resurrection for the salvation of sinners. And, although
this confessing and witnessing offends many and causes the Christian
much grief and suffering, the Christian continues to do it, because
he really knows Jesus.