Dear Christian friends:
All of us are planning to go to heaven when we die. If you did not
plan to go to heaven, you would not be here in church today.
But do you think enough about heaven? I suspect that we think much
more about our future here on earth and plan better for our retirement
than for heaven. Earthly pleasures and earthly things get our interest
and attention and we fail to see the eternal, spiritual treasures.
The Bible says that these things we can see are "transient," they
quickly pass away, and they are not very valuable. But the things
we can't see: God, love, forgiveness, angels, heaven, are very, very
valuable and they never pass away.
In our text Jesus, warns us to think more about heaven and the valuable
spiritual things. He tells the story about a steward who wisely
thought and planned for his future. So you and I should think and
plan for heaven and not be foolish and get trapped by earthly pleasures
and things.
Christian Stewards Plan For Heaven
Before you can plan for heaven you must understand that your life and
time on earth is very short. You must also understand that all
earthly things fail and pass away.
Often we act like we will live here on earth 1,000 years. If you think
that you will live here on earth a very long time, you will not plan
for heaven. The steward here in our text understood that he was
finished. His lord said to him, "You can't be my steward any more."
God, your Lord, says the same to you: "You must die! You can't live
here on earth any more! Give account of your stewardship." (verse 2)
When the steward in our text understood that his lord intended to fire
him, he wisely made plans for his future so that he would not have to
dig ditches or beg. (verses 3-7)
So you and I must understand that our life here on earth will quickly
end. We must realize that all these earthly things we love and
treasure will quickly pass away. Then we can wisely plan for our real
future in heaven.
How can we do that?
In our text Jesus tells us how to plan for heaven. (verses 9-13) Jesus
says that we must be good and faithful stewards.
The Christian steward has faith, faith in Jesus Christ. Without
faith in Jesus our plans for heaven will not succeed or happen. "He
that believes and is baptized shall be saved; and he that believes
not shall be condemned." (Mark 16:16) By faith in Jesus our future
is safe and successful. In Jesus God promises to give us all the
riches and glory of heaven. The truly precious, spiritual blessings
we have by accepting Jesus Christ for our Savior. Our sins and
wrongs are all forgiven. No one can condemn us or blame us. God
will not condemn us; He sent Jesus from heaven to earth to be our
Savior. Jesus will not condemn us; He died on the cross so that
we can have forgiveness of sins.
By faith in Jesus we are free from all fear about the future. Our
future in heaven is sure and secure. No one can take that from us.
By faith in Jesus we are free from loving earthly things, free to
love and praise God, free to live for His glory. We are free from
jealousy, pride and self-love. We are free to love others. Like
St. Paul, we live to serve Jesus, our dear Lord and Savior.
(Philippians 1:21) Christ's love constrains us to use our time,
talents and treasure for His glory. We are no more slaves to sin
and money or any earthly pleasure or things. Earthly things no
more control us, but we control them and use them for God's glory
and to help others.
In this way we store up treasure in heaven. Jesus,says, "Lay not
up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroys,
and where thieves break in and steal: but lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth or rust destroy, and where
thieves do not break in nor steal: for where your treasure is, there
will your heart be also." (Matthew 6: 19-21) How do we lay up treasure
in heaven? By doing good works.
Jesus told the Rich Young Man the same. The young man had asked
Jesus what he must do to have eternal life in heaven. Jesus said to
him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all the many things you
have, and give the money to the poor, and then you will have treasure
in heaven: and come and follow Me." (Matthew 19:16-22) When the
young man heard this he went away sorrowful because he had many,
many earthly things. He was a slave to his money and things.
Mammon was his God, not Jesus.
In our text Jesus warns, "No man can serve two masters, because
either he will love the one and hate the other or he will follow
the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon."
(verse 13)
If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, your Master, then you will love
Him and gladly serve Him, you will control and use your time, talent
and treasure for His glory. But if mammon is your Lord, you will be
a slave to money and earthly things, you will save up treasures here
on earth where moths and rust destroy and you will have no treasure
in heaven, also no future there.
We need to resist serving mammon, and strive to serve God. We all
need to honestly examine our hearts and lives in this matter. And
if we do I am sure that we will find many instances where we
have been serving mammon rather than our gracious Father in heaven.
Even Lutheran ministers need to examine themselves.
Areas we might examine are: the honesty of our income tax returns;
are we work-alcoholics, neglecting our duties to family, community
and church? Have we compromised Christian principles for the sake
of a raise or a promotion at work? Have we quarreled and been
estranged over the division of a family inheritance?
Have we become hopelessly in debt in our mad rush to keep up with
our peers and neighbors? Are we giving a generous proportion of our
income for the Gospel ministry here at home and in the District and
Where we have sinned in these instances we need to confess to our
Lord with shame and sorrow and ask his forgiveness, for he does
welcome and forgive persistent sinners. Then by the power of his
love and Spirit through the Word and the Sacraments we may strive to
serve him willingly and joyfully.
Don't let mammon deceive you and fool you! Believe in Jesus Christ!
Love Him and freely serve Him. Then your future in heaven will be
sure and safe and glorious.