August's Sermons

Church Period: The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
90th Anniversary Of Deaf Missions In Minnesota
Sermon Title: Praise The Lord On This 90th Anniversary
Sermon Date: September 22, 1991
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Psalm 103:1-22

Dear Christian friends,

On the morning of November 18, 1960, Marie Schweigert, daughter of Dr. John L. Salvner, phoned me to tell me that her father had suffered a stroke during the night and was in the hospital. She asked me to go and minister to him. I chose some chapters and verses from the Bible which I intended to read to him for his comfort and support and prepared some prayers. When I arrived at his bedside I could see that he was in great pain. I greeted him and began to read the lessons I had chosen. After awhile I could see that he was trying to say something to me, but his voice was weak and I could not understand what he was saying. Then I leaned over close to his mouth and he said again, "Read Psalm 103!" So I read that to him and he seemed much relieved. I was very impressed by this event. Dr. Salvner was suffering much pain and dying, but he wanted to praise God for all his blessings and benefits! Psalm 103 is a beautiful hymn of praise to God for his love, grace, and mercy for sinners. It says to us: "See, the Lord is good."

Dr. Salvner served the deaf of Minnesota for 42 years as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Mpls. and even after that, while Executive Secretary of the Synod's Deaf Mission Board, and in retirement he served as assistant to pastor Lutz, Bremer, Krause and myself, a total of 59 years! Therefore, I feel that it is a good idea to use this Psalm, his favorite Psalm, as the text for this 90th Anniversary. Let this Psalm guide us as we

Praise The Lord On This 90th Anniversary

I. We should not forget to praise the Lord for his blessings and gifts.

A. King David, who wrote this Psalm told himself, "his soul" to forget not. He says to himself, "Praise the Lord, O my soul; all within me, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." (vv. 1-2) David was aware that he might [perhaps] forget to thank and praise God, either because of pride or because of despair. So he reminds himself to thank and praise God.

B. We, also, like David might [perhaps] forget to praise God for all his blessings. True, we may come today and join the celebration, but are we really seeking God's glory or our own? When we have good times and success we may be proud and think, "My skill, my cleverness, my hard work gave me and my church success!"

1. It is our sinful [sinner] nature to boast and forget God's mercy and blessings. Salvner, like David reminded himself to praise God in good times and when success in the church work. I remember that about him.

2. Also when we are having trouble and problems, when nothing is doing right, we may forget to thank and praise God. Instead of thanking him we may complain to him and become angry with him, quit praying to him. We may think that he doesn't care about us, and that he is punishing us for past sins and wrongs. The devil tempts us to think like this, to despair and forget God's love, mercy and forgiveness for sinners. That Friday morning on November 18, 1960, when Salvner was in trouble and dying, he resisted Satan's temptation. He did not despair. He praised God! He is a good example for us. Like David and Salvner, we need to remind ourselves to praise God at all times, in good times and in bad times. A celebration like this one today helps us remember.

II. Remember his benefits!

A. David remembered God's grace, mercy and kindness.

1. In verses 2-6 David reminds himself that the Lord gives him many blessings for his life here on earth. Although he is a sinner all his diseases the Lord heals.

2. Then in verses 7-19 David remembers the Lord's blessings to Israel, his chosen people, his Church. He remembers God's promises to Abraham, to Moses and to himself, that he will send his Son, the Christ, to be the Savior of the world, so that people can have their sins forgiven and with that new, spiritual life, eternal life!

3. In these verses David emphasizes God's mercy and grace, that all people are sinners and therefore do not deserve God's help and salvation, that they do not deserve to go to heaven, but to hell. He, however, shows that God is kind and shows compassion to sinners! Verses 8-13 show this beautifully and clearly: "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love [giving love again and again, more and more]. He will not always accuse, nor will he keep his anger forever; he does not punish us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him."

B. Like David, we today remember God's grace, mercy and kindness.

1. We remember his kind mercy to all the deaf of Minnesota during these past 90 years, whether they belived in him or not. The Lord gives mercy and kindness to all while [during] they live here on earth. Jesus says, "the Father lets his sun shine on the good and on the evil; he sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:45) The Lord has blessed all the deaf in Minnesota with many good gifts for their life: families, friends, schools, colleges, vocational rehab, jobs, good government and many government services. All these the deaf have not deserved. They are sinners same as David and Salvner. God is good!

2. We also today, like David, remember God's grace and mercy to his chosen people, his Church. We remember the eternal salvation he gives to all members of his Church through Baptism, Good News preaching and the Lord's Supper!

3. However today we especially remember his deaf Church here in Minnesota. Beginning with Dr. Salvner in 1901, the Good News of sins forgiven through faith in Jesus has been preached without interruption for 90 years. 17 other pastors have followed Salvner and served here in L.C.M.S. Many deaf have heard this Good News and have believed in Jesus. Many have died and their souls are now with Jesus in heaven. Their bodies rest in the graves waiting for Jesus to come and awaken them to eternal life with new and glorious bodies, same as his glorious body.

Conclusion: Therefore, today we praise God and give all glory to him! Today, we also willingly renew our promise to love him and serve him in the future. We say with King David and Salvner: "Praise the Lord, O my soul; all within me praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits!"
