Dear Christian friends:
A few years ago archaeologists discovered an amazing thing in China
at the massive tomb of its first emperor, Qin Shi Huangde. Qin Shi
ruled China 2,200 years ago. In front of his burial place they
discovered 7,500 life-size soldiers - all made of clay! Although each
soldier had a sword and shield it could not defend its ruler. They
were all false soldiers, and worthless to serve their master.
In our text today Jesus warns us about false people, yes, false church
members. In the parable about the two sons, Jesus teaches us to be
careful lest we give talk service to God without really living for
process, Today I pray that the Holy Spirit will help each one of us
to really serve God, not just talk, talk.
Serve God, Don't Just Talk
Our Lord warns everyone against faith without works. Jesus wants to
see the fruits of faith in our lives.
In our text Jesus warned the chief priests and other Jewish church
leaders. These Jewish church leaders said beautiful words about God.
They were fine, honorable people. All the people respected them.
They were same as the second son in the parable. This second son
talked nicely to his father when his father told him to go work in
the vineyard. He answered, "I will go, father." But then he did
not go. He talked nice and seemed to be a good son, but in his
heart he did not really love and honor his father. The Jewish
church leaders were the same as this second son. They prayed the
right words, they taught the right doctrines, they gave one tenth of
their income to the Lord. But in their heart they did not really love
God and honor Him and obey His commandments.
Therefore, in our text Jesus warns them, "I tell you the truth; tax
collectors and prostitutes are going into God's kingdom before you.
Because John the Baptist told you to change your ways, and you did
not believe him; but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed
him. Even when you saw this happen, you did not change your minds and
believe him." (verses 31-32) These Jewish church leaders talked nicely and
rightly, but did not confess their sins, nor did they trust in Jesus
to receive forgiveness of sins. They gave talk service, but not real
living service to God.
Are we any better than these Jewish church leaders? Perhaps we talk
fine and right. We seem to be good church members. Here in church we
say that we love God and will serve Him, but then we leave church and
forget it. We sing: "Beautiful Savior, King of creation, Son of God
and Son of man; Truly I'd love Thee, Truly I'd serve Thee, Light of
my soul, My joy, my crown." But then we really do not love Jesus nor
serve Him. We refuse to tell a friend about Jesus and invite our
friend to come with us to God's house. We sing, "Lift high the Cross,"
but then we give such small money that the cross is hidden and other
nations cannot see Jesus and believe. If we are like this, we must
see our wrongs and sins, accept God's forgiveness in Jesus and let His
love fill our hearts.
Then we can really serve God, not just talk, talk. Then we can offer
to God the first and best that we have. If we attend to His grace, we
will willingly respond to His love and make a covenant with Him.
Some church members don't want to make a covenant with God or promise
to God. But when they buy a new car, they promise to pay the bank
$200.00 a month for 5 years! When they buy a house, they promise the
bank that they will pay $900.00 a month for 30 years! If we can make
promises to the bank and keep them every month, surely we can make a
promise to God for the support of His precious cross work! God loves
us much more than any banker! And God will not foreclose on us if we
have problems and can't keep our promise.
Our Lord Jesus is calling us today, this RESPONSE SUNDAY, to have honest
faith and really love Him and serve Him. We must do the same as the
first son in the parable. When the father told him to go and work in
the vineyard, he answered, "No! I don't want to!" But later he was
sorry and changed his mind and he went and worked in his father's
vineyard. We, also, must be sorry about our past wrongs and failures,
be sorry and change our mind and heart. The Holy Spirit can help us
to see our past rebellions against our kind Father in heaven: how we
in the past have wasted much time, talent and money in selfish living.
The Holy Spirit can lead us to respond with eagerness and love and then
willingly use our time, talents and money serving and working in God's
vineyard, His church here on earth.
We rejoice to hear again that God, who has much mercy, made us alive in
Christ. We were dead in sin! But God has raised us from spiritual
death. He has given us new birth and new life through the death and
resurrection of His Son. Our Savior, Jesus, gave His life on earth,
that we might have eternal life in heaven. We celebrate Jesus' victory
and respond with joy to our Father's amazing love.
Sir Leonard Wood once visited the king of France and the king was so
pleased with him he invited Sir Leonard for dinner the next day. That
next day Sir Leonard went to the palace and the King, meeting him in
one of the halls, said, "Sir Leonard, I did not expect to see you here
today. Why are you here?"
"Did not your majesty invite me to dine with you?" answered the
surprised guest.
"Yes," replied the King, "but you did not answer my invitation."
It was then that Sir Leonard gave a most wise answer to the King. He
said to the King, "A king's invitation is never answered, but it is
Our King, Jesus, invites us to work in His vineyard. We must never
answer "No" to Jesus our King. We must obey our King! His love
demands such a response!
Don't just talk; really love God and serve Him with your whole life!