Dear Christian friends,
In our text Jesus warns us about pride. Not all pride is bad. Some
pride is good pride. We should feel proud of our flag, our nation.
We should feel proud of honest and good work that we do. We should
feel pride about our God and His Church. But here in the text Jesus
warns us about sinful pride. Sinful pride can do much harm to
ourselves and to others. So we need to
Beware Of Sinful Pride
I. Sinful pride shows itself in various ways.
I. Sometimes church members show sinful pride. We call that spiritual
pride. We think our church is better than other churches. We think
we are better than other Christians. We perhaps think that God loves
only our church and not other churches.
1. Here in our text we read how Jesus' disciples showed that bad spirit
or or pride. (v. 38) Another man who did not belong to their group was
commanding out evil spirits out of people in Jesus' name. The disciples
told him to stop his ministry because he did not belong to
their group. When Jesus heard about that He corrected His disciples
and told them to let that man continue his ministry. Jesus told the
12 disciples that that man was not their enemy, but their friend and
helper. (vv. 39-40)
2. Sometimes we are jealous of other Christian churches. Perhaps they
are growing faster than our church or perhaps they seem to have a
better program than our church. We should not feel jealous of these
other Christian churches and we should not bother their ministry.
Instead we should be glad that they, too, are doing the Lord's work.
They are not our enemy. They are our Christian brothers and sisters.
We should humbly pray for them that God will bless their work, too.
3. It is true that these other Christian churches often compete with us,
and sometimes they "steal" a member or two, but competition between
churches is not always bad. Perhaps we need some competition to make
us wake up and work harder and improve our own ministry. Jesus does
not want our church to become like a social club where we can enjoy
one another's fellowship and forget about the other sinners still
lost out there. Jesus wants His people, you and me, to awake and
work hard to invite the lost deaf sheep. There are plenty of lost
deaf sheep out there, more than enough to fill all the deaf churches
in Los Angeles. Competition may be Jesus' way of challenging us to
do His work better. Beware of spiritual pride! Don't be jealous of
other churches or of other Christians!
B. Another way in which Sinful pride shows itself is when we cause
children or other weak Christians to sin by our bad example. In our
text Jesus warns us about that, too. Jesus warns about the terrible
punishment to those adults or senior citizens who give a bad example
and lead children and young people into sin. (v. 42) Jesus says
such a person will get worse punishment than drowning in the ocean.
Parents and grandparents should always show love, patience, and
kindness to children and young people and give a good example for the
children and young people to copy. If parents and grandparents do
wrong and sin what can you expect of the children and young people?
We parents and grandparents should live right, holy lives, and give
good example and influence to the children and youth.
C. Sinful pride also shows itself when we Christians fail to control
the lusts (bad desires) of our mind and body. (vv. 43-47) Jesus
warns about our hand, foot and eye leading us into sin: "If your
hand makes you sin, cut it off. It is better to live with one hand
and go to heaven, than to die with two hands and go to hell. In
hell worms that eat you never die and fires that burn you never stop."
(vv. 43-44) And Jesus says the same about the foot and eye. What
does Jesus mean? Does He really mean that we should cut off our hand?
No! He means that we should give-up all things that lead us to
sin or make us fail to do, our duty. These things perhaps
are very dear to us and give us much pleasure and excitement.
It perhaps is a friend who does not believe in Jesus.
Jesus means that it is better to go to heaven without that dear
friend than to go to hell with that friend. If you don't give up that
that friend he may cause you to lose your faith in Jesus.
Sinful pride can lead us away from God and finally to hell. In hell
people are without God, no mercy, no forgiveness, no merit of Christ
to put on, only guilt and remorse! People there will say, "Why
was I such a fool? Why did I not listen to God's warning?" The
terrible guilt and remorse will not stop. That's what Jesus means
when He says, “In hell, worms that eat you never die, and fires that
burn you never stop." (v. 48)
II. What is the medicine for sinful pride? In our text Jesus explains
about the medicine. He calls it "Salt". (vv. 48-50) When Jesus
lived on earth they didn't have refrigerators or freezers. People
used salt to purify and cleanse the food from germs for preserving
it. So Jesus uses "salt" to mean something that cleanses and
purifies our proud, sinful hearts. What is that? That is God's
Word! On the evening before He was crucified Jesus prayed to the
Father for His disciples. He prayed: "Sanctify them through Thy truth (make holy);
Thy word is truth." (John 17:17) Think much about the Ten
Commandments. They show us what is right and wrong and how we
should love God and our neighbor. They also help you to see and
know your sin or law-breaking, which helps to keep you humble and
makes you aware that you are sinner like everyone else. Then after
you have thought about the Ten Commandments hurry to the Gospel,
the good news that God loves sinners and shows mercy to those who
confess their sins. The Gospel shows that God has already forgiven
all sins, through His Son Jesus. We hear the good news of God's
love and mercy in Jesus: Love God and get true spirit,life and pride.
John says, "See how much our heavenly Father loves us; because He
calls us His children...and everyone who really believes this will
try to stay pure as Christ is pure." (1 John 3:1-4) And St. Paul
admonishes us: "Don't spend your time in wild parties or in getting
drunk or in adultery and lust, or in fighting and quarreling, or
jealousy. But ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you live as you
should, and don't make plans to enjoy evil." (Romans 13:13-14)
God's Word is the "salt" or medicine we use to put away our sinful
pride and control it.
Additional Notes: Salt - The "salt" is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus,
God's Son became joined with us. He was born under the Law. He accepted
our sins and suffered the punishment of our sins, whole world. Then he
arose from death. In Jesus I was crucified, I was punished! I paid for
my sins. In Jesus I arise from sin and spiritual death to live a new
and holy life. Sinful pride is gone! Humility, praise and thanks I
give to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
"It is not what Christ did that believers must do, but what was done to
Christ is what believers must learn to recognize as being done to them
as well." Martin Luther L.W. Vol. 1 p. 62 This is what God sees happening
to us in baptism. It takes most Christians all their life to realize this.