Dear Christian friends,
How do you feel this morning? Happy? Sad? In between? Perhaps you are
upset and angry? Perhaps you are worried about a problem you have. Maybe
you are tired because of a heavy burden of sickness you have or someone
else in your family is sick.
Inspite of our troubles and problems we Christians can be happy. St. Paul
in our text reminds us of this. He says, "Rejoice in the Lord always."
(v. 4) We need to hear these words often because often we are not happy
in the Lord, We may be happy in our riches and pleasures or we like the
unbelievers may be happy in our good health, but we are not happy "in the
Lord." When our health fails or our money fails or other earthly pleasures
fail then we like the unbelievers are tempted to be sad and unhappy.
So we need Paul's admonition here:
Rejoice In The Lord Always
Why can we Christians rejoice in the Lord always?
Paul gives two reasons why we Christians can be happy in the Lord always.
First, because we have God's peace and Spirit living in our hearts. Paul
writes, "The peace of God which exceeds all understanding, that peace will
keep your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus." (v. 7) We Christians do not
worry and fear in time of trouble because God's peace guards and keeps our
minds and hearts in Christ Jesus our Lord. We know that God is our dear
Father in heaven because of what Jesus has done for us. When others have
trouble they often think and feel that God is punishing them for their
sins and wrongs of the past. They do not think God is their friend and
Father, but they see Him as a stern, angry Judge who condemns their sins
and punishes them. But we Christians know and believe that God loves us
inspite of our sins and has forgiven all our sins because His Son Jesus
our Lord suffered and paid for them upon the cross. We see God as our
Friend and Helper, our dear Father in heaven. Therefore when our health
fails or other earthly supports fail we have God for our support and
believe that what is happening to us happens for our eternal salvation
and good.
Paul had experienced this wonderful peace of God. When he wrote this
letter he was in prison. He had done nothing wrong; he did not break
any laws. But his enemies had lied about him. They hated him because
he preached that Jesus is the only Savior for sinners. He preached that
keeping Jewish laws and customs would not make anyone righteous before
God. So these Jewish leaders had him arrested and put in prison. But
Paul did not worry or complain. He had "the peace of God to keep guard
his mind and heart in Christ Jesus." Paul had God's Word with him in
prison and he read that often, and He prayed to God daily. He writes,
"Don't worry about anything, but thank God for everything. And let God
know what you need in prayer." (v. 6)
Paul thanked God even while he sat in prison. Why? Most people would
complain to God about that, but Paul thanked God also for that. He was
suffering for Jesus' sake, because He preached the Gospel. He was not
suffering for any wrong doing. But he was sharing in Jesus' sufferings.
Paul writes in the first part of this letter: "You have been given the
privilege of serving Christ, not only by believing in Him but also by
suffering for Him. Now you can join me in the fight." (Philippians
Like Paul and the Christians of Philippi, we have the peace of God in
Jesus our Lord and that peace, like a soldier, guards and protects our
hearts from worry or fear in time of trouble. This is the first reason
why we Christians can rejoice always even in trouble.
The second reason is that our troubles here on earth last only a short
time. Paul says, "The Lord is near." (v. 50) Paul means that the Lord
Jesus will come quickly to judge all people and then take the believers
with Him to their eternal home in heaven. Our troubles and sufferings
here on earth do not continue for a long time. We have hope for a better
world in the future where there is no more sin, suffering, enemies
or death. It's only a short time and then our fight here on earth will
be done! Then we shall join in the glory and victory of our Lord Jesus
forever. Therefore we Christians can rejoice in the Lord always.
How will we act if we always rejoice in the Lord?
First, we will be kind to all people. Paul says, "Let all people know
you are kind." (v. 5a) We will not show anger or hatred to anyone,
even to our enemies. If our happiness is in, Jesus our Lord, then it will
not depend on earthly things that others may steal from us or take from us.
Even when someone tells a lie about us to hurt our good name or reputation
we will not hate that person or try to get even with him as the
unbelievers who know not Jesus do. We will try to correct them and help
them to see their wrong. And pray for them and urge them also to believe
in Jesus and have their joy in Him.
Secondly, we will be happy people. We will rejoice before God and we
will rejoice before other people.
We Will rejoice when we come to God in worship and prayer. Paul says,
"Don't worry about anything, but thank God for everything. And let God
know what you need in prayer." (v. 6) If you have a problem at work,
tell it to God and trust Him to help you. If your spouse is sick,
perhaps even dying, don't worry, go to your dear Father in heaven and tell
Him to help you in that sickness: either to become well or to suffer
with patience what is His will. Paul said that he could praise God either
by living or by dying. And He added this thought: "I live for Jesus, and
if I die that is better ... I have a desire to depart (die) and be with
Christ which is much better." (Philippians 1:20 G3)
As we rejoice before God in prayer and worship, so will we also rejoice
before people. Don't worry and complain before others. If you worry and
complain before others you show little or no faith and trust in God.
Before other people show happy faith and hope in God.
And as we rejoice before people we will join in various activities that
all good people praise and do. St. Paul writes in our text: "Finally,
my brothers and sisters in Jesus, think about the things that are true,
and honest, and right, and pure, and lovely, and honorable, and think the
good things that good people praise." (v. 7) We will join in activities
that are clean, pure and accepted by all good people. We will not join
in sinful activities that unbelievers and wicked people take up such as
using drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine or alcohol to get high.
I am sad to say many people today do these evil activities. Also
we will not join in pornography, dirty books and dirty movies that praise
adultery and homosexual sins and other sexual sins. We will control our
sexual desires and use our sexual organs and our bodies in clean, holy
ways as the Bible teaches us to do in holy marriage. We will remember
that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 3:16,
6:15-20) We will not become "filled (drunk) with wine, but we will be
filled with the Holy Spirit; speaking to one another in psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord."
(Ephesians 5:18-19)
Rejoice in the Lord always! You have good reason to rejoice in the Lord
and you have many opportunities each day. Rejoice, you! Yes you!