August's Sermons

Church Period: The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: The Valuable Gospel
Sermon Date: October 8, 1978
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 22: 1-10

Dear Christian friends,

Valuable things often are dangerous things. If we use these valuable things with care and correctly, they are wonderful blessings to us. But if we use them wrongly and without care, they can harm us or destroy us. Here are some examples: Fire, drugs, gasoline, atomic power, and sex.

The Gospel also is a very valuable thing. It is the most valuable thing that God has given to us. If we use the Gospel carefully and rightly, it brings us the best blessings of all, but if we use it wrongly and carelessly, it will bring us trouble and destruction now on earth and forever in hell.

In our text, Jesus tells us about this valuable Gospel.

The Valuable Gospel

I. Use it rightly!

I. In our text, Jesus compares the Gospel with a great wedding feast which a great king prepared for his son. The king killed many oxen and fat calves, and prepared much wine for his son's wedding celebration feast. So God has prepared wonderful blessings, great joy and celebration for us in the Gospel, the Good News about His Son, Jesus Christ. In John 3:16, we read "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." And Jesus Himself says to all sinners, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.". (Matthew 11:28) At another time, Jesus said, "Blessed, (happy) are they who hear the Word of God and keep it." (Luke 11:28)

The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Mary, offers us many, many wonderful spiritual blessings: Peace in our heart because God forgives our sins; Friendship with God whom we can now call our dear Father; Hope for eternal life in heaven with God and all the saints in glory; Courage to face life's troubles and problems even the last great trouble, death; Purpose for our life here on earth, serving our wonderful God.

Yes, the Gospel offers us many wonderful blessings, like the joys of a great wedding celebration feast. We are wise if we use the Gospel correctly. Are you using the Gospel correctly? Do you come to hear it regularly when it is preached here on Sundays? Do you confess your sins and feel sorry for then? Do you believe that God loves you although you are a sinner? Do you believe that He forgives all your sins because of Jesus Christ? Do you rejoice in that Good News?

You rejoice in hearing that News more than hearing that the Dodgers won the National League Pennant? Do you value the Gospel more than anything else on earth? Are you eager to support the preaching of it here at Pilgrim Lutheran Church? Are you feeling happy and honored to help support world wide mission work through our District and Synod?

If you can answer "Yes", to all these questions, you are using the Gospel correctly, and you are very wise and a happy person. Continue using the Gospel correctly. Jesus is very pleased about that.

II. Don't use the Gospel in wrong ways.

In our text, we read about the many Jewish people of Jesus' time on earth who used the Gospel in a wrong way. When the king invited them to the wedding feast, they refused to come. (v. 3) Although the king urged them to come and invited them several times, they didn't want to come. They made excuses and continued working: one attended to his store. Another attended to his farm. They felt they did not have time for God's Word. They let work and business bother them and keep them from using the Gospel in right ways. They were very foolish. They failed to receive the wonderful spiritual blessings God offers to people in the Gospel.

Are you like these people? You refuse to come and hear the Gospel preaching on Sundays? Do you think that other things are more important? Perhaps work, fixing your house or car, going bowling or fishing?

Perhaps you come to church often, but do you confess your sins when Pastor preaches to you? Are you sorry? Do you really believe in Jesus as your Savior? Do you really love Jesus and are happy in Him?

You help support many things, but do not help support your church and District and Synod mission work? You spend more for Pleasures than you give for church work? You love earthly things and pleasures more than Jesus Christ and His church?

If you answer "Yes", to all of these questions or even to some of them, you are using the Gospel wrongly. You will receive a curse instead of its blessings.

If you have not been using the Gospel correctly, now is the time to repent. I am sure that we all fail either some more or some less. We all often fail to hear the Gospel and value it as we should. Let us repent today. Then believe that God loves us anyway and forgives us. Let us promise to use the valuable Gospel rightly in the future.
