August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 21st Sunday After
Sermon Title: Christian Stewards Believe God's Promises
Sermon Date: October 19, 1980
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 6:24-34

Dear Christian friends:

Today we continue the series of sermons about Christian Stewards.

Often church members fail to be good stewards because they do not believe God's promises. Sometimes they do not know God's many promises to bless those who have faith and serve Him. They say, "I have no time to do God's work. I can't afford to give the tithe. I can't do anything." They are worried about food, clothes, and housing and can't do God's kingdom work.

In our text Jesus reminds us that God provides for all our physical needs and He promises to bless those who have faith and serve Him. We need to hear again God's promises to us so that our faith can grow and we can be good stewards.

Christian Stewards Believe God's Promises

What are these promises? God promises what?

God promises to take care of us. He will provide, food, clothes and house for us. In our text Jesus reminds us that God takes care of all nature. The birds and the flowers depend on Him for their life. Jesus says that God loves us people more than He loves the birds and the flowers. (verses 25-30) God who feeds the birds and makes the beautiful flowers bloom will take care of us. We are more valuable than birds and flowers. Since God takes care of birds and flowers, He will much more take care of us. This Jesus promises to us.

We should not worry about food, clothes and house. If we worry, we show that we do not really believe in God. If we worry, worry, worry about food, clothes and house, we are like the unbelievers. In our text Jesus warns,

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. (verse 31-32)

We should not worry about food and clothes, but have faith and trust God to provide for us, and then do His Kingdom Work first.

Jesus says,

"Don't worry: Instead give first place to His Kingdom and to what He requires, and He will provide you with all these other things." (verse 33)

If we put God's work first on our list and attend to that, then Jesus promises that God will bless us with food, clothes and house. If we have faith in God and give the tithe for His Kingdom Work, we will not be poor because of that, as some think.

Solomon says,

"Honor the Lord by giving Him the first part of all your income, and He will fill your barns with wheat and barley and overflow your wine vats with the finest wines." (Proverbs 3:9)

And God Himself promises through the prophet,

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there will be food enough in My Temple; if you do I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you will not have room enough to receive it! Try it: Let Me prove it to you: Your crops will be large, because I will guard them against insects, and plagues. Your grapes will not shrivel away before they ripen," says the Lord. "And all nations will call you blessed because you will be a land sparkling with happiness. These are the promises of the Lord." (Malachi 3:10-12)

Jesus says,

"If you give, you will receive! Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give - large or small - will be used to measure what is given back to you." (Luke 6:38)

And St. Paul writes,

"But remember this - if you give little, you will get little. A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much." (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Giving money for God's work is like a farmer planting seeds in his ground. The farmer who has much faith will plant many seeds and many acres and later he will harvest a large crop. So the Christian who gives much for God's work, will receive back many times more blessings from God.

Do you believe these promises of God to you? If you believe these promises of God, you will show it by how you manage your life.

You will save time for doing God's Kingdom Work. You will not say, "I have no time for church work." You will arrange your daily schedule so you will have time to read and study the Bible. Then you will know and remember God's commands to you. You will take time to read the church papers like the Deaf Lutheran and the Lutheran Witness so that you will know what's happening in your church, what successes in mission work and other church work. You will take time to come to Bible Classes on Sundays and to special meetings to learn more about the church work. Now we have the Forward In Remembrance Appeal. Through that you will learn much about the Lord's Kingdom work and its needs.

If you believe God's promises, you will use your time to do His work. Also you will volunteer to use your skills or talents for God's Kingdom work as many of you do now.

Perhaps you have the skill to be a teacher. Then volunteer to teach a Bible Class or Sunday School class. Perhaps you have the skill to sign sing in the choir. Then volunteer to sing in the choir, as some of our members do. Perhaps you have the skill to type. Then volunteer to help with the church office work. Mrs. Ellis comes every Saturday to type the bulletin and the sermon. Perhaps you have the skill to be a printer. Then volunteer to help with our church printing. Every Saturday Mr. Clifford Putman and Mr. George Gantner print the bulletin, the sermon and the Bible Class lesson. Perhaps you have the skill to keep files and records. Then volunteer to do that work. Marion Anderson keeps our church records up to date. Perhaps you have the skill to keep money books. Then volunteer for that. Mr. Green and Mr. Thuve have those skills and are using them to keep our treasury books.

Perhaps you have the skill to do carpentry work or painting to be done. Whatever skill God has given to you or led you to develop use that skill for His Kingdom Work.

If you believe God's promises, you will use your skills for His Kingdom Work. Also you will give the tithe or more to support the Kingdom Work.

A Lutheran couple here in Los Angeles says this about tithing: "We have tithed for many years and find that tithing is the only real satisfying way of supporting God's Kingdom. Have we received blessings as God has promised? Yes! More than we expected. Will we ever return to the "tip the Lord with left-overs"? Never? That insults God. Do we advise others to tithe? Yes! Whenever the topic is discussed we advise people to try tithing for one year to see what will happen. We know from personal experience what will happen."

Many years ago, a man knelt with his pastor as he committed himself to God to give the tithe. His first weeks' pay was $10.00 and the tithe was $1.00. As he grew older, he became more prosperous; his tithes became $7.50 a week, then $10. He moved to another city and his tithe was $100.a week as he was earning $1,000 a week. Then his tithe became $200 then $500.

He sent his pastor friend a telegram: “Come to see me." The pastor arrived at the man's beautiful home. They had a good time talking over old times. Finally the man came to the point, "You remember that promise I made years ago to tithe? How can I get released? When I made the promise, I only had to give a dollar, but now it's $500. I can't afford to give away money like that."

The old pastor looked at his friend and said, "I'm afraid we cannot get a release from the promise, but there is something we can do. We can kneel and ask God to shrink your income so you can afford to give a dollar again."

The Lord promises to bless those who believe His promises and then use their time, talents and treasure for His Kingdom Work. If we really believe His promises we will show it by our life of work and service. On Loyalty Sunday, November 2nd, we will have another opportunity to make our pledges to God and show if we believe in Him or not.

May God give us His Holy Spirit and help us to really believe His Word and promises!
