Dear Christian friends,
When we look around we do not see many Christians in the world. Seventy
percent of the people in the world do not belong to any Christian church.
Here in the U.S.A. it is better than most countries in the world. Here
50% of the people say that they are Christian. But among the deaf only
20% seem to belong to a Christian church.
We Christians should not be surprised or depressed by this fact. Jesus
has admonished us about this fact. He warns:"Enter through the narrow
gate; because the gate is wide and the way easy, that leads to destruction,
and those who enter through the wide gate are many. But the gate
is narrow, and the way hard, that leads to life, and those who find it
are few." (Matthew 7:13)
In our text Jesus closes the parable about the king's wedding feast with
these shocking words:"Many are called, but few are chosen."
Few Are Saved, Why?
I. Often people blame God, that many are not saved. They are very
displeased to read in the Bible that many will go to hell. They think that
God should not punish anyone in hell. They think that our God is cruel
and terrible. Many do not believe that there is a hell. Even many preachers
and church members no more believe that there is a hell. Perhaps some of you
think like that.
A. We must not blame God, that many are not saved.
If you think like that, you are making a big mistake and are going on
the wide easy road to hell. We must not blame God about many people who
go to hell. It's not His fault! The Bible clearly teaches that we all
deserve to go to hell because we are sinners and daily sin much. Even
we Christians continue to sin much daily. God did not sin. The Devil
sinned and Adam and Eve listened to the Devil's lies and they fell into
sin and we are born sinners. God is holy, righteous and glorious! We
are the sinners and the wrong doers, the idolaters, adulterers, cheaters,-
haters, murderers, jealous ones and rebels! We truly deserve God's
anger and punishment forever in hell. God is just and right to punish
all of us in hell. We must not blame Him!
B. God has made salvation for all.
We should fall down on our knees and thank God that a few are saved;
and not complain about that!
1. In our text Jesus says, "Many are called." Because of His
great love and mercy God has prepared salvation for all people.
In this parable Jesus compares God with the rich and good king
who prepared a wedding feast for his son. As the king prepared the
great banquet, so God has prepared salvation for all people. The Bible
says that God wants all men to be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4)
2. God_also invites all people to come to salvation. As the king
in this parable sent his servants to invite the people to the wedding
feast, So God has sent prophets, apostles and evangelists to invite
all people to come and be saved. Since Jesus time on earth and even
today God sends His servants, pastors, preachers and evangelists to
invite all sinners to come and be saved.
Therefore, we must not blame God if many go to hell. He did not
do sin or wrong; we did that! Moreover, God does not want anyone to go to hell.
He swears and says, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but I
want the wicked man to turn from his way and live." (Ezekiel 33:11) God
has shown His great love and mercy in making salvation for all people.
He did not have to do this. He is just and holy even if all go to hell.
Because of His grace He prepared salvation and invited all to come and
enjoy it. "Many are called."
"But few are chosen." Few are saved. Many go to hell. It is not God's
fault as we have seen. Whose fault is it?
We must_blame those who are lost. They refuse to accept God's kind
invitation, same as the people this parable refused to accept the king's
invitation to his son's wedding banquet. We read that they laughed and
mocked when the king's servants invited them to the wedding feast. (v. 5)
Some of them did shameful things to the king's servants and even killed
some of them. (v.6)
Since Jesus time and also today many people mock and laugh at God's
servants, the pastors and evangelists. They think their preaching is foolish.
They think that their farms, their jobs and their businesses are
more important than hearing God's word of salvation. They do not respect
pastors and evangelists. They laugh and mock about heaven and hell. Therefore
it is their own fault if they go to hell. God wants to save them, but
they don't want it.
C. Some people seem to accept God's invitation. They join a church, even a
Christian church and seem to be good members, but even these are not
saved. Not everyone who joins a church is saved. We see that this is true from
this parable.
1. The guest without a wedding dress.
When the first peopled refused to come to the wedding feast, then the
king sent his servants to invite others: the poor, the blind, the deaf,
the good and the bad, anyone they could find. When the banquet hall was
full with guests the king came in to see the guests. He saw one there
without a wedding garment, and he said to him, "Friend, how did you come
in here without a wedding garment?" The man can't answer. He has no excuse.
He can't blame the king. The king had a wedding garment for all
the guests. But he didn't want the king's garment; he wanted his own
garment. So the king told his servants to bind him, hand and foot, and
throw him out.
What does this mean? It means that we must put on Jesus' righteousness
or we can't be saved. The wedding garment is Jesus' righteousness,
which He earned for us by His holy, perfect life and by His suffering
our punishment on the cross. By faith in Jesus we put on that perfect
righteousness with which we can stand before the holy God. But many think
that they can be saved by their own good works, their own righteousness.
They refuse to put on Jesus' beautiful robe of holiness. They join a
church, but they do not see the light of Jesus' cross. They will not be
Conclusion: "Many are called, but few chosen." Remember that! Few are
saved! Many go to hell. Don't blame God. Fear God! Confess that you are
a sinner and that you deserve to go to hell. Then accept God's kind
invitation and His salvation in Jesus Christ. Thank and praise Him
if you are now joined with the few who go in through the narrow gate!
If you are not yet a believer, now is the time to believe and be saved.