August's Sermons

Church Period: The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: Redesigned In Christ
Sermon for Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Sermon Date: October 20, 1996
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Philippians 2:1-5

Dear Christian friends,

My very first encounter with the Lutheran Women's Missionary League happened 51 years ago in Great Falls, Montana. I had been assigned as a vicar to minister to the deaf of Montana and Spokane, Washington. My headquarters was to be Great Falls, where the Montana School for the Deaf was located. There were about 40 children there, from first grade through twelfth, who enrolled in our Lutheran classes. The pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Great Falls, told me that the District L.W.M.L. would be having their convention at Great Falls that October and would be adopting a district project. He asked if I had a need that could be offered as a project. I told him that we could use some teaching materials, especially a film strip projector and a library of filmstrip to go with it etc. He thought that would be great and so we submitted it along with the others. It was adopted and certainly was a tremendous help in my ministry to the deaf children there. In each of the three other districts where I have served the deaf L.W.M.L. has aided me in my ministry. So you can appreciate that I have a very warm spot in my heart for the Lutheran Women's Missionary League.

Today we thank God for all His blessings on the Lutheran Women's Missionary League, and for the blessing they have been to so many all over the world. And we pray for God's continued blessings on their leaders, their service and their missionary spirit.

The text chosen for this day is the Epistle Lesson, which has been read from Philippians 2:1-5. We will be considering this text under the theme: "Redesigned in Christ," the theme chosen by the International Lutheran Women's Missionary League for this special purpose.

Redesigned In Christ

I. God loves to redesign people.

A. You don't have to be around this wonderful God of ours long before you begin to understand that He loves to remodel people, to redesign them. That's our God! In His word He gives us one example after another.

It would be fascinating to walk through the pages of the Bible history and just observe the love and grace of God at work, transforming, redesigning, and remodeling one person after another. However, we don't have time for that this morning. It might be good for a series of sermons or a Bible Class series.

B. However, I am going to give you one dramatic example, that of St. Paul. Before God redesigned him his name was Saul. He had been persecuting Christ and His Church. Suddenly a bright light blinds him and knocks him off his horse to the ground. A voice says, "Saul, I have a new name for you and a new road for you to travel. On that road you will persecute no one. Instead, you will share the good news of salvation with the Gentile nations. You will tell about My death on the cross and about My resurrection. You will proclaim My Father's grace and mercy, the forgiveness of sins, in My name. And I will be with you. Paul was redesigned by Christ to become the greatest missionary the world has ever seen.

Transition: For Paul and others like him the change is dramatic. For others it is much more subtle. But in every case, it's our wonderful God at work, remaking and remodeling. It is marvelous! It is miraculous! Our God just loves to redesign people.

II. The question is "Is He still at it?" Does God still love to redesign people? Or has He given up? Oh no, a thousand times, no! It's still the same love, the same mercy and grace that Christ uses to change people. We have His Word on it! He still loves to redesign people.

A. He comes to us in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Just a little common water. Just the right amount of miraculous and powerful Word of God: "John, Paul, Mary, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." He meets and greets the sinner there, no matter the size. We have nothing to do with it. He does it all! He gives love. He gives grace. He gives faith. He gives forgiveness and new life. He gives eternal life. He changes, transforms and redesigns. He does it, and He still does it today! I was redesigned by Christ at the font (Baptismal font), and so were you! Isn't it wonderful! God still loves to redesign people!

B. Why is it that we Christians are so eager to come to the Lord's Table to partake of Holy Communion? Isn't it because our God is still redesigning us here at His table? He meets the sinner here, too. His love is here! His grace is here! All the blessings of His death on the cross and His resurrection are here! His body and blood are here! He changes us here! He did it, and He still does it today. I am redesigned by Christ here at the Table. I am, and so are you! And as I leave the altar, the blessing continues to echo in my ear: "May this body and blood or our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen and keep you in the one true faith unto life everlasting." He forgives me! He strengthens me! He redesigns me and empowers me for Christian living. Isn't it wonderful? God still loves to redesign people.

Transition: Our text describes God's redesigning not only of an individual or two, but of an entire congregation. The setting is, unfortunately, all too familiar. Perhaps each of us can identify with the sad situation in the congregation at Philippi.

III. Redesigning needed at Philippi and at our congregations today.

A. We have this wonderful congregation at Philippi. In chapter one Paul expresses his great love for this congregation and the joy they had given to him by their faith, their love and support. He told them that in all his prayers he thanked God for them. He called them "blessed by God" and "saints of Christ." It seems to be a great congregation, a tribute to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

B. However, they needed to be redesigned, redesigned by Christ.

1. What happened? What was the problem? Somehow they had lost their focus. Instead of focusing on Jesus and His mission, they began focusing on themselves. "They lost it!" we would say today. Instead of being the church at Philippi they had become just another club or organization.

2. Paul doesn't mince any words here in our text. In love he puts it on the line. He's talking to the Philippians, but he could be talking to us, to this congregation to L.W.M.L. women, to you and me. In essence, he says, "Somethings wrong! I can hardly believe my ears! I've heard that you're not united anymore as a congregation. I've heard you lost your focus, that you've forgotten Christ's mission! I just can't believe it."

"I've heard something else, that you're focusing on yourselves and on your own mission. They tell me there's fighting and rivalry, and strife among you, pride and conceit, also. Is it true? Is it true that you've lost the team spirit? That you can't work together anymore? That you've lost your vision and purpose?

"My dear Philippians, I've heard that you are so busy protecting your own turf, your own ideas, your own way, that the Kingdom work is hurting, and that you're hurting each other. This cannot continue."

Transition: It's tough talk, isn't it? Tough talk for them, and for us, too. How often Christ's mission is derailed because of petty jealousies and selfish ways. The team spirit is gone, and the Holy Spirit Himself is ignored. Is there no hope? Of course there is!

IV. We can be redesigned by God's grace, over and over again.

A. List to Paul. Listen to him talk about "redesign." Listen as he talks to the Philippians here in our text: (read verses one to five!)

B. Listen also as he describes the humble attitude of Christ, which we are to have by His redesigning grace: (read verses 6-8)

C. Listen further as he tells them they can be as shining stars in a dark and doomed world: (read verses 12-16a)

Conclusion: What a congregation the Philippians became by the grace and power of the Gospel. They became a joy to Paul, and a joy to their Lord, Jesus, a powerful witness to the doomed world. They had been redesigned by Christ!

And what a great example for us! A congregation filled with love, joy and peace. A congregation truly redesigned by Christ. A congregation reaching out in Christ's name to our dying and doomed world! This is my fervent prayer for us, for all the congregations of our church, and for the Lutheran Women's Missionary League as well. May God grant it for Jesus sake.
