Dear Christian friends:
I think that many of you know the Ten Commandments. But are you aware
that the Ten Commandments all have one basic idea or requirement from
us? They are all united by one short word. What is that word?
That word is LOVE! In our text Jesus shows that. He joins all the Ten
Commandments into one word, LOVE. Jesus says, "You must love the Lord
your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind." This is the first and most important commandment. And the
second commandment is like it: "You must love your neighbor as yourself."
(vv. 37-39) LOVE GOD! LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! The First, Second and Third
Commandments, the First Table, command us to love God. The Fourth, Fifth,
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Commandments, the Second Table,
command us to love our neighbor. The three Commandments on the First
Table show us the various ways we are to love God, and the seven
Commandments on the Second Table show us the various ways we are to
love people.
Same as the Jewish leaders in our text, many people misunderstand about
the Ten Commandments. Some think that they can keep the Ten Commandments
Others do not like the Ten Commandments and think they are too strict.
Most people do not value and love the Ten Commandments as they
really should. Really, the Ten Commandments are good and beautiful. It
is necessary for us to understand correctly about them. Here in our
text Jesus shows us
Although we know and respect the Ten Commandments, we can't really keep
them and obey them. Jesus' summary of the two tables shows this. The
Ten Commandments show us that we are sinners before God and men, and that
we therefore deserve God's anger and eternal punishment in hell. The Ten
Commandments condemn us before God and men. This is a great blessing! A
blessing? Yes, the Ten Commandments show us that we need a Savior! In
the Bible St. Paul says, "By the Law is the knowledge of sin...I had not
known sin except by the Law; for I had not known lust except the Law had
said, 'Thou shalt not covet.'" (Romans 3:20 and 7:7)
And here in our text Jesus' summary of the two tables emphasizes LOVE. It
is not enough that we obey the Ten Commandments. People obey the Ten
Commandments, but they do it without love for God or their neighbor.
They obey the Law for other reasons or motives. They really have no
heart for God or for other people. They obey the law because they are
afraid of the police or afraid of God. They are afraid of police,
courts and jail or other fines. They really do not love God or their
neighbor. They are selfish, and greedy, without heart.
I say “they," but really I should say "we." Even we Christians often
obey the law without love. We, too, are afraid of the police or afraid
God will punish us. We do not eagerly and gladly do what the law
requires. We often feel forced, and we complain and rebel. When our
conscience blames us we make beautiful excuses. We perhaps obey the
law, but we do it without love for God and our neighbor. We often obey
feeling anger and hatred against God and our neighbor. In His sermon on
the mountain Jesus shows that this is true. Jesus says, "You know the
Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill; and whoever shall kill shall be in
danger of the judgment:" but I say to you, "That whoever is angry with
his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.” (Matt.
5:21-22) Again Jesus says, "You know the Commandment, "Thou shalt not
commit adultery:" but I say to you, "That whoever looks on a woman to
lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."
(Matthew 5:27-28) Many people obey the Fifth Commandment. They do not
kill anyone. But they often hate someone. Many do obey the Sixth
Commandment. They do not commit adultery, but they have lust in their
heart. In His summary of the two tables, Jesus shows that wrong feelings
in the heart are sin and condemn us before God. God requires obedience
with love and a pure heart.
Jesus' summary of the two tables of the Ten Commandments shows us that
we are sinners and that we can't really obey the Ten Commandments. We
cannot make ourselves right with God by the Law. It is good that we
know this. The Ten Commandments are a real blessing for us. They help
us to be honest and confess our sins to God and to one another. Now we
can stop trying to excuse ourselves and instead let God excuse us
because of Jesus. We can put away our own righteousness which is tainted,
and then put on Jesus' perfect righteousness: Jesus came here on earth
from heaven to keep and obey the Ten Commandments for us.
In that same sermon on the mountain, Jesus says, "Think not that I am
come to destroy the Law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but
to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17) Jesus came to keep and obey the Law (the
Ten Commandments). For Himself? No! For us! Then God can announce
and judge us holy and righteous, although, really, we are not righteous.
However, through faith in Jesus we are now righteous, The prophet
Jeremiah calls Jesus: "THE LORD, OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." (Jeremiah 33:16)
And when Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River, Jesus accepted
that responsibility. John did not want to baptize Jesus, but Jesus said
to him, “Let it happen: because we must fulfill all righteousness."
(Matthew 3:13-17) St. Paul preached this righteousness: "But now the
righteousness of God without the Law is shown, being witnessed by the
Law and the prophets; the righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ
unto them that believe: for there is not difference: for all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His
grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." (Romans 3:21-24)
Praise give to Jesus! He kept and obeyed the Ten Commandments for us,
and in doing that He earned a perfect righteousness for us and for all.
Therefore, I have good news for you today! You are righteousness, holy,
perfect, exactly as the Ten Commandments say you should be. God says to
you today, "Fear not, I have redeemed thee, I have called you by your
name, You are mine."
Yes, we are God's holy children now through faith in Jesus. Therefore,
let us now with thanks and joy, love Him our dear Father in heaven. The
Holy Spirit gives us the power to love God and our neighbor. The guilt
which before froze our hearts, is taken away by His grace. And God's
love in Jesus warms our hearts so that we can really begin to love Him
and our neighbor willingly. The fear of punishment, which always spoils
our obedience is forgiven. Therefore, our heart is free to really love
our neighbor and willingly help him in every need. Now our motive for
keeping the Ten Commandments is love, not fear of punishment.