Dear Christian friends:
We often pray the Lord’s Prayer but do we really understand what
we are praying when we say that prayer? The Lord’s Prayer has
seven petitions in it and each one has much meaning. Our text,
which is the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday explains about one of
the petitions in the Lord’s Prayer, the Second Petition: "Thy
kingdom come." So, this morning I want to preach about that
"Thy Kingdom Come"
I. In this petition we ask our Father in heaven to give us His
Holy Spirit so that we can believe His Word and live a holy life
as His dear children.
A. Many people misunderstand about God's kingdom.
1. The Pharisees here in our text misunderstood. They thought
that God's kingdom was the same as any government here on earth,
a kingdom you can see. They asked Jesus, "When will God’s kingdom
come?" They thought that when Christ comes He will establish a
rich, strong kingdom better than King David's kingdom and King
Solomon’s kingdom one thousand years before.
2. Today, many people misunderstand about God’s kingdom.
Those who join a church because they think God will bless them
with an easy life, good health, and comfortable money. Those
people who think all churches are good no matter what they
teach. If they use God's name and worship they are good even
if they do not preach the gospel.
B. Jesus corrected these people who misunderstand about God's
1. Jesus corrected the Pharisees here in our text. He said to
them: "God’s kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you can see
with your eyes. People will not say, "Look, God’s kingdom is
here! or "There it is!" No, God’s kingdom is within you."
(vv. 20-21)
2. Jesus also corrects us: Jesus said, "The time has come. God's
kingdom is here. Repent and believe the Gospel."(Mark 1:15) And
through St.Paul’s writings Jesus corrects, saying, "God’s kingdom
is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in
the Holy Spirit." Again St. Paul writes, "God has rescued us
from the rule of darkness and brought us into His dear Son’s
kingdom. In Him we have sins forgiven." (Col. 1:13—14)
Summary: Therefore when we pray, "Thy kingdom come," we are
asking God to give us His Holy Spirit so that we can believe in
Jesus for our Savior, and have Him living in our hearts, leading
us to do good works as members of His church here on earth.
II. Also, when we pray, "Thy kingdom come," we are praying for
Jesus to hurry and come on the Last Day so that we can see Him in
His Glory and go with Him and with all the other believers into His
kingdom triumphant in heaven.
A. Jesus warns about false Christs coming to deceive people.
1. Jesus warned His disciples. In our text Jesus says to his
disciples: "The time will come when you will want very much to
see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not be able.
People will say to you,"Look, there it is! or, "Look, here it
is! Stay where you are; don’t go away and search." Jesus could
see into the future. So, He knew that after he ascends into
heaven terrible persecutions will happen against the Christians
under the Roman rulers as Nero and Diocletian. Jesus knew that
the Christians would desire Him to come quickly at that time to
destroy those wicked rulers and free them from the terrible
persecutions. Jesus knew that they will be tempted to follow
false Christs and false Saviors in such terrible times.
2. We have false Christs and false Saviors also today. Some
people believed that David Koresh was Christ, their Savior. Many
of them died in the terrible fire at Waco, Texas. About 15 years
ago many people, more than one thousand, followed Jim Jones from
Los Angeles to Guyana, in South America. They believed that Jim
Jones was Christ their Savior. When he got in trouble with the
U.S.A. government officials he led his people to drink poison and
Transition: Jesus in love warns us not to believe in false Christs
or Saviors who offer an easy quick salvation. Jesus encourages us
to suffer persecution and pray to Him for faith and strength to
endure until He frees us in His own way and time.
B. Jesus tells us here in our text about His coming again in glory
to free us from this wicked world.
1. All people, everyone, all over the world will see it and know
of His coming. It will be a world wide explosive event. Jesus will
not come quietly, secretly like he came the first time through
the birth from the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem. No! His second
coming will be plain for everyone on earth to see at the same
time. Jesus says here in our text, "You will know it when the
Son of man comes again. On that day when He comes He will shine
like lightning flashes across the sky.” (vv. 24)
2. Many, many people will be afraid when they see Jesus, the Son
of Man coming in all His glory with all the holy angels and
sitting upon the throne of His glory! They will be afraid because of
their sins and wrongs and Jesus will judge them and condemn them.
He will say to them, “Depart from Me, you people My Father has
cursed, go into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his
angels." (Matt. 25) But those who have before confessed their
sins and believed in Jesus for their Savior, who have been
members of His kingdom, His Church, will not fear when they see
Him come in His glory. They Will look up with joy and celebration
because they will now be freed from this wicked world and go with
Jesus into the Church triumphant and full of glory in heaven.
Jesus will say to them, "Come, you people My Father has blessed,
enter into the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of
the world." (Matt. 25)
3. No person knows the day when Jesus will come again in glory.
a. Along time ago a preacher named William Miller prophesied that
Jesus will come again on October 22, 1984. About 75,000 people
believed him. They all wore white robes and waited for Jesus to
come that day. They waited and waited on a hill in New England.
But Jesus did not come and Miller and his followers were very
b. Now some people are thinking and saying that Jesus will come
about Jan 1, 2000, the beginning of the new century, five years
in the future.
c. But Jesus says that no_one knows the day or the hour when He
the Son of Man returns. Also, the angels do not know, only God
the Father knows that day and hour. Therefore, Jesus warns us
to be ready always for His coming again. Then we will not be
surprised and caught living in sin. We read in our text: (read
verses 26-30)
Conclusion: Therefore, when you pray in the Lord’s Prayer, "Thy
kingdom come," remember what it means: You are praying that God
give you His Holy Spirit so that in your heart you believe in
Jesus and receive the forgiveness of sins, secondly, you are
praying that Jesus will come quickly and take you to his kingdom
of glory in heaven. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come!