Dear Christian friends:
(Show large sign with the math problem 4|2. Ask the people what
the answer is. Some will answer 2, assuming it is a question of
subtraction; some will answer 6, assuming it is a question
of addition; others will answer 8, assuming it is a problem
in multiplication.) You really can't solve this problem until you
ask the exact or right question.
Often people who have a problem ask the wrong question and therefore
get the wrong answer. That is true also in religion. Many people
ask the wrong questions about God, and therefore never find the truth
they are seeking. The Jews did the same with Jesus. They asked Him,
"Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?" (Mark 12:14) "A woman had 7
husbands. Which one will be her husband in heaven?" (Mark 12:18-23)
The Jews asked these questions and others as foolish or unimportant.
Deaf people, also, often ask me foolish and unimportant questions
about church and God.
So let's give attention to our text. It will help us
Ask The Right Question
Many people, like the Jewish teacher here in our text, ask the wrong
The Jewish teacher asked Jesus this question: "Which commandment is
the most important commandment?" (verse 28) His question was about
the law, the commandments. Jesus answered his question, which was
really a summary of the Ten Commandments. (verses 29-31) And the Jewish
teacher agreed with Jesus' answer. (verses 32-33) But when he was all
done he still was not a member of God's Kingdom. Jesus said to him,
"You are not far from the Kingdom of God." (verse 34) He was near God's
kingdom, but not in it. Near is not in! His question really did
not help him enter into God's kingdom. Why? Because he asked Jesus
the wrong question.
Many people today are like this Jewish teacher. They always ask
questions about the law or the Ten Commandments: "Is it wrong to get
a divorce? Is it wrong to drink alcohol? Is it wrong to smoke?
Is it wrong if I don't go to church on Sunday? Is it wrong to gamble?
Is it wrong to play cards? Is it wrong for a woman to wear slacks
or a pant suit to church? Must she wear a dress? Is it wrong to wear
make-up and lip-stick? Is it wrong to dance? Is it wrong to go to
a bar and have a drink? Is it wrong to see a show in Las Vegas?
Asking questions like these will not help you enter into God's kingdom.
These are wrong questions and you will get wrong answer. Like
the Jewish teacher, you may be near God's Kingdom, but you are not
yet in it!
If you think only about the law, the Ten Commandments and ask
questions about that you will never find the way into God's Kingdom.
You perhaps are near but you are not in? Why? Because no man can
make himself right by the law! The Bible says, "By the deeds of the
law shall no flesh (person) be justified (righteous) in His sight:
because by the law is the knowledge of sin." (Romans 3:30) We are
born with sin and are sinners and in no way can we obey the Ten
Commandments. When you really study them and try to obey them you
will find out that you are really a bad sinner before God and people.
The law shows us our law—breaking and condemns us. It can't save us.
It can't make us good enough to enter God's Kingdom.
Well, what question should a person ask? What are the right questions?
What questions should you ask if you want to be welcomed into God's
In our text Jesus asked one of the right questions: "How say the
scribes (Jewish teachers) that Christ is the Son of David? For David
himself said by the Holy Ghost. "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou
on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool," David
therefore himself calls him (Christ) Lord; and how then is He (Christ)
his (David's) son?" (verse 35-37) Jesus asked a question about Christ,
the promised Savior. Questions about Christ are right questions:
Who is Christ? Whose Son is He? Where did Christ come from? What
did he do? How can Christ be both David's Son and David's Lord?
Why must Christ be both David's Son and David's Lord? That's the
right question for anyone to ask. When a person asks that question
and learns the answer to it, then he will know the way into God's
Kingdom, And if he believes it he will really be in God's Kingdom,
not just near it!
Do you ask questions about Christ? If you want to go to heaven, you
better ask questions about Christ than to _ask-questions about the
Ten Commandments.
Jesus asked the important question: "How can Christ be both David's
Son and David's Lord? Do you know the answer to that question? You
better know it and believe it. Now I will answer that question and
you better listen carefully.
Christ Jesus is both David's Son, and David's Lord because Christ
Jesus has two natures in one person: the human nature and the
divine nature. Christ Jesus is the Son of David, and the Son of
God. He with the Father and the Holy Spirit is the eternal God.
He was born of Mary, a descendant of King David, on the first
Christmas, Jesus Christ is God in human flesh (body). (John 1:14)
Why must Christ have two natures? Why must Christ be both David's
Son and David's Lord? So he can save us from our sins. He became
David's Son, a true human person so He could take our place under
the law, obey the law for us and also suffer the punishment of our
law-breaking. (Galatians 4:4-5) He had to be true God because only
God is holy enough and strong enough to save sinners. (Hebrews 2:14)
Christ Jesus is David's Son and David's Lord, our wonderful mighty
Now I have asked the right questions and have given the right answers
about entering into the Kingdom of God. When you want to know about
going into God's Kingdom, don't ask questions about the law or the
Ten Commandments. Those are wrong questions. Rather ask question
about Jesus Christ. Those are the right questions. Jesus said.
"I am the Door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved."
(John 10: 9).