Dear Christian friends:
I'm sure that many of you have seen specialized automobile
license plates that carry a short message or name.
The September issue of our Synod's "Evangel Gram" tells about
specialized license plates which Pastor Moll of St. Matthew's
Lutheran Church, Barrington, Illinois has on his auto. The plates
have these letters on them: BLV IN XP. Pastor Moll says that
his special plates open up many opportunities for him to witness
of Jesus Christ. He explains that most people are able
to figure out what BLV and IN stand for, but are stumped by
the letters XP. He says this permits him to explain to them
that XP are Greek letters that stand for Jesus Christ. So
Pastor Moll's specialized plates carry this message: "Believe
in Jesus Christ." What a creative and effective way to witness
of our Savior!
We need news items such as this to remind us and encourage us
also to be creative and winsome witnesses of our precious
Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our text also has special encouragement for us today. It
tells about a surprising opportunity which Jesus had to win a
man for His kingdom. So, on the basis of our text, let us
consider the topic:
Surprising Opportunities To Win People For Jesus
Our text tells us that Jesus found and won a man who was
sitting in a tree. Isn't that a surprising and strange place
to find someone and then win that person for God's kingdom.
I doubt if you will ever find someone sitting in a tree to
be a likely prospect for your witness, but you perhaps will
meet some prospect in another surprising place where you
never expected: perhaps in a bar, or in prison, or even at
the country club. . You probably won't find them in church.
If you did find them in church, you would not be surprised.
Like Adam and Eve, who hid from God in the bushes after they
had sinned, they, too, are often hiding out from God and His
witnesses. Our text states that Zaachaeus climbed the tree
that day "because he was little of stature." (verse 3) Another
reason may have been that he felt guilty and really wasn't
sure if he wanted Jesus to find him. But it seems that he must
have been wondering if Jesus was the Christ.
The city of Jericho was also a surprising place to win someone
for God's kingdom. At the time of Jesus it was a city
primarily for wealthy, retired Jewish people. We know that
the rich usually are not interested in God's kingdom. They are
too much interested in their own kingdom, power and glory.
A short time before Jesus had told His disciples that it was
difficult for a rich man to enter into God's kingdom. (Luke 18:
18-27) Also the experts in witnessing and evangelism tell us
that the retired and the elderly are often persuaded to
change from unbelief or misbelief to real belief. They are
well set in their beliefs and philosophies of life. So
Jericho was not a place you would expect to find someone and
win that person for God's kingdom. But surprisingly, Jesus
won the rich man Zaachaeus there.
For the same reasons as Jericho, the core area of Sun City and
other new adult communities near by are not places where you
would expect to find and win people for Jesus. However, our
congregation has been growing quite rapidly. True, many new
members are transfers of people who already were Christians,
even fellow Lutherans, but some of the new members are recent
converts to the faith. God does bless our witness also in such
places as Sun City. Jesus finding and winning of Zaachaeus
should encourage us.
Jesus also won Zaachaeus at a surprising time. He was traveling
on His way to Jerusalem to go up there to Suffer and die on
the cross for the world's sin. Yet He takes time out, perhaps
one or two hours to visit at Zaachaeus' house. We are amazed at
Jesus' love and concern for just one lost sheep! Remember also,
one week later, when He was actually dying on the cross, Jesus
took the trouble and time to speak the Gospel to the repentant
thief who was crucified with him on His right hand. Jesus was
ready at surprising times and places to witness to just one lost
Jesus' example should help us to see how important it is to take the
time to visit with the neighbors, and not be so intent about our own
plans or agenda.
When Jesus ministered to Zaachaeus in this surprising place and at
this surprising time he got a surprising response. Zaachaeus
seemed to be ready and waiting for Jesus to talk to him. When
Jesus noticed him in the tree and told him to come down as He
wanted to visit with him this day at his house, we read that
"Zaachaeus made haste, and came down, and received Him joyfully."
(verses 5-6)
When the respectable people saw this, they condemned Jesus for
going to be a quest with a man, that is a sinner. (verse 7)
However, for Zaachaeus it was the final proof that Jesus was
indeed the Christ as many in Israel were saying, and he believed.
Upon this, Zaachaeus' Spirit wrought faith led him to make generous
amends for his past sins. He promises to give one-half of all his
goods to the poor and to restore fourfold any money that he had
received by crooked dealings.
He says to Zaachaeus and all who will hear, "This day is salvation
come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham.
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."
(verses 9-10) When Jesus refers to Zaachaeus as a "son of Abraham"
He does not mean that he is of Jewish blood although he was that,
but Jesus means that he is a believer in God's grace and God's
Christ, just as Abraham was. St. Paul in Romans 4 and in Galatians 3
clearly teaches that all people, whether they are Jews or Gentiles,
are children of Abraham if they confess their sins and accept Jesus
for their Savior.
We, too, will have surprising responses if we we witness of Jesus
Christ. There are some here in Sun City who are ready and waiting
for our witness.
While we are surprised by these opportunities to win people for
Jesus, Jesus is not surprised. He knows it before it happens.
He plans it and makes it happen.
Jesus_was not surprised by Zaachaeus' response. He knew all
about Zaachaeus before He met him at the tree. Jesus even knew
his name. Jesus had been letting various things happen to
Zaachaeus to prepare him for this meeting at the tree and for
the visit in his house. That's why Zaachaeus was ready and
waiting, and when converted gave one-half of his money to the
As Jesus prepared Zaachaeus, so He has prepared some here in
Sun City for our Gospel witness. They may not be aware of it
now, but they will be aware when we seek them out and tell them
the Good News. Let us not fail them! Let us not fail Jesus!
What a joy! What an honor to bring salvation to someone's
house! God help us to catch the vision!
PS, This next week we will be asked to make our commitments to the
general fund for 1990 and to the building fund for 1990 through
1992. As we do let us remember Zaachaeus' surprising response
to God's grace in Jesus Christ.
The ten percent giving of
Abrahan, Issac and Jacob and all the Old Testament believers,
the fifty percent giving of Zaachaeus and the one hundred
percent giving of the poor widow in the temple is recorded
in the holy Scriptures for our learning, guidance and
inspiration. In the case of the widow's mite it states that
Jesus watched over the temple treasury to see how the people
gave. I believe that Jesus, sitting at the right hand of the
Father, also watches over our giving today. Not to frighten
us or to shame us or to brow-beat us into giving, but to see
our Spirit wrought, joyful fruits of faith, and He rejoices
in seeing our fruits.
Next Tuesday is Reformation Day when we remember our mentor
Dr. Martin Luther and his bold witness in defense of the pure
Gospel. Luther gave a lot more than money. He risked his
life and honor for the sake of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.
May all these things be in our hearts and minds as we this week
and in the next make our commitments to Jesus and His work,
to Jesus who above all gave His life-blood for our salvation.