Dear Christian friends:
Two weeks ago, November 2nd, we made our commitments to the Lord for
1981. I have not yet received a report from the financial secretary
about that. I'm sure that we have improved. Now is the third time
we have asked you to pledge, and each year a few more members accept
and make their pledges. Also each year a few members increase the
amount of their pledge. Some members are eager and make a generous
pledge, while others seem not very eager.
Some members gladly give for the Lord's work while others do not.
In our text we read how King David and his people were happy and
eager to bring generous offerings to build the beautiful temple in
Jerusalem, If we attend to our text we will learn why some people
bring generous offerings to the Lord.
Why Do Some People Give Generously
Perhaps you will answer:
"Some people give generously because
they are rich."
One time a Lutheran deaf man said to me,
"If I were rich I would give a large
gift for the new building."
Many church members think like that deaf man. They say,
"When I get rich, I will give much
money for church, but now I can't
give much."
Is that true? Do rich people give generously for church? Some do,
but many do not. Many people are rich, but they bring no generous
offerings to the Lord.
If you study the records, you will find that low income members and
poor members give a higher percent of their income than the rich.
Jesus noticed that too. One day Jesus watched to see how the people
gave money for church. He saw the rich people give "much", but their
"much" was a small percent of what they had. Then He saw a poor widow
put "two mites" into the treasury. When Jesus saw that He called His
disciples to come to Him and He said to them that the poor widow had
given more than all the others put together, because she gave "all
she had", 100%, while the rich people gave perhaps one or two percent
of their riches. (Mark 12:41-44)
So don't think that the rich always give generously for church. A
few rich people do give generously for church. The Stuene family who
own the Altadena Dairy have pledged $250,000 for the Forward In
Remembrance Appeal. Thank God for rich Christians who give generously!
But I am sad to say that many rich members are not generous givers.
Riches or poverty have nothing to do with generous giving. So don't
"When I get rich, I will give generously."
If you do not give generously when you are low income or poor, you
will not give generously when and if you become rich!
Well, why do some give generously?
It is because they are "rich" in another way. They are rich with the
true riches of God. That is what our text shows.
King David and His people were rich with the true riches of God. They
also were rich with gold, silver, bronze and iron, which the Lord had
given to them. (verses 6-7) But their real riches were the riches of
the Holy Spirit. David and his people had the right knowledge of
God, that God is the Lord and we are His stewards. They also had
faith in God and love for God. (verses 11-13) Knowledge, faith, love
and thankful heart, these are the true riches of God.
Some people, therefore, give generously, not because they are rich
or blessed with money, although they may be that too, but they give
generously because they are rich with the gifts and blessings of the
Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 1:5-8)
I am not surprised, therefore, when I see a poor widow in our congregation
give $500 twice a year for our church. The lady is not rich
with money. We have other members who have more money than she has,
but they do not give as generously as she does. She gives generously
because she has the true riches of God: knowledge, faith, love and
a thankful heart. God has blessed her with a happy heart that is
glad and eager for the Lord's work.
We all need more of the true riches of God. We do not need more money.
Most of us have enough money. Like King David and his people, we are
rich with money and earthly things. We may not have as much gold and
silver as King David and his people, but we have many things that
David did not have. David had no fine automobile, no T.V.,
no electricity, no modern plumbing etc. In some ways we are much richer
than David and his people. We live in America, the richest and greatest
nation on earth. We have good jobs, pensions, social security, medicare
and medi-cal. We have much better doctors, hospitals, and medicines
than King David and his people. I think we are very rich with
money. God has blessed us with all earthly things, more than we
really need. We do not need more money riches; we need more of the
true riches of God.
We do not need more money; we have enough of that. We need more faith,
more love and an eager happy heart in Jesus who loved us and died for
Then we will give generously for His work.