Dear Christian friends:
During the past few weeks, we have discussed with you that we are
stewards, managers of all the things God gives to us here on earth.
In our text today, Jesus Himself talks about that. Jesus emphasizes
that we must be faithful stewards. "Faithful" means regular and true.
Do your duty according to your ability. Sometimes deaf people sign
that word, "Faith + full." That is a poor sign for this word. Here
is a better sign, "True, regular in doing your duty." So this morning,
I want to preach to you about:
The Faithful Steward
The faithful steward uses his talents, time, and money to serve
His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He understands that he is a "servant",
manager of his Lord's things. In verse 14 of our text, we read Jesus'
words, "The Kingdom of Heaven is compared with a man leaving on a
trip. The Man called his servants and gave them his money to manage
for him."
In this parable (compare story), Jesus means that He, Himself is
the Owner and we are His servants or managers. We are not owners
really. When we talk to one another, we can say, "My money, my house,
my car, my talents, my life, my time." But when we talk to God, we
must not talk that way. When we talk to God, we must say about our
things: "Your money, Your house, Your car, Your talents, Lord, You
gave them all to me to spend and use for Your praise and glory."
The faithful steward understands that he is not the owner. God
is the owner. He is only a steward, manager. Psalm 24:1 says, "The
earth is the Lord's." Yes, the earth and everything on it belongs to
God, but it is mine to manage. The faithful steward also understands
that God does not give all stewards the same amount of talents, time
or money. He understands that God gives one steward more than another.
This is what Jesus teaches here in our text. We read, "He gave one
servant $10,000, another servant received $4,000, and the third
servant received $2,000. Each servant received the money according to
his skills." (verse 15) The man's servants did not all receive the same
gift to manage as one received $10,000, the second one received $4,000,
and the third one received only $2,000. God does the same to us. He
does not give all of us the same amount of money, talents, or time.
Some people live only 30 years and die. Others live 50 and still
others live 75 or 80 or more years. The same thing is true with talents
and abilities. Also the same with money as some earn more than others.
No matter the amount of money, whether it is large or small, God
expects His stewards to be faithful. Sometimes, Christians say,
"I am poor. I cannot give anything." It is true that the poor Christian
cannot give as much as the rich Christian, but he can give what he has.
Sometimes, Christians say, "I have no talents. I cannot do
anything." Do not say that! You do have some talents. Maybe you do
not have as many talents as someone else, but you do have some talents.
God gives each one of His people some special talents. St. Paul writes
in Romans 12:6, "God has given each of us the ability to do certain
things well." And in 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, Paul says, "God has given us
many special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who gives them all.
There are different kinds of service to God, but it is the same Lord
we are serving. There are many ways in which God works in our lives,
but it is the same God who does the work in and through all of us who
are His. The Holy Spirit displays God's power through each of us
as a means (way) of helping the entire church."
Therefore, we see that the faithful steward understands God has
given him certain special talents, time, and money which he uses
for God's profit, glory.
The faithful steward also understands that one day he must give
a report to his Lord about how he used and managed his time, talents
and money. In verse 19, Jesus says, "After a long time their master
returned from his trip and called his servants to him to give account
for his money."
On Judgment Day, Jesus will ask each one, "What did you do with
My money? What did you do with the life I gave you? What did you
do with the talents I gave you?" The Lord will reward (praise and
honor) those who used their talents, life and money for His glory.
This, we also learn from the parable. "The servant with $10,000 came
and brought $20,000. He said, "Lord, you gave me $10,000 and I earned
a profit of $10,000 more for you. Then the Lord said, "You have done
good, you are a good and faithful servant. You showed me that I can
trust you with few things. Now I will give many things to manage.
Come and be happy with me." (verses 20-21) The same thing happened to the
servant with $4,000. The Lord praised him and honored him because he
used that money and earned $4,000 more for his Lord.
Jesus will also honor and praise you if you are a good and faithful
steward during your life on earth. That will be a wonderful event when
we receive praise and honor from our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
That ought to encourage each one of us to love Jesus more and serve
Him more faithfully each day.
Those stewards who are not faithful must also give a report to
the Lord. We also learn this from the parable which Jesus told here.
Jesus says, "The third servant came with the $2,000 and said, "Lord,
I knew you were a strict man. You gather food from places you do not
plant. I was afraid, so I hid your $2,000 in the ground. Here is
your $2,000. The Lord said, "You wicked and lazy servant. You knew
that I earn food from places I do not plant. You should have brought
my money to the investment house (bank). Then, when I came back
you could have given me the $2,000, plus the interest money. I will
take the $2,000 from you and give it to the man with $10,000. Because
the man that uses my things wisely, to him, I will give more and more.
And the servant that carelessly uses my things, I will take away
those things from him. Throw this wicked servant outside into the
darkness. Out there, he will cry aloud and gnash his teeth."
The unfaithful stewards will be cast out of Jesus' kingdom. Their
report will not please the Lord. That should be a warning to all
people who live carelessly and waste their life, time and talents on
worthless and sinful things.
Therefore, let each one of us wake-up and find our talents which
the Lord has given to us. Let us remember that we are stewards and be
faithful stewards of our Lord. Where we have failed in the past we must
repent and look to God for mercy and forgiveness in Jesus Christ who
died for our sins. Then with our faith and love renewed, let us strive
against temptation to be ever more faithful stewards. Jesus promises:
"Remain faithful even when facing death and I will give you the crown
of lifeāan unending, glorious future." (Rev. 2:10)