August's Sermons

Church Period: The Twenty-Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: The End Of The World
Sermon Date: November 19, 2000
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 13: 24-31

Dear Christian friends:

We are near the end of the church year. Next Sunday will be the last Sunday of the Church Year. It makes us think about the end of our life here on earth and the end of the world.

The Gospel Lesson for this Sunday tells about the end of the world. It is important for us to think about the end: the end of our life and the end of the world. Why is that important? Because then we can wake up and be better Christians.

Therefore, let us attend to our text and consider what Jesus says to us about

The End of the World

I. The end of the world will really happen.

A. Many people doubt that it will happen.

1. Peter says, "In the last days some men will appear whose lives are controlled by their evil desires. They will mock you and say, "Jesus promised to come again, true? Where is He? Our fathers have finished died, but everything is still the same as it was since the beginning of he world."

2. This prophecy of Peter's, we Christians have experience is true. Many people today do not believe the world will end. They mock and laugh at us if we preach and teach that.

3. Also we Christians easily forget about that.

We often think and live as if the world will never end. We value these earthly things more than spiritual things. We give more attention, time and work for earthly things that will end, than we give for Spiritual things that will never end.

B. Here in our text Jesus plainly teaches that the world will end.

1. He says, "Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory." (v. 26 read also vv.27,29, 30,31)

2. Also Peter, Paul and other apostles write about the end of the world.

II. A short time before the end happens there will be signs in the sky, and upon the earth.

A. In our text Jesus says, "During the days after the great trouble, the sun will become dark; and the moon stop shining; the stars will fall from the sky; and things in the sky will shake. Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power." (vv. 24-26)

B. In Matthew 24, Jesus lists other signs: false preachers, false religions; wars; famines; earthquakes in various places; persecution against Christians; and evil growing more and more.

Summary: The end of the world can happen anytime now. The signs that Jesus lists are happening and have happened.

III. What should we Christians think and do about this?

A. Jesus says, "Learn this lesson from the fig tree. When the branches become green and leaves grow; then you know that summer is near. Same when you see those various things happening in the sky, then you know that the last day is near.

1. These signs in the sky and on earth show God's mercy and kindness to all people. They warn us that the end of the world is near, and we must be ready to meet Jesus any day any hour. Are you ready to meet Jesus today, this hour? How do we prepare to meet Jesus, how? (See if anyone can answer that question.) If not give the correct answer, namely, by humbly confessing our sins and trusting in Jesus to forgive us. Explain how Jesus lived and died for us. Through faith in Jesus we become "His people." (v. 27)

2. We need not be afraid and troubled when we see Jesus come in the clouds with great authority and glory. We should be happy and celebrate! Jesus says, "He will send His angels to get His people from the north, south, east, and west, from all over the world." (v.27) Jesus does not come to condemn us with the unbelievers, No! He is our Savior! He comes to take us home to heaven.

B. These signs also warn us to live for servicing God.

Peter asks: "Since all these things will be destroyed, what kind of people should you be?" Then he answers: "Your lives should be holy and dedicated to God, as you wait for God's Day." (2 Peter 3:11-12)

1. We should not love these earthly things: money, clothes, beautiful homes, fast cars, even our physical life. These earthly things will be destroyed. (read v. 31) If we love earthly things we will forget Jesus and "His Words," which give us eternal life! Be careful!

2. Better we use these earthly things to serve Jesus and our Father in heaven. Help the poor. Visit the sick! Help the homeless. Also warn your friends and neighbors who not yet believe in Jesus. Tell them, "Jesus is coming!" Tell them to repent and believe the Gospel before the train leaves. When the end happens we can witness no more or preach the Gospel anymore!

Conclusion: God, help us remember the time is short. Help us prepare to meet Your Son Jesus!
