August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 28th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Faith Sees Jesus The King
Sermon Date: November 21, 1982
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Revelation 1:4-8

Dear Christian friends:

Today is the last Sunday of the Church Year. Next Sunday, the First Sunday In Advent, we begin a New Church Year. As we close this Church Year we think about the end of time, the end of the world, and also about our own end or death. Without Jesus we fear and tremble, but with faith in Jesus we have peace, courage and hope. If we believe that Jesus is King and ruling over us and the whole world we are not afraid.

In our text St. John reminds us that Jesus is King, the great Ruler. We must believe this!

Faith Sees Jesus The King

We must believe that Jesus is the King over all. Why? We have no proof of that here on earth or in our life. When we look around us we do not see any proof that Jesus is King and Ruler. Often it seems that Satan is King and Ruler.

John wrote this book, Revelation, to seven churches in Asia. (verse 4) These seven churches were small, weak, and suffered much. The unbelievers and false preachers gave them much persecution and trouble. When they looked around and saw the bad things happening to them, it did not seem that Jesus was King, Ruler. It seemed that Satan was king.

Same when we look around today and think about the bad things that happen to us, it seems that Jesus is not King and Ruler. Grief stricken parents ask, "Where was Jesus when the car struck our little girl?" Did death win? U.S.A. and Russia spend billions of dollars every year to make more and more nuclear bombs and terrible weapons of war.

It seems that Satan is King, not Jesus. People today spend several billion dollars buying more and more drugs every year: alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and others. V.D. is again epidemic. Is Jesus really King and Ruler or is Satan?

King Jesus seems to be failing. His Kingdom, His Church, seems small and weak. Satan's kingdom grows larger and stronger while Jesus' people seem weak and helpless. Is Jesus really King and Ruler? Yes!

We must have faith! Then we will see that Jesus is King, no matter the bad happenings and troubles. We must believe Jesus' word!

With eyes of faith see your King Jesus during His humiliation. In our text John calls Jesus, "the faithful witness." (verse 5a) Why? Jesus meekly stood before Pontius Pilate and told Pilate the truth as we read in the Gospel lesson today. Jesus told Pilate that He was the King. Pilate did not believe it. Also the Jewish people did not believe it. Pilate's soldiers mocked Jesus about that. They put on Him an old king's robe and made a crown of thorns and put it on His head. Then they laughed and mocked and said, "Hail, king of the Jews." Pilate also mocked Jesus about that. He wrote a sign which said, "JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS." Pilate commanded a soldier to nail that sign above Jesus' head on the cross. Standing before Pontius Pilate Jesus did not seem like a King.

Although Pilate and the Jews did not believe in Jesus, we believe in Him. We believe Jesus when He told Pilate that He was the great King. And we believe what John writes about Jesus here in our text: "Jesus Christ the faithful witness; Jesus the first to rise from death, Jesus the Ruler over all kings on earth; Jesus loved us and washed away our sins with His own blood; and has made us a kingdom, priests to serve God the Father. To Jesus give all glory and power forever. Amen." (verses 5-6) Jesus is King, although we often have many problems and suffer as His people, doing His work. We must have faith during all the troubles and problems He in His wisdom permits to happen to us.

We must have faith to see beyond the problems of this life on earth.

Now is the time of the cross. Now on earth we Christians must expect suffering, persecution, mockery and sorrow while we serve Him and preach His Good News to the world, But when Jesus comes again suffering and sorrow ends and glory begins.

In our text John reminds us of this end of sorrow and the beginning of glory. He writes, "Look, He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him; and all people of the earth shall wail because of Him." (verse 7) Jesus, the great King, will come to judge all nations and people. Those who believe and are faithful during troubles and problems will receive a crown of life. (Revelations 2:10) But those who do not believe and are unfaithful shall be sent away where they shall “wail."

So, we can live with confidence and hope during suffering and troubles. We know that our troubles continue only a short time, and then we will see the victory and the glory of Jesus the great King. Jesus promises to us, "Look, I come quickly; continue strong faith during temptation, that no man take your crown." (Revelations 4:11)

Remember that we are "priests" to serve God the Father while we live here on earth. (verse 6) And Peter writes also, "You are priests of the King, a holy nation, a special people, that you should show to the world the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9)

This faith in Jesus can remain alive and strong if we regularly hear His Word in church and come often to eat His body and drink His blood in the Holy Supper. Without His Word and Holy Supper our faith will quickly die. Then we will doubt about Jesus our kind king.

Remember, no matter what our eyes see, - and sometimes they see with tears or are shut with fear - Jesus is our mighty Lord and Savior forever, in the past, now, and in the future. (verse 8)

Jesus is King! As we say this we wait for that moment when the King shall come to end time, church year calendars, and begin the Kingdom without time, without end. Then we will not need faith anymore. Why? We shall see with our eyes and shall say again and again: Jesus Christ is King! And we shall say it with a crown of life on our heads. But while we wait for Jesus' coming we continue to pray: "Lord, Thy Kingdom come."
