Dear Christian friends:
A pastor announced to his congregation that next Sunday he would preach
about lying. He asked the people to please read the 17th chapter of
St.Mark's Gospel during the week to prepare themselves for the sermon.
As the pastor began preaching the next Sunday he asked the people how
many had read St. Mark, chapter 17. Many members raised their hands.
"I see," said the pastor, "you are the people who really need to hear
my sermon today. St. Mark's Gospel has no 17th chapter."
While this is a funny story, it also shows the truth that people sometimes
tell lies and try to fool the pastor and other members of the church.
Often we don't want to tell the truth because the truth hurts us or
shames us. The truth can also cause us to lose financially and socially.
Jesus often preached about the truth. He even said, "I am the truth."
(John 14:6) And He called Satan a liar and the father of lies.(John 8:44)
In our text Jesus tells that He is a King and that His kingdom is a
kingdom of truth. Since today is Christ the King Sunday and since there
is a great need for truth in our world and our lives, we do well to consider
Jesus, The King Of Truth
Jesus pleads with us to face the truth in our own lives. He wants us to know
the truth about ourselves and confess that truth although it hurts us and
makes us feel ashamed.
In our text we read how Jesus tried to help Pontius Pilate face the truth
when the Jews condemned Him before his court. Jesus could see into Pilate's
heart and mind. Jesus knew that Pilate knew He was not
a rebel king as the Jews lied and said. Pilate knew that Jesus always
had obeyed the Roman laws and that Jesus had not encouraged the Jews to
rebel against Rome. Jesus could see that Pilate was trying to please
the chief priests and other ruling Jews even if that meant agreeing
with their lies and condemning an innocent man to death.
So Jesus asked Pilate, "Do you really suspect me yourself, or are you trying
to who accuse Me?" (verse 34) By that question Jesus helped
Pilate to stop lying and confess the truth although that meant problems
and trouble for him. Pilate went out on the balcony and said to the
Jews, "I find no fault in Him at all." (verse 38) However, a little later
Pilate condemned Jesus to die anyway to please the Jews. Pilate knew
the truth and confessed the truth but he failed to do the truth and
free Jesus.
As Jesus pleaded with Pilate to face the truth and do the truth, Jesus
also pleads with us today to face the truth in our lives, though it may be
painful. It is for our own welfare.
At this time many of us are thinking about our Christmas gift list.
Do you know that a gift is either a sign of personal love or a bribe.
If you give a gift without love for that person it is a lie and cruel
deceit? One Christmas a husband gave his wife an expensive, beautiful
fur coat. But the wife cried when she opened the present. She knew
that her husband did not really love her. He was having an affair. How
many gifts we have given were without love and a lie? What a about our
money gifts to God here in church? Do we really love God or are we telling
a lie with our offerings? Remember Cain and Abel, the first two children
of Adam and Eve. One day Cain and Abel made offerings to God. God
accepted Abel's offering but He refused to accept Cain's offering. Why?
Abel offered his gift with faith and love in his heart, but Cain did
not really love God. Cain lied with his offering. Therefore we need
often to examine our hearts and confess our sins. Our deeds may seem
good and right, but is our heart and thoughts good and right?
Jesus pleads with us to face the truth, and we can face the truth
because Jesus has made made it okay for us to be truthful. Jesus'
kingdom is a kingdom of truth.
Jesus' kingdom is not like the kingdoms of this world. His kingdom is
not like Pilate's kingdom. Pilate's kingdom, the Roman Empire, was not
a kingdom of truth. It was based upon laws, and soldiers and judges
and prisons. Often the judges judged falsely and accepted the bribes.
Pilate was a crooked judge. We see that also here in the USA. Often
our rulers and judges are not honest. Even our legislature and congress
often pass laws that are not fair for all the people. They vote
and pass the laws to please the special interests groups who give money
for their campaigns. We have the special interest groups such as the
oil lobby, the farmers' lobby, the banking lobby etc. These special
interest groups act like they are good and righteous people, but really
they are crooks and liars who hide behind unfair laws. In the world
the people lie and cheat all the time, either with the law or without
the law. There is no possibility of being honest and successful in
the Kingdom of this world. Ask any politician.
But_Jesus' kingdom is a kingdom of honesty and truth. Jesus said to
Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this
world, then My servants would fight for Me. But My kingdom is not of
this world." Pilate asked Jesus, "Then you are a king?" Jesus answered
"Yes, I am a king. I was born and came into the world to tell the
truth. Everyone that is of the truth,listens to Me." (verses 36-38) Jesus
tells us the truth about God and about ourselves.
We, the members of Jesus' kingdom must, therefore, tell the truth
and live the truth. With a honest heart we humbly confess our sins and
wrongs, also our hypocritical ways. God does not accept those who
defend and hide their sins. But He accepts sinners who are humble and
who are honest and confess their sinfulness and sins. Why?
Because His Son Jesus came to suffer and pay for all those sins. Jesus
is the truth and He always told the truth about God and man, even
though that meant that He must die on the Cross. The truth is that God
shows mercy and love to sinners and forgives their sins for Jesus'
sake! St. Paul confesses, "Here is a true saying: Christ Jesus came
into the world to save sinners, and I am chief of sinners." (Romans 5:8)
The greatest truth is the Cross of Jesus Christ! Let us believe in
that Cross and help proclaim that Cross. "The law was given by Moses,
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (St. John 1:17)
So, let us listen to Jesus, believe in Jesus and serve Him as happy,
honest members of His Kingdom of grace and truth! Then we shall really
be free. Free from, the Law; free from sin and eternal death;
free to be honest im this World and in the world come. (John 8:31-32)