Dear Christian friends:
When someone is dying or near death people think his future is
without hope. Prayer can't help him. The mother in today's
Gospel lesson was in such big trouble. Her husband had died a
few years ago, and now her only son had died and his funeral
was going out of the city to the burial place. It seemed that
prayer now can't help her. But Jesus helped her. We also have
the same experience.
Therefore, let us attend to our text, the Gospel Lesson, and
see that
Jesus Gives Hope When There Is No Hope
I. The mothers situation seemed hopeless.
A. Her son's death meant her family is ended.
Her husband had already died before. Now her only son is dead
and gone. We don't know if she had any daughters. The lesson
did not say. No matter, the son can't marry and have grand
sons to continue the family name and land. That was very
important for Jews.
B. Her son's death also meant that now she had no man to work
and earn money to support her. No money for rent, food and
clothing. How will she support herself?
C. Her son's death also meant that her dream of a happy, comfortable
home is gone, vanished.
I think the mother is worried sad and has much grief. She thinks
the future is hopeless and prayer can't help her now.
II. We, the same as this mother, have hopeless situations. We
have bad times when we think praying can't help.
A. Maybe a husband or wife dies. Perhaps a son or daughter dies.
Perhaps we have a divorce. Maybe we must move far away and leave
behind family members, good neighbors and good friends. We feel
sad, grief and depression. We think the future is hopeless. Prayer
can't help.
B. These bad happenings mean that our dream of a happy comfortable
home is gone. (Tell about Russell Yates, whose wife drowned all
5 children in their Houston, Texas home, last Wednesday.) His
dream of a happy family and home is gone, vanished.
Why do these bad things happen to us? Why must we die? Why does our
life here on earth become hopeless? Why do our dream's vanish?
III. Because we are sinners. We have broken God's holy laws, the Ten
A. Adam's fall into sin brought death to all people, also to us.
1. St. Paul says in Romans 5:12, "Through one man sin entered into
the world and death with sin, and therefore death came to all
people because all have sinned."
2. In the Old Testament Lesson we read about the mother whose son
became sick and died while the prophet Elijah was living in her
home. She confessed that her son died because of her sin.
(1 Kings 17:18)
3. And St. Paul writes in Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin
is death."
B. Therefore, when we meet death we feel we can't pay. We feel God
is punishing us for our sins. We become angry with God or we blame
others. The mother in the Old Testament Lesson became angry with
God when her dear son died. She said to Elijah, "Man of God, why
did you come here. Why? You came here and God remembered my sins
and killed my son."
C. When we meet death we don't know what to say or what to pray.
1. The mother in the Gospel Lesson did not pray when her son
died and the mother in the Old Testament Lesson also did not
pray when her son died. She became angry and blamed Elijah and
2. Do you know what to say and what to pray when a member of
your family is dying or when you are dying? When the doctor
tells you that you will die in three months, what should you
pray? Should you pray for healing? Or should you pray that
God helps you to accept death? Should you pray for death
without pain?
When you go to the hospital to visit a family member, who is
very sick and dying, what should you say to him? Should you
not talk about his dying and act like he will get well? Often
we don't want to visit a dying person. We don't know what to
say. We don't know what to pray.
Well, we often don't know what to think or say or pray or do
when death comes to our family or friends, but Jesus knows.
God knows what to do.
IV. God saw our need when faced with sin and death; He sent
His Son to give us life, without our prayer.
A. Here in the Gospel Lesson we see Jesus face to face with
death. We read, "When Jesus saw the mother, He felt compassion
for her and said, "Don't cry." etc. (verses 13-15)
1. Jesus came here on earth to accept our sin, our death and
our punishment. He died on the cross so that God can forgive
all our sins. Jesus accepted our sins and paid for our sins
so that we can have His holiness. (1 Corinthians 5:21)
B. In the Gospel Lesson here Jesus raised the mother's son.
In the Old Testament Lesson Elijah prayed and made that
mother's son alive again. Jesus has power over sin, death and
Satan. He will raise us from death when He comes again on the
Last Day. Through faith in Jesus we have eternal life.
C. God gives us again our families and friends.
Jesus and Elijah both gave the sons again to their mothers. In
heaven we will see our family members again who have died. Jesus
will give our family again to us!
D. God gives us our dreams again.
He raised the mother's son. Now the son can continue the family.
God gives us the dream of eternal life in heaven. He gives us a
wonderful future although we have none here on earth.
E. God gives us a prayer. He teaches us to pray to Him in time of
trouble. He has given us the Lord's Prayer also! We don't feel
ashamed to pray to God now. He loves us in Jesus. He is our
"Father in heaven," and we are His dear children. Now we have a
prayer at all times, good times or bad times!
Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has
come to help us in our need. He comes to us through the preaching
of Good News, through Baptism and through the Lord's Supper and
gives us faith. The same as Jesus had heart for the mother in our
text, He has heart for us in time of death and other losses. He
does this also when we know not what to pray and before we pray.
Let us praise God with the people in our text, saying, "God has
come to help His people." Yes, truly He has!