Dear Christian friends:
Here in our text we find two opinions about Jesus which surprise
and shock us. Jesus' friends and family members think He is crazy.
(verse 21) And His enemies, the Law Teachers say He has a devil and
casts out devils with the help of Satan, the prince of devils. (verse 22)
We are surprised and shocked to read this.
But perhaps we should not be so surprised and shocked. We may think
that we think better of Jesus than these people here in the text,
but do we?
What Do You Really Think Of Jesus?
We may say good things and nice things about Jesus when the Pastor
asks us this question. We have learned the right answers in
confirmation instructions and in Bible classes and from the sermons.
And every Sunday during the worship service we join with Pastor and
confess the Apostles' Creed, which says that Jesus is the eternal
Son of God and Son of Mary, who suffered, died and arose from death
and ascended into heaven. Also we join in prayer, praise and
thanksgiving to Jesus during the worship service, But do we really
believe this.
We also say that we are Christians, Jesus' friends. However I want
you to notice that Jesus' family and friends thought He was crazy.
Perhaps not really crazy but fanatical. Why did they think that
Jesus was a fanatic? Because He worked so hard to preach, teach
and heal the sick that He and His disciples did not have time to eat.
(verse 20) Also Jesus was criticising and condemning the Law Teachers
and Jewish Church Rulers. He and His disciples were breaking their
Sabbath laws and rules. (Mark 2:23-28) Worse, Jesus said He was the
Son of God, the promised Savior and that He had power to forgive
sins. (Mark 2:1-13) And He accepted sinners and ate with them.
(Mark 2:14-17) The Jewish Rulers and Teachers were so angry they
called a meeting to discuss how they might destroy Him. (verse 6) So
His family and friends thought Jesus was a little crazy. They really
didn't believe in Him either. But they wanted to take Him home and
hide Him and make Him stop His_work while the Jewish Rulers and
teachers wanted to kill Him. Jesus' friends thought He was crazy or
We say that we are Jesus' friends, right? Maybe we, like His friends
of old think Jesus is a little bit crazy or fanatical. He does
demand too much from His His disciples. He demands that we give our life
fully for His use and service. He says, "If any man would come
after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up
for Me, you will save it." (Matthew 10: 38-39) True we will not
call Jesus a fanatic or crazy, but what do we think and say when we
see a strong Christian serving Jesus faithfully? Sometimes we think
and say, "He is crazy, a fanatic.” I remember when I, back in 1945,
agreed to serve the deaf in Montana and Spokane. At the same time
I also had a call to serve in my home congregation in Santa Ana,
California. But I felt Jesus wanted me to serve the deaf, since I
had some training in that, too, When I decided to serve the deaf
and refuse the call to Santa Ana, my mother and brothers and sisters
thought I was a little crazy or fanatic. I'm happy to report that
later they changed their minds. Also I remember when Elmer Francisco
lived in Butte, Montana, he was one of our members there. He
decided to give ten percent of his income to the Lord. Then another
member who lived in Anadoda, heard about that and he told Elmer that
he was crazy to give so much money for the church. Often the weak
and lazy church members think that the strong and eager members are
We maybe say and confess that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of
the world, but our deeds often deny what we say. Knowing Jesus with
head is not the same as knowing Jesus with the heart. Intellectual
assent is not equal to faith, trust, confidence, love, hope, joy,
new life and faithful service.
Here in our text when Jesus heard that His mother and brothers were
outside wanting Him to stop preaching and go home with them, He asked
this important question: "Who is My mother, or My brothers?" Then
Jesus looked around at those who were eagerly listening to Him and
believed in Him and He said, "These are My mother and My brothers!
For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is My brother, and
My sister, and mother." (verse 33-35)
What do you really think of Jesus? Do you really believe in Him
and serve Him or not? Is He really your Savior and Lord? Are you
His brother or sister or mother? What does your life and actions
I'm sure that each one of us will need to confess with shame that
while we say that Jesus is our Savior and Lord our actions often
deny it. We know Jesus with our head, but not with our heart. Our
hearts have not rejoiced in Him and hoped in Him; our hands have
not done for Him and signed for Him; our feet have not walked for
for Him and our voices have often been silent when they should have
May God touch our hearts today and show mercy to us in Jesus who
died on the cross for us that we may ever have forgiveness and peace.
May the Holy Spirit come to us through this preaching and take away
our doubt and unbelief and give us faith, joy and enthusiasm for
Jesus that we may show that we really are His family.
Let us never think wrongly about Jesus. He is our Brother, and
God is His Father and our Father.