Dear Christian friends:
Last Sunday afternoon my wife and I attended the banquet at The
U.S.C. Hilton Hotel to honor the Rev. Dr. Harvey Lehman, who is
retiring from the ministry as of June 30th. Pastor Lehman has
served His Lord and our church for 50 years. At the banquet he
received many awards from important people in our church, our
nation and our city. He received certificates of honor from
Senator Alan Cranston, Mayor Tom Bradley, Councilman David
Cunningham, Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, Dr. Arnold Kuntz, and many
My wife and I felt honored because we received an invitation to this
celebration. We all enjoy being joined and associated with V.P.I.'s,
Very Important People.
Last Winter when our District President, Dr. Arnold Kuntz, asked
me to become counselor for our Circuit and also become the Action
Group Director for our Action Group which is part of the Forward
In Remembrance Appeal, I felt very honored. I really didn't want
to accept because I knew that would mean much extra work and
responsibility for me. But as I thought about it and prayed about
it I decided that I could not say, "No", to President Kuntz. More
than that I couldn't say, "No", to Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
Often we forget that Jesus is the greatest person. Not President
Carter or Governor Brown or Mayor Tom Bradley, but Jesus is the
greatest person in the world. He has more power than anyone and
we are joined with Him and associated with Him. This is the greatest
honor and the greatest responsibility.
But often we forget that and therefore are not very excited or
eager to serve our Lord. So let us attend to our text, which
reminds us that
Jesus, Our Lord, Rules
Jesus is the greatest Ruler. He has more power than anyone. "All
power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth." (verse 18) Jesus is
"King of kings, and Lord of lords." (Rev. 19:16) Jesus now sits
at God's right hand, which means that He rules for God the Father
and with God the Father. Nothing can happen without His permission.
Even a war cannot happen unless Jesus permits it to happen. (Rev.6:4)
But the greatest power that Jesus has is the power to forgive sins.
This is the greatest power on earth. He who has the power to
forgive sins also has the power to heal the sick and raise the dead.
(Matt. 9:2-8)
In the Gospel lesson for today Jesus says to the sinner woman,
prostitute, "Your sins are forgiven." (Luke 7:48) When the Jews heard
Jesus say that they were surprised and shocked. They asked, "Who
is this man that He can forgive sins?" (verse 49) They knew Jesus
was really telling them that He was God's Son, the promised Savior.
They knew that only God has power to forgive sins.
Jesus has the greatest power on earth, the power to forgive sins.
Kings and rulers on earth desire to free themselves and their
companions from guilt by their own might, but they cannot in spite of
their vast powers. The wealthy try to forget their sin in their
wealth; the artist in his art, the soldier in his bravery; and the
student in his studies. But all are unable and helpless to free
themselves or others of this terrible haunting guilt. "None of
them can by any means redeem his brother or give to God a ransom
for him; for the redemption of their soul is precious and it ceaseth
forever." (Psalm 49:6-8)
This awesome power God has given to Jesus the Son, who has paid
with His blood for the right and God declares it to all the world
by the resurrection and ascension of Jesus into heaven.
By the Gospel Christ rules over all the earth, over those who
believe and also over those who do not believe. "He that believes
and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believes not shall be
condemned." (Mark 16:16) None can escape this rule of Christ.
Through the Gospel: to one Jesus is the Savior unto life; to the
other He is the Savior unto death, but to all He is the Savior,
the Lord, the King everlasting. Nothing can change it or diminish
it, for "He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name:
that at the name of JESUS every knee must bow in heaven, in
earth and under the earth (hell); and every tongue must confess
that Jesus is LORD to the glory of the Father." (Phil 2:13-15)
Every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord: the believer will
confess with great joy and praises; the unbeliever too will confess,
but with fear and trembling and curses.
This awesome ruling through the Gospel Jesus now does in and through
us, His Church. He has given us Christians the power and command
to forgive sins and by that to rule with Him over all nations.
In our text Jesus tells us, "All power is given unto Me in heaven
and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost." (verses 18-19) On Easter evening the Risen Christ said to
His fearful disciples who had gathered behind locked doors:
"Peace be unto you: as My Father has sent Me, even so I send you."
Then Jesus breathed on them and said unto them, "Receive ye the
Holy Ghost: whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them;
and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained." (John 20:21-23)
This is the great commission of our risen and ascended Lord who
now sits at God's right hand and rules through the Gospel, which
He has commanded us to proclaim to the world through preaching
through the administration of the Sacraments, and through our
personal witness and Christian example.
Each and every Christian has this power and responsibility. It
does not belong to the pastors. When you call a pastor and he
accepts your call he will do and handle this power for you in
public during the church services. But it is still your power and
responsibility. The pastor is your speaker, your servant, but the
power is yours and the responsibility is yours. Jesus commands
you to preach, to baptize to administer the Lord's Supper. Jesus
commands you to witness of your faith by your words or sign
language and by your good example of love and kindness to others.
Jesus the Lord gives you and me the greatest honor and privilege,
to rule through the Gospel with Him. If President Carter asked
you to do something for him and for your country, you would feel
great honor. If you could do it, you would not say, "No," to
President Carter. But Jesus, who is a greater Ruler than President
Carter, asks you and commands you to "GO!" "Go ye." Can you say,
"No,'' to Jesus?
No! We can't say, "No," to Jesus. We love Him and adore Him
because He first loved us and gave His life for us. Also He is the
greatest Ruler in heaven and in earth. He gives us the greatest
honor by commanding us to proclaim His Word.
Let us always remember:
1. Jesus has all power.
2. He commands us to go and preach and baptize in His name,
supported by His great and awesome power.
Forward In Remembrance!