Dear Christian friends:
Today we are hearing and reading much about CHURCH GROWTH: how churches
grow and why churches grow. But what constitutes real church? Do
big numbers alone signify real church growth? Books and articles
have been written about this subject, some of it good and
much of not good. Many seminars have been held on this topic.
In our text Jesus explains about church growth. Perhaps we need to
forget some of the things we've read and heard, and give attention
to what Jesus says about church growth. Here in our text, which is the
Gospel Lesson for this Sunday.
Jesus Encourages Us To Trust His Word, Which Makes The Church Grow
We must remember that the church grows gradually, the same as a seed that
is planted in the ground. In our text Jesus says, "God's kingdom is the
same as a man scattering seeds on the ground. And while the man sleeps
at night and wakes-up in the morning, during many nights and days, the
seeds grow, but the man does not understand how that happens." (verses 26-27)
The church grows when pastors and members cast out God's Word. You know
that seed cannot grow except the farmer plants it, so the church cannot
grow without preaching and teaching God's Word. Faith in Jesus begins
and continues to grow in someone's heart when that person hears and learns
God's Word about Jesus, the Savior. There is no real church growth without
preaching and teaching the Gospel.
Sometimes church and pastors seem to forget that. They decide to
have church dinners or socials to attract new people and maybe get some
new members. They spend too much time preparing and giving dinners and
socials and then do not have any time or strength left to attend to the
preaching, teaching and evangelism work. It is true that church dinners
and socials may attract new people, but more must be done than that.
God's Word must be preached and taught to these new people also. Also
the old members continue to need the Word of God to keep their faith
alive and growing. If we want church growth we must preach, teach and
evangelize. That is the first priority!
And then we must not expect quick and easy growth. Church growth is slow
and gradual. The same as a seed's growth and development. We must have
patience and faith in God's Word. We must wait for the Holy Spirit to touch
someone's heart so he or she can believe in Jesus. When a farmer plants
his seed, he must have patience and wait for God to bless the seed and
make it grow. The farmer does not understand how the seed grows, but he
has faith and plants it in the ground. We must be like the farmer: have
patience and faith in God's Word. Don't worry about church growth! Do
your duty; plant the Word in people's hearts, and wait for God to make it
grow and develop.
Also we must remember that the church grows inconspicuously. Most people
do not notice that the church is growing. This Jesus shows in out text
when He says, "God's kingdom is the same as a tiny mustard seed, which is
the smallest of all seeds in the earth." (verse 31)
Nobody notices a tiny mustard seed when it begins to grow and develop.
It seems to be just another weed growing. So most people do not notice
the church growing. The people in the world do not notice the church
while it grows and develops.
That was true when Jesus lived here on earth. The Romans who ruled over
the state of Israel and the Jewish leaders themselves did not notice Jesus'
church when it began to grow. His church was small, only a few members,
and it was weak. The disciples were not college graduates. Their
understanding of God's will and their faith was very weak. Remember how all the
disciples were offended when Jesus went to die on the Cross! Remember how
they all forsook Him! Pontius Pilate and the Jewish leaders mocked Jesus
and His church.
It is much the same today. People in high places, people with power and
money do not notice Jesus' church growing today. They think His church is
small, weak and not important!
Even we, ourselves, are often not aware of the church growing among us,
in us and in others. We notice our faults and failures. We are ashamed
of our weaknesses and sins. We fail to see faith and love growing in ourselves
and in others.
But Jesus promises that we are growing, if we continue to hear and learn His Word.
He says, "The ground makes the seed grow and blossom; first the green leaf,
then the ear, and finally the full grown corn in the ear." (verse 28)
It is true that the church grows slowly, gradually, and we do not always
see it growing; but at the same time the church grows impressively! In our
text Jesus reminds us of this important truth. He says, "God's kingdom is the
same as a tiny mustard seed, which is the smallest of seeds in the
earth. A man takes that seed and puts it in the ground, and it grows and
becomes a large tree. It grows so large that birds come and make nests in
its branches. (verses 31-32) This shows that the church grows impressively.
Jesus first planted His church in a very small and weak country, Israel,
but since that day His church has grown and spread to many nations on the
earth. The Gospel preaching has made the church grow larger and larger.
And people of all various races have found refuge and rest and joy in
Jesus and His church. The Universal Church is proof that God's
Word makes the church grow impressively. There were times during the past
2,000 years when the church did not grow. But generally it did grow!
And the Gospel preaching will continue to make the church grow until the time
of the great harvest on the Last Day when Jesus comes. In our text Jesus says,
"When the corn is ready the farmer starts to harvest the corn." (verse 29)
We shall see this great harvest on the Last Day when Jesus comes to judge
the quick and the dead. Then the angels will gather all those who believed
in Jesus. Then there will be a great and joyous harvest festival in
Therefore, we must not ever feel discouraged about church growth. God's
Word is alive and powerful; it makes His church grow as He wishes.
Remember: the church grows gradually, inconspicuously, and impressively!
Have faith in the wonderful power of God's Word! It makes the church grow!