August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 4th Sunday After
Sermon Title: What Makes The Church Grow?
Sermon Date: June 19, 1988
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 4:26-34

Dear Christian friends:

Today we hear and read much about Church Growth - how churches grow and why churches grow. But what constitutes real church growth? Do big numbers alone indicate that there is real church growth? Books and articles have been written on this subject, some of it good and much of it not good. Many seminars have been held on this topic attended by thousands of church members.

In our text Jesus explains about church growth. Perhaps we need to forget some of the things we've read and heard, maybe even tried, and give attention to what Jesus says here in our text about church growth. Here in our text

What Makes The Church Grow?

I. Jesus shows that God's Word is wonderful, the same as a seed.

A. Jesus in our text explains about the wonderful seed. (Read verses 26-29)

1. He says: "God's kingdom is the same as a man scattering seeds on the ground." The man scatters the seeds and then goes to sleep. While the man sleeps and wakes-up in the morning, during many days the seeds grow, but the man understands not how the seed grows. Out of the ground the seed grows: first the leaf, then the head (ear) and finally the full grown corn (seed) in the head (ear). When the corn is ready, the man cuts it and gathers it."

2. "God's kingdom is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. A man plants the seed in the ground, and it grows to become a large tree. It grows so large that birds come and make nests in the branches."

3. Think how wonderful a seed is! It seems dry and dead but it has life and power hidden in it! If you plant this seed you will be surprised to see that is true. It is not dead. It is strong and has life! God knows! Only God knows! God made the seeds and God makes them grow. It is very wonderful how the seeds have life and grow.

On seed will grow and make many more seeds, a head of wheat or an ear of corn. In this wonderful way God provides food for animals and man, giving life and strength to all the world. Yes, if we stop and think we will become aware of the miracle that is a seed.

B. Jesus compares God's Word with a seed. In the first part of this same chapter Jesus tells the Parable of the Farmer who scattered his seed. He says, "The farmer sows the word." (verse 14)

1. God's Word in the Bible perhaps seems dry and boring, the same as a seed seems dry and dead: but God's Word, the same as a seed has secret life and power in it. Especially the Good News of God's love and mercy for sinners which He shows in Christ Jesus, His Son, Baptism and the Holy Supper.

Take Baptism for example. Baptism gives forgiveness of sins, delivers from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe, New Life and New Birth! Luther asks "How can water do such wonderful things?" Then he answers: "It is not the water indeed that does them, but the word of God which is in and with the water, and faith, which trusts such word of God in the water. For without the word of God the water is simple water and no Baptism. But with the word of God it is a baptism, a gracious water of life and a regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul says in Titus, chapter three."

Think also about the Lord's Supper. Through the Lord's Supper we receive forgiveness of sins, life and salvation are given to us. Truly the most precious blessings of God's love! How can eating the bread and drinking the wine do such wonderful things? It is really not the eating and drinking which does these wonderful things, but Jesus' words: "Take eat this is My body, which is given for you; take drink ye all of it, this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the remission of sins."

Yes, God's Word, the same as a seed, has wonderful life and power in it. With His Word God makes the church grow. Without God's Word in the Gospel and Sacraments there is no church growth.

Therefore, we must learn to trust God's Word and the church will grow.

II. If we trust God's Word, we will also use it.

A. We will use God's Word for ourselves, first and chiefly.

1. We will use God's Word when we read the Bible a few chapters each day. Some of you use "Portals of Prayer" booklet as your guide. There are many other good daily Bible reading and prayer guides which we can buy and use. This strengthens our faith in God, and also strengthens our love for God to obey Him and serve Him.

2. Then also, we will come to the Bible Class on Sunday mornings. I am pleased to see that Lee Ann Kotal is doing a very good job teaching the Bible Class each Sunday morning during the vacancy. I am also pleased to see that many of you are continuing to come faithfully to help each other study and discuss God's Word. Remember, His Word the same as a seed has wonderful life and power. When church members gather with one another to study and discuss God's word their faith and love will grow stronger. I wish all of our members would get the habit of coming to Bible Class. That's real church growth.

3. Also in church we use God's Word and Sacraments: Singing, praying, preaching, seeing babies and others baptized, coming to the Lord's Supper! Remember, God's Word, the same as a seed, has secret wonderful life and power for our souls. We need the church services regularly so that we have God's power in our lives. This is inner church growth.

Thus we use God's wonderful Word for ourselves. We also should use God's Word to help others become alive in Christ and grow.

B. Today is Father's Day. One of the chief duties of a Christian father is to use God's Word with his wife and children in the family. God has given all fathers the duty to teach their wives and children God's Word in the home, and to live as a good example of faith and love. The children should see from the fathers talk and father's kind deeds that he is a Christian father who loves God in Christ Jesus. I am sorry to see that many fathers fail in this duty. I pray that God forgive all fathers when they fail and then help them to do their important duties. God uses good fathers to make the church grow.

1. Then also we use God's Word for others when we visit with them and share our faith in Jesus with them. When we visit friends and neighbors we sometimes have an opportunity to speak of God's love and forgiveness for sinners. Especially when our neighbors and friends have sickness or other troubles and problems we can have opportunity to speak of God's love for them in Jesus.

2. And, secondly, we can use God's wonderful Word for others by giving for District and Synod missions. God's Word has the power to change men's hearts. Those who do not now believe can believe when the cross of Jesus is preached to them.

The church grows when pastors and members proclaim God's wonderful Word. You know that seed cannot grow except the farmer plants it, so also the church cannot grow without preaching, teaching, and telling God's Word. A farmer has faith in the seed and plants it: a Christian has faith in God's Word and uses it.
