Dear Christian friends:
In our text Jesus talks about a great harvest. Here in California we live
in a large farming state and know what a harvest is. Here in our text Jesus
talks about God's harvest. He does not mean a harvest of wheat, or oats, or
soy beans. Jesus here talks about another harvest, much more valuable than
wheat or oats or soy beans. Jesus talks about a harvest of people.
We need to understand about God's great harvest and then gladly help in that
harvest work.
God's Great Harvest
In our text Jesus says to His disciples, "The harvest is great." "Great"
here means many, many people. When Jesus traveled around the Jewish country
and saw the many people who did not yet know God He thought about a large
field of wheat, ripe, golden and waving in the breeze, ready for harvest.
Jesus felt sorry for the many people because they were ignorant about God,
the same as sheep without a shepherd. (verse 36) These people were not yet
gathered into His church. It is the same today! There are many more people
today who do not know Jesus or believe in Him. They are not yet gathered
(harvested) into God's kingdom. About 50% of the people in the U.S.A. do
not belong to any Christian church. Among the deaf people it is worse.
When he was here in May for our PRILDA Convention Rev. Zuhn said that 80%
of the deaf in the U.S.A. do not belong to any church. Here in California
it is worse, 85%! And in the world 70% of the people are not Christians.
Truly the harvest is great!
"Great" also means valuable. Wheat and soy bean harvest is valuable,
precious food, and worth much money. Farmers hurry to gather in their crops
when they are ripe. They don't have much time. They don't want it destroyed
by hail or birds or insects such as grasshoppers. God's harvest is much
more valuable. People are more valuable than wheat or beans. God loves all
the people although they are sinners. He sent His Son Jesus to die on the
cross for all people. God does not want anyone lost to Satan and hell. He
wants all men to be saved and come to know the truth in Jesus. (John 3:16-
17) And Jesus, the Son, feels the same as the Father. When Jesus saw the
many people who did not yet believe in Him He felt love and mercy for them.
(verse 36) Later He volunteered and gave His life for them on the cross.
Jesus wants the people to believe in Him and love Him and follow Him. He
wants them to be gathered into His Church so they can have peace in their
hearts because their sins are forgiven and they can have joy and hope in
Him now on earth and forever in heaven. Yes, God's harvest is "great." It
is very many, many people and very valuable people. Jesus said one "soul",
one person's soul, is worth more than all the money in the world. (Matthew
The harvest is "great", many, many, and very valuable, but there is one big
problem. What is that? Not enough workers to gather the harvest into God's
In our text Jesus says, "The harvest truly is great, but the workers are
few." (verse 37) That was true 2,000 years ago during Jesus' time on earth
and it is also true today. There are not enough workers in God's harvest.
Who are the workers?
In our Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod we now have 600 vacant churches,
churches with no pastor. In a few years our leaders estimate it will be
over 1,000 vacancies. Why? Not enough young men are enrolling to study and
prepare for the ministry at our colleges and seminaries. Also our members
do not volunteer to help with the local church work. Only about one-third
of the members in any congregation are active to help the pastor do the
church work. That is true also here at Pilgrim. Many members are not
trained to go out and witness to others about their faith in Jesus. They
are afraid or ashamed to talk to others about Jesus Christ. Or maybe they
do not think it is important. On the 4th of July we visited with our
daughter Jane. She told us about a former neighbor, a young mother, who is
dying with cancer. Jane went to visit her, and tried to cheer her. But
she said to Ferol and me, "Maybe I should have witnessed to her. She is not
a Christian. But I didn't know what to say to her." I think many church
members are like Jane; they don't know how to witness to someone about their
faith and hope in Jesus.
What's the answer to that problem? The harvest is great, but the workers
are few. Jesus says, "Therefore you pray the Lord of the harvest; ask Him
to send workers into His harvest." (verse 38)
How often do you pray to Jesus that He will send more workers into the world
to teach and preach the Gospel? Jesus, the Lord of the harvest, promises
to hear and answer your prayer. He is waiting for you to come and ask Him.
Prayer is the answer to this problem.
If you pray daily for more workers, then you yourself will receive the Holy
Spirit and become a more responsible church member. You will, like Jesus
and our daughter Jane, feel love and compassion for those who are dying
without Jesus. You will want to learn how to witness to unbeliever friends
and neighbors. You will join our Evangelism Committee. (Eddie Bachus is
the Chairman), and learn about witnessing.
Also if you daily pray for more workers, you will ask some young deaf man to
think about becoming a pastor for the deaf. Now we have 3 pastors who are
deaf. We need more deaf young men to study at the seminaries to become
pastors. Also think about asking hearing sons of deaf parents to go to the
seminary and study to become pastors to the deaf. Hearing sons of the deaf
may have signing skills and understanding about the deaf. They can become
good pastors for the deaf. Now we have only one hearing son of deaf parents
who is a pastor for the deaf in our Synod. He is Rev. Munz of Indianapolis.
If you pray everyday for more workers in God's harvest you will become a
more active church member. You will not make excuses. This hymn tells us
not to make excuses:
"Let none hear you idly saying,
There is nothing I can do,
While the souls of men are dying
And the Master calls for you.
Take the task He gives you gladly,
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calls you:
Here am I, send me, send me!"