Dear Christian friends:
Here I have the Classified Advertisements of the Los Angeles Times
for this Sunday. I am looking at the "Help Wanted Ads." There
are many various jobs offered: electrician, plumber, engineer,
clerk, secretary etc. These ads explain what talents, skills,
training and experience are needed to get the jobs.
Our text for today is like a “Help Wanted Ad." Our text is Jesus'
advertisement for workers in His Kingdom.
Wanted - Kingdom Workers
What kind of workers does Jesus need? First, Jesus needs workers
who share his compassion for the “lost sheep."
In_our text we read, "When Jesus saw the many, many people, He
pitied them, because they were wandering and helpless, the same
as sheep without a shepherd.” During Jesus' time here on earth,
most of the people did not really know God. They were afraid of
God and felt ashamed and guilty because of their sins and wrongs.
They did not know that God sent Jesus to suffer and die for their
sins, so that they could have forgiveness and be His friends. It
is the same today. Most people do not really know God, that He
is kind and shows mercy and forgives sinners.
Many people see God only as a Law-giver, who blesses those who try
to obey his laws and punishes those who break his laws. They think
they can obey his laws and please him by loving others and helping
the poor and needy. They do not confess that they have a sinner
heart and cannot really love others or God. True, they perhaps
agree that sometimes they fail to love God and their neighbor, but
they think that's okay! God accepts them because they try to be
Others, know that they are bad and sinners, and they perhaps think
God is displeased with them and doesn't care for them. They perhaps
say, "God is not fair! God is strict. I don't want him." Some of these
people perhaps despair and have no faith or hope in God. They try to
forget him or say, "There is no God!" They are like sheep straying
away without a shepherd. They don't know that God loves sinners and
sent his Son, Jesus Christ to save all of us sinners by his death and
resurrection on the third day.
Today most people are wandering around, confused and helpless. We, also,
were the same. Before our baptism we were the same as lost sheep. We did
not know about God's wonderful love and mercy in Jesus. But God
has found us and He has called us to believe in Jesus through our
baptism and through the Good News preaching. One of our favorite
hymns is this one:
"Amazing grace; how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see."
Since we, ourselves, were once lost and blind in spirit, we can
and should fell compassion for those today who are still
spiritually lost and blind. Jesus needs such workers in His
Kingdom. In our text Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest
is great, but the workers are few; therefore, you pray to the
Lord of the harvest that He will send workers into His harvest. (verse 37)
Those who feel compassion for the lost sheep will pray for
workers, and then go and work themselves. Those Jesus asked to
pray for workers, He then sent to work. Jesus needs workers who
share His compassion for the lost sheep.
Secondly, Jesus needs workers in His Kingdom who know that He has
called them.
In our text we see that Jesus called 12 men. He called them by
their names. Then Jesus sent them to preach. These 12 men knew
that Jesus had called them and had given them a job. They had no
doubt or question about that. They were called and sent men.
Jesus has also called each one of us in baptism. Jesus knows our
name which our parents gave to us in baptism. If you are
baptized, Jesus has named you and called you to work in His
kingdom. You should have no doubt or question about that.
Jesus also needs workers who know His mission. The twelve disciples
knew Jesus' mission for them that time. Jesus at that time sent
them to preach to the Jews only. He forbade them to preach to
other nations or races. (verses 5-6)
Jesus also has given us our mission today. He has commanded us
to preach to all nations, to the Jews first, and then to the
other nations. (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15) Some of us
Jesus calls to preach full time, such as pastors, missionaries,
teachers and evangelists. (Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Timothy 3:1) But
all who have been baptized Jesus calls to witness of His grace
by their talk and deeds. (2 Cor. 5:15 and 1 Peter 2:9) Jesus has
called you and He has given you a definite mission. Jesus wants
you! Our Synod has 190 missionaries working in 26 countries.
Fourthly, Jesus needs workers who have equipment for His work.
You know from your experience that a worker needs tools and
skills so that he can do the employer's work.
Jesus equipped the twelve disciples for their mission. He gave them
the "tool" they would need to do His work. What tool? The Good
News of the Kingdom. (Matt. 10:7) It is the same message God has
given to us, His workers today. "Go into all the world and
preach the Good News to all people." (Mark 16:15) Jesus has also
given us two other tools: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Jesus
has given us perfect, fine tools with which to do His mission!
Jesus also wants workers who have received His gifts and talents.
You know that any worker needs skills and training for a certain
The 12 disciples had received various gifts and talents. Peter
was a leader and strong preacher. His brother, Andrew, was a
helper and server. Their various gifts joined together to do the
mission Jesus had given to them. Jesus has also given us various
gifts and talents so that we can cooperate with one another here
at Pilgrim and do His work here. Through the Personal Renewal
Bible Study we tried to discover our individual gifts and talents
so that we could develop these more and use them in doing Jesus'
work here. Jesus needs workers who share His compassion for the
lost; workers who know that He has called them and know their
mission; workers who have His tools and talents. You should be
such a worker. Are you such a Kingdom worker?