August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 5th Sunday After
Sermon Title: God Is Ruling Over Us At All Times
Sermon Date: June 30, 1985
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 4:35-41 On the evening of the same day Jesus said to His disciples, "Let us go across to the other side of the Lake." So they Left the crowd; the disciples got into the boat with Jesus. Other boats were there, too. A very strong wind blew up and waves began to spill over into the boat, so that it was almost full with water. Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping with His head on a pillow, The disciples woke Him and Said, "Teacher, don't You care that we are soon to die?" Jesus arose and commanded the wind, "Be quiet!" and He said to the waves, "Be still!" The wind died down, and there was a great calm. Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Why are you frightened? Are you still without faith?" But they were terribly afraid, and began to say to each other, "Who is this man? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!"

Dear friends in Christ Jesus:

When we have good health and good times and good weather it is easy for us to believe that God is ruling over our lives. But when bad times come, or when we have much sickness and other problems and troubles it is not easy for us to believe that God is ruling. We are tempted to complain and doubt His love and His power to help us.

But God is ruling at all times - in bad times same as in good times. Our text shows that very clearly. It shows that

God Is Ruling Over Us At All Times

On January 27, 1962, John Glenn, who is now Senator Glenn from Ohio, was sitting in his space ship on top of a big Mercury rocket at Cape Canaveral, Florida, waiting to launch off and go one hundred miles above the earth and orbit the earth three times and then splash-down in the Pacific Ocean. He had planned to take off at 6:30 am but did not take off until 11:30 a.m. - five hours later. Why did he have to sit and wait on the launch pad for five hours? Because of bad weather, too many clouds.

Our space scientists and astronauts are very brilliant and they can do many surprising and wonderful things. Since that morning of January 27, 1962 they have sent men in space ships to land on the moon and walk on it, and then return safely to the earth. But on that January morning they could not command the weather to change. They must sit patiently and wait for God to change it. Even today, many years later, our brilliant scientists cannot control the weather.

But almost 2,000 years ago in a small boat on the Lake of Galiliee, Jesus of Nazareth commanded the wind to stop and it obeyed Him. When His disciples saw what He did they asked each other, "Who is this Man?" Later they learned to know Him and believe in Him. We know Him too. We know who He is! He is the almighty Son of God, Creator of heaven and earth, Ruler over wind and wave, Savior of sinners!

He is the eternal Son of God who on the first Christmas became the Son of Mary, the Son of Man, by the power of the Holy Spirit. He became a Man so He could take our place under the law and keep the law for us, because we are unable, can't keep it ourselves. And He also paid and suffered the punishment of our law-breaking by His death on the cross, so we could have forgiveness of sins and become friends of God again. He arose from death on Easter morning and now sits at God's right hand, ruling over all things.

Jesus rules over us at all times, in bad times same as in good times. If we happen to have big trouble and hard problems, He does not stop ruling. He knows about it and He permits it to happen to us. And He will make the trouble stop when He is ready and not before. That is why Jesus continued sleeping in back of the boat although the boat was filling with water and ready to sink. He knew about the storm even while sleeping, but He was in no hurry to stop it. He wanted to test the faith of His disciples. So He often delays to stop the storm and trouble in our life. By these storms of life He helps our faith to grow stronger and more patient.

So we should not be afraid or angry when troubles come into our home or family. After Jesus calmed the lake He said to His disciples, "Why are you afraid? Are you still without faith?" They were afraid because they did not believe and trust in Jesus' power and His love. Jesus has plenty of power to help us in any trouble or need, as He clearly shows here on the Lake of Galilee. Also, He loves us very, very much, more than our own mother loves us. You know that because He gave His life on the cross for you, to save you from sin and the eternal punishment of sin, so you can become friends with God again.

Jesus can help and Jesus will help at the right time. What we need is faith and trust in Him. If we are afraid it is because we do not believe in His power and His love. We do not believe that He is ruling over us at all times.

Jesus will strengthen your faith. He does this by the Holy Spirit who comes to you when you hear and read His Word as you are doing now. He also strengthens your faith when you come to the Lord's Supper. So if you are afraid, hear His Word more often in Church and read your Bible every day. Also come to the Lord's Supper often. Then the Holy Spirit can come into your heart and make strong your faith. Then you will not be afraid, but you will be glad and have hope and peace in all times, both in bad times and in good times. You will know that Jesus is ruling over you and with you at all times.

May God keep you in His power and love!
