Dear Christian friends:
It is not easy to be a Christian. And we Christians should not expect a
comfortable, easy life. Really we should expect a hard life of trouble
and suffering. Peter says, "Since Christ has suffered for us in the flesh,
prepare yourselves likewise with the same mind." (1 Peter 4:1) And St.
Paul rejoiced in his sufferings for the church of Christ. (Col. 1:24)
And here in our text Jesus tells His disciples that they should expect
suffering and trouble when they do their Christian duty and confess Him
before men. Jesus said to them, "All men will hate you because you confess
My name." (verse 22) Most people refuse to believe in Jesus and they hate
and persecute those who do believe. I'm sure you have experienced that
yourself. If you have not experienced that enmity from unbelievers you
perhaps are not confessing Jesus as you should.
Here in our text Jesus encourages us to be brave and confess His name
before all people.
Jesus Encourages Us To Confess Him Before Men
First, Jesus reminds us that we are His disciples and that He is our Lord.
Jesus became our Lord and Master and we His servants because He loved us
and died for us upon the cross. We should now love Him and feel ourselves in
debt to Him. We owe Jesus a great debt of thanks and love because He
suffered so much to win salvation for us. Jesus says to us, "The disciple
is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. It is enough for
the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If
they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall
they call the servants?" (verses 24-25) Jesus' enemies persecuted Him and
mocked Him calling Him a devil. They will do the same to His disciples to
you and to me. Remember that you are Jesus' disciple, and that you owe
love and thanks to Him. This will help you to confess Jesus before men.
Secondly, remember to fear God more than men. God will judge all men on
the last day (verse 26) If you must fear someone fear God, not men. Jesus
says, "Fear not them (men) which kill the body, but cannot kill the soul:
but rather fear him (God) which can destroy both soul and body in hell."
(verse 28) The worst that men can do to you is to kill your body. They can,
if God permits, stop your short, trouble-filled life here on earth, but
they have no power to destroy your soul and body for eternal life. If you
must die for Jesus' sake, your soul will continue to live with Jesus in
heaven, and on the Last Day Jesus will raise your dead body. That body
will awake and arise new and glorious and beautiful and be reunited with
your soul. Therefore, don't fear men. They really can't destroy you.
Better fear God and do His will because God has power to really destroy
you forever!
Thirdly, remember that God can protect you from men. Jesus says that God
loves and protects the sparrow which is not worth much. (verse 29) We are
worth much more than sparrows. (verse 31) God loves us more than He loves
a bird. He can protect you from all harm that men may wish to do against
you. He even knows how many hairs you have on your head, Jesus says.
For a short time God my let you suffer to test your faith and to strengthen
your trust in Him. But He knows what is happening to you and He will stop
that at the right time. He will not let you suffer more than you can stand
and He will not let you suffer until your faith is strong enough to endure
it. Remember how God tested Abraham's faith when God commanded him to offer
up his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering? (Genesis 22:1-14) God did not test
Abraham until his faith was strong enough. The quiet trust of peaceful days
precedes and prepares us for the storms of life. So don't fear men: trust
God who loves you and protects you, and knows your need. Be brave and
confess Jesus before men.
Finally, remember that Jesus promises a great reward for us in heaven, if
we now suffer and confess Him on earth. (Verse 32, Revelations 2:10)
That will be a wonderful and glorious event. You will stand with Jesus
before God's throne and before all angels, before Abraham, Moses, David and
Paul and all God's people. You will hear Jesus praise you and put a crown
on your head! Jesus will not forget what you have done and suffered for
His name's sake. He promises to reward you 100 times and give you a
prophet's reward! (verse 41)
In two weeks the Olympic Games will begin. We will watch the races and
competitions and see the winners receive the gold, silver and bronze medals
on the victory stand. They will enjoy much honor and glory for a short
time. In a few years everyone will forget and their glory is gone. But
the rewards that you and I receive will not fade away. That glory and
honor we will share with Jesus forever and ever.
So let us not be ashamed or afraid to confess Jesus before men! Now we
have received much encouragement and support! God says to us what He said
to Abraham, "Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield and thy exceeding great
reward." (Genesis 15:1)