Church Period: The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: Losing Our Life To Save It
Sermon Date: June 29, 1975
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 8: 34-35
Dear Christian Friends:
Today is St. Peter and St. Paul Day. The Christian Church looks back and remembers thes two men, learns from their lives and thanks God that He gave us these two men to help us in our faith. God wants us to become more like Peter and Paul. In the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday Jesus tells His disciples a very strange thing (v. 35 read it!) Peter and Paul lost their life for Jesus' sake. We should too.
Losing Our Life To Save It
I. What does this mean?
a. Paul and Peter did it, so lets look
at their lives to see what it means.
1. Paul says in Phil. 3:6-11 (read it)
2. Things Paul suffered for Jesus sake,
to have the Good News and preach it.
a. Acts 9:15-16 Christ chose him to be a traveling preacher to the Gentiles,
kings and people of Israel. Made 3 long hard preaching journeys.
b. 2 Cor. 11:23-33 5 times he got 39 lashes, 3 times whipped by the Romans; once stoned; in 3 shipwrecks and once spent 24 hours in the water. Many travels, floods, robbers; persecution from Jews and Gentiles, false friends; went without sleep, food, shelter or clothing. Much responsibility of many churches under his care
c. 2 Tim. 4:6-8 Finally gave his life to remain true to Christ.
d. Peter much the same; crucified for Christ's sake. Peter and Paul
lost their lives to save them.
II. What does it mean for us today?
A. Do you really know Christ like Paul and Peter knew Him?
1. Or do you brag about your own goodness and self and not rejoice
in Christ's righteousness?
2. Are you eager like Paul to join and share in Jesus sufferings and
become like Him in His death? Is your big hope that you yourself will
be raised from death to life? What is the goal of your life? Ease
and comfort and pleasure here on earth, power? Or is it to serve Christ
and then die and go to be with Him forever in heaven's glory?
Paul said, "I live for Christ, if I die that is better; whether I live or die I am Christs. No more I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.
B. Does your talk, your deeds, your life show that you have Christ like Paul and Peter? What have you done for Christ? How much have you suffered for His sake? Have you lost money or friends because of Jesus? Did you give up some pleasure or luxury to Christ and His Church?
Our new building here will test us. Will you suffer and sacrifice to support it? Don't save yourself sacrifice yourself for Jesus sake and you will save your life now on earth and forever in heavenly glory. But if you now try to save yourself for selfish earthly pleasures, you will fail to serve Jesus and will finally lose your soul in hell.
May God give us His Holy Spirit and help us to know Jesus and rejoice in Him alone, and lose ourselves, offer ourselves in His praise and service.