Dear Christian friends:
When Jesus saw four fisherman, Peter, Andrew, James and
John washing their fish nets by the Sea of Galilee, He
said to them: "Come, follow Me, and I will make you
fishers of men." And they followed Jesus and learned to
fish for men and gave-up fishing for fish.
Jesus has also called you and me to come and follow Him.
Jesus also wants you and me to become fishers of men. He
wants us to tell the Good News of His Kingdom and win
people to believe in Him and be saved!
But, are we really following Jesus? Do we really understand
about following Jesus? In our text, which is the Gospel Lesson,
Jesus teaches us what it means to
Follow Jesus
Why do we want to follow Jesus? In verse five gives us the reason:
"And it happened before Jesus ascended into heaven that Jesus
decided (sign emphatically) to go to Jerusalem."
Why was Jesus now determined to go to Jerusalem. His last journey
there? (See what the deaf answer. If correct accept and embellish.
If not correct, give the answer.)
Sacrifice attracts us to the person who makes a sacrifice for us.
It establishes a strong bond between the savior and the saved. A
boy is saved from drowning while swimming, and always after that
experience, he wants to tell others, "That man saved my life!" The
savior also feels a special interest in the one he has saved.
So we feel a strong union with Jesus because He loved us and
sacrificed Himself on the cross to save us from sin, death and
hell. We love Him because He first loved us. Jesus says to us, "If
you love Me, follow me." Jesus is very interested in you, because
He shed His blood for you. He wants you to finally arrive in heaven,
and not stray away. Therefore, He says to you, "Follow Me." We want
to follow Jesus because He loved us and died for us.
We follow Jesus, how? In what ways? Our text tells us that we fellow
Him in His love for sinners. (read verses 52-56)
James and John wanted to punish the Samaritans because they refused
to welcome Jesus into their city to stay during the night. They don't
want to welcome Jesus and His disciples because they were Jews and
the Samaritans hated the Jews. James and John asked Jesus to send
fire from heaven and kill those people. So Jesus rebuked the
disciples. (verse 55)
True the Samaritans were sinners and did wrong. They misunderstood the
Old Testament writings and have racial prejudice, the same as many ]
people today. But Jesus wants them to get saved and have the blessings
of His cross. He now is going to Jerusalem to die for them also.
Should we become angry and want to punish sinners today who refuse to
believe in Jesus? No! We should continue to love them the same as Jesus.
Pray for them that the Holy Spirit opens their eyes to see the light
and truth about Jesus Christ.
We should continue to visit them and tell them, "That Man, Jesus Christ
saved my life. He died for me so that I can have forgiveness of sins and
go to heaven." Tell them, "Jesus also loves you! Jesus died for you also.
Believe in Jesus and you will be saved!" We should follow Jesus in
His love for sinners, love sinners, the same as He loves them.
Our text tells us another way we should follow Jesus: Follow Him in loving
God's kingdom. (verses 57-62) Following Jesus means that we must be ready
to sacrifice various things so that God's kingdom can grow and advance.
(read verses 57-58)
Jesus loved God's kingdom very much. He gave up many valuable things to
advance God's kingdom, here on here: Jesus owned few earthly things. He
never owned a house. Jesus did not value earthly things like people here
value them. Jesus valued spiritual things, the things of God's kingdom
and desired to finish His spiritual work and then go again to His home
in heaven.
If we follow Jesus, we will not be greedy for earthly things, riches,
comforts and pleasures. We will push that aside so we can do His kingdom
Following Jesus means that we live the new life. He has given us as
members of His kingdom. Verses 59-60 tells about that, read it!
Seems the man's father was still living, but old. This man is sitting on
the fence. He can't decide if he wants to be in God's kingdom or the devil's
kingdom. He can't decide if he wants to follow Jesus or not. Jesus' answer
to him shows that he was spiritually dead. Those who have new life in Jesus
don't delay doing His kingdom work. They are eager to tell others the Good
News of God's Kingdom.
Do you have new life in Jesus? Are you eager to tell the good news of
God's kingdom? God has given you a new, spiritual life. Now live that life!
Follow Jesus! You are members of God's kingdom, not the devil's. Finally,
following Jesus means attending to the goals of God's kingdom. Jesus
shows that in verses 61-62, read it!
Its not wrong to say, "Goodbye to your family." In the Old Testament Lesson
the prophet Elijah let Elisha do that. But then Elisha after he had a
farewell dinner with his family he went and followed Elijah. He never looked
back or longed to go back to the old life.
Jesus means to tell us don't lose your focus! Don't let earthly pleasures make you
forget your goal. Don't let difficulties and problems stop your going after Jesus
and the goals of His kingdom. What is the goal of God's kingdom? That we
be saved and go to heaven and be under His kind and glorious rule forever and
ever, giving all glory to God!
I am sorry and ashamed to confess that I have failed to follow Jesus as He
here teaches us. I have not thanked Him as I should. I have not appreciated
His sacrifice on the cross as I should. I have not followed Him in loving
other sinners. Sometimes I have hated them and don't care about them if they
go to hell. I have not always willingly given-up earthly things, so I could
follow Jesus. I have not loved God's Kingdom as Jesus loves it.
But praise Jesus. He never failed. Jesus loved all sinners. Jesus sacrificed
Himself for the world. Jesus loved God's Kingdom and did the kingdom work
perfectly. Jesus perfectly followed God's plan to win salvation for the World
and promote God's Kingdom of mercy and forgiveness. Through faith in Jesus I
put on His righteousness and am forgiven and remain a follower of Jesus!
May God's mercy and love in Jesus give us power to follow Jesus better
in the future!