August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 7th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Do You Know The Father?
Sermon Date: July 29, 1984
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 11:25-30

Dear Christian friends:

Do you know God? You answer, "Yes! We know God." We perhaps think that we know God, but really we do not know Him very well. Also we Christians often misunderstand about God, because we still have our sinful nature and pride. The Bible says that "the natural man receives not the things of God's Spirit, because that is foolishness to Him." Often we let our pride and sinful nature confuse our understanding of God.

In our text Jesus reminds us about knowing God the Father in heaven. We need this reminder often. So I want to ask you this question

Do You Know The Father?

How can we know the Father? We cannot receive the true knowledge of God in the usual ways that we learn various things, through books and schools and colleges. The books and schools of the world do not teach about God the Father. The books and schools and colleges of the world often teach that there is no Father in heaven or they teach about a god who is a false god. The books and schools of the world teach evolution; they do not teach about the true God. In our text Jesus thanked God because He hid the truth from the wise people and those who had much learning and showed the truth to "children." (verse 25) When Jesus says "children" here, He means people who are humble like little children. People who act smart and proud and think they know everything, God does not show Himself to them. But humble people, handicapped people, poor people, God shows Himself to them. So if you are handicapped, or poor or sick, don't complain - God likes you and shows Himself to you.

Also you cannot know God by searching for Him, as many think. When I drive around the city sometimes I see a sign on a car bumper. The sign says, "I FOUND IT". The sign means, "I found God." Perhaps you, too, have seen that sign on a car bumper. But that sign is not correct. Why? Because we cannot find God? He finds us! If man himself finds a god it is not the true God; it is a false god, a god he himself has invented. Here in our text Jesus says that no one can Know God the Father except the Son of God and those the Son wants to show the Father. Jesus told His disciples, "You did not choose me; I chose you." (John 15:16) As we are born we are sinners, ignorant of God and His ways, yes, and enemies of God. (John 3:7; Romans 5:7; 1 Corinthians 2:14) God must come to us and call us and give us light and knowledge. We are spiritually blind, lost and dead, and cannot know God by our own efforts.

God shows Himself to us in Jesus. One day Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied." Jesus replied, "You not yet know who I am, Philip, after all this time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father."' (John 14:8-9) So, if you want to know God the Father, you must know Jesus. In Jesus we learn that we are helpless, lost sinners, that we cannot become righteous and friends with God by the Law works. We learn that all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags before God. We learn the Good News that Jesus came to keep the Law for us, that His righteousness is ours by faith. In Jesus we learn that nevertheless God loves us and shows mercy to us.

When we know God through Jesus we have wonderful peace and rest in our heart. In our text Jesus invites, "Come to Me, all of you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (verse 28) That is a very beautiful and sweet invitation. You will never receive a better invitation than this one. And when you by faith accept this invitation and believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and kept the Law for you, then you have wonderful rest and peace in your heart. You are no more afraid of God's anger and punishment. You no more feel ashamed or guilty because of sins. Now you know that God is your dear Father in heaven. You know that He loves you and forgives all your sins through Jesus. You have peace with God. He is your Friend and Helper. It is very sweet and wonderful to know God, really know Him in Jesus.

And when you know the Father in heaven through Jesus, you have wonderful freedom. Not freedom to sin. No! But freedom to thank and praise God. Freedom to do the good things He wants and asks you to do. That's what Jesus means when He says in our lesson here: "Take my yoke, and learn from Me. I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will have rest for your soul. For the yoke I give you is easy and the load I put on you is light." (verses 39-30) We really love God now, because He first loved us and gave His Son to die for us. Therefore the work, the yoke, Jesus gives us to do here on earth is "easy" and "light". Now we love God and freely, gladly serve Him. We do not feel forced or afraid of Him as those who know Him not in Jesus.

Here is a story to help you understand: One day two men met on the sidewalk. Before they were both not Christians, but now one of them had become a Christian. The non-Christian said to the Christian, "Now you must be good; you must go to church; you must give money for church and do work for the church. You can't have good times any more like before." The Christian answered, "You are wrong. You said, "I must!" Not must! I want to! I want to be good! I want to go to church. I want to support the church and volunteer, because I now love God who first loved me and gave His Son for me." The non-Christian went away and said no more.

So we love God and gladly accept the "yoke" He gives us. Jesus' yoke is easy and light because we really know our Father in heaven.
