August's Sermons

Church Period: The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: Follow Him In Spite Of Opposition-Outline
Sermon Date: June 29, 2008
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 10:34

Dear Christian Friends:

In the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday Jesus makes a rather shocking statement: "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (v. 34). We usually think of Jesus as one who brings peace and several other passages of the Bible agree with that description of Him. Isaiah prophesying of His birth, called Him the "Prince of Peace" (Is. 9:6). And when He was born the angels sang: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men" (Luke 2:14). How do we explain this seeming contradictions?

Well, Jesus does bring peace on earth to me, to all those who believe in Him and accept Him for their Savior. He really does bring peace, peace with God because He earned forgiveness of sins for all. Also between Christians Jesus brings peace because Christians forgive one another. However, those who refuse to believe in Jesus may oppose the Christians. Between believers and unbelievers Jesus causes opposition and sometimes even a "sword."

More Christians have been beaten, raped, robbed, imprisoned, or killed the past century than in all the previous history of Christendom, mostly in Communist and Muslim countries, who do not have religious freedom.

But even in our society we have more subtle forms of persecution. So, Jesus, in our text encourages and enables us to:

Follow Him Inspite Of Opposition

I. In what way are we to follow Him?

A. There are many ways we are to follow Jesus, but in our text He is speaking about a specific way, namely in confessing our faith in Him.

1. In the two verses preceding our text Jesus says, (read verses 32-33).

2. So we are to follow Jesus in telling people the truth about God and the way of salvation.

B. When He was here visibly on earth, during His life and three year ministry Jesus told the truth about God and the way of salvation.

1. He taught that God was One yet three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19-21; John 13-17).

2. He taught that there is only one way for sinners to be saved (John 14:16; Mark 16:15).

Summary: So we are to follow Jesus in telling people the truth about God and the way of salvation.

Transition: However when we do this we may meet opposition, and because of this opposition we may be tempted to say nothing to avoid conflict. Therefore,

II. Jesus Himself witnessed to the Jewish Council, the Scribes and Pharisees, and Roman governor Pontius Pilate, although He knew that His witnessing would cost Him His life.

1. I believe you know that history very well since we read about it and hear it preached during each Lenten Season.

2. Peter in his First Epistle admonishes us, "If you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:20-21).

B. If we faithfully witness the truth about the true God, the Holy Trinity and that we are saved only by faith in Jesus Christ our witness will be opposed by many people in our culture today.

1. When some believe the truth and others do not believe, the faith of those who believe automatically condemns those that do not believe, and, therefore they have enmity; but it is nevertheless present.

2. Believers in Jesus are more than mere men and are redeemed from among men, and therefore hated by them. The nature of mankind, if it is not sanctified, is the worst nature in the world, next to the devils, for Satan, the prince of this world, still rules over them. In verse 22 of this chapter Jesus said to His disciples; "All men will hate you because of me." (also verse 16) The Bible also says, "Every man is a liar." This means that by nature all people hate the truth. Jesus said to Nicodemus: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)

Summary: So we should not be surprised if people oppose us when we tell them the truth about themselves, God and the way of salvation.

C. In our text Jesus tells us that this opposition can even happen in our own family. (Read vv. 35-36)

1. True, this opposition does not happen in every family, thank God. Chiefly Jesus brings love, forgiveness and peace to families. But sometimes one or more persons in a family refuse etc.

2. The Christian members of such a family should not be surprised or dismayed when this happens, and they should not feel guilty about such conflict. Just the opposite; etc.

3. In such a family the Christian person or persons may be tempted to quit following Jesus in order to have "peace" in the family. But that is a false peace and Jesus here warns against taking that way out. (Read v. 37)

4. I once called on a deaf woman who was a member of the church because she had stopped attending the church services. etc.

5. Kazar was a teenager who lived in a small village in India. He and John had become good friends, even though John was the son of an American missionary, etc.

Summary: We must not stop following Jesus because of opposition. We cannot compromise with the world. This is the cross that every believer must shoulder. In our text Jesus says, (Read v. 38).

Transition: I'm sure that if we examine our past life we will have to admit and confess that we have not really followed Jesus very well in the face of opposition. We have not taken up our cross too well! Where can we find the power and courage to do this?

III. Here in our text Jesus forearms us and enables us to endure this opposition and conflict. He says, (Read v. 39)

A. What do these strange words mean?

1. Matthew Henry - "He that finds his life shall lose it."; he that thinks he has found it, when he has saved it, and kept it by denying Christ, shall lose it in eternal death; but "whoever loses his life for Christ's sake, that will part with it rather than deny Christ, shall find it, to his unspeakable advantage, in eternal life."

2. Those who really believe in Jesus are best prepared for the life to come because they hold loosely this present life, and are willing and able to sacrifice it for the sake of the Kingdom. (Corrie Tenboom and her father).

3. We need not despair when sometimes we deny Christ. Remember Peter! Jesus forgave him when he repented and reinstalled him as His apostle. Jesus also forgives us as we repent and are renewed by His mercy and grace.

B. Jesus also encourages us to follow Him in witnessing by reminding us to follow Him in witnessing by reminding us that some will receive our words and believe and be saved along with us. (Read vv. 40-42)

1. He reminds us that when we witness and someone is led to believe that person not only receives us, but also Jesus Himself, and not only Jesus but the Father who sent Jesus (v. 40)

2. This implies the wonderful truth that when we witness to anyone, we speak for God Himself, Father Son and Holy Spirit! What a great honor and privilege that is!

3. And what enthusiasm and power knowing this gives to our witness! We are ambassadors of the God of all heaven and earth, the Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier of the nations. We have a message from God and it is Good News, not bad.

Conclusion: Here in this text Jesus gives us great encouragement to follow Him in witnessing inspite of opposition. May it stir action!
