August's Sermons

Church Period: The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: God's Kingdom Comes
Sermon Date: July 10, 1983
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 10:1-9,16

Dear Christian Friends:

In the Lord's Prayer we pray: "Thy kingdom come." What does that mean? What is God's kingdom? How does it come? God's kingdom means His ruling in our hearts. We all want God to live in our hearts and rule us or lead us to do His will. We don't want the devil ruling in our hearts. Also we want God to live and rule in the hearts of those who do not yet have Him in their hearts.

It is wonderful when Jesus lives and rules in someone's heart. But how does it happen? How does God's kingdom come? What happens when it comes?

God's Kingdom Comes

We perhaps expect His kingdom to come in a glorious, wonderful way because His love and rule in our hearts is so wonderful and glorious. But really God's kingdom comes in a very plain (humble) way.

God's kingdom comes through men, pastors and missionaries Jesus sends in to answer our prayers. In our text we read how Jesus sent 72 men to go to various cities to preach God's Word. Through their preaching God's kingdom came to the people. (v. 9)

Since that time and also today the kingdom comes through men, pastors and missionaries that Jesus sends when we pray for them.

How does Jesus send pastors and missionaries today? He did it Himself here when He sent the 72. But now He has ascended into heaven. Nevertheless He still sends pastors and missionaries (Ephesians 4:11). He does it through us Christians. He commands us to pray for more pastors. Jesus said to the 72 and He says it to us also today, "The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few." (v. 2) Many millions in the world do not yet have Jesus living and ruling in their hearts, and there are few pastors and missionaries to preach Jesus to them. Jesus makes us feel responsible for all the billions of people in the world who do not yet believe in Him. Then He commands us to pray for more "workers," pastors and missionaries,and promises to hear and answer our prayers.

How? Jesus recruits young men through us, and when they have graduated from the seminary Jesus calls them through a Christian congregation. One day you will meet to call a pastor. But before you vote you will pray for the Lord to guide you. Do you realize how important your informed voting is? Jesus is doing his wonderful work through you! If at all possible, every voting member should be there. In answer to our prayers Jesus sends pastors, and He can send a good pastor to the congregation.

Jesus sends a pastor who trusts in God to provide for his bodily needs. Here in our text we see how Jesus sent the 72 men to go and preach. He told them not to worry about money or books or clothes. (v.4) Also Jesus told them not to worry about food. (v. 7) They should trust in Him to provide for all their bodily needs. Jesus sends pastors who believe in Him and trust Him for all their needs.

And how does Jesus intend to provide for the pastor's needs? Through the church members! Jesus touches the hearts of the people so that they love and respect their pastor and support him. Jesus told those 72 He sent to preach, "Eat and drink such things as they (the believers) give." (v.7) The pastor should expect the church members to provide for all his bodily needs, and he should be satisfied with what they can afford to give for his support. The pastor knows and believes that Jesus will touch the people's hearts and make them love and respect their pastor and gladly support him.

The pastor that Jesus sends also is a busy, earnest, hard-working man. He doesn't let anyone or anything bother him on his way to preach. When Jesus sent these 72. men to go preach He told them, "Salute no man on the way." (v. 4b) They are not wasting time visiting and gossiping or doing other things that are not urgent or important. The pastor must spend much time in prayer and study and preparing his sermon for the people. He should not spend his time visiting and socializing with the people. He is the messenger of God to the people, and he should remember that and act like that. And the people will understand that and appreciate that and respect him as the messenger of God, not a playboy. Through such sincere, dedicated (special) men Jesus will bring His Kingdom to men's hearts.

God's Kingdom, His grace and rule comes to men's hearts through the good pastors and missionaries Jesus sends. And the chief work of a pastor or missionary is to speak, teach, preach God's Word to the people. Jesus sent these 72 men and told them to say, "Peace," to the people. (v. 5)

A pastor speaks or preaches a special peace to people. It is the peace with God. On the first Christmas, after Jesus had been born the angels sang to shepherds, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill to men." (Luke 2:14) And on the evening before He died on the cross Jesus said to His disciples, peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)

This wonderful, special peace between God and men can happen because of sins forgiven. On Easter evening Jesus appeared to His fearful disciples in the upper room and said twice unto them, "Peace be to you!" (John 20:19-23) They now could have peace with God because Jesus had died on the cross for their sins. God had punished Jesus instead of them and God let Jesus then arise from death to show that all sins of all people are forgiven. St. Paul preached, "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:1)

Results of the pastor's ministry: Some believe and have peace. Some do not believe and remain enemies. When the pastor speaks or preaches God's Word he offers this special peace to the people. All who accept God's Word and believe in Jesus have peace with God. Here in our text Jesus calls them "sons of peace." (v.6) They really have peace with God when they believe the pastor's preaching because when you hear the pastor Jesus sends, you really hear Jesus. (v. 16a) Jesus said to the 72 whom He sent to preach peace, "He that hears you hears Me."

All who do not believe God's Word which the pastor preaches do not have peace with God because they reject Jesus and the Father. Jesus said to the 72, “He that despises you despises Me; and he that despises Me despises Him that sent Me." (v.16b) These are still enemies of God. They are enemies of God here on earth and they will remain enemies of God forever in hell if they do not repent. (vv. 10-12)

God's kingdom has come near to them, but they refuse to open the door of their heart and let Jesus come in with His peace and rule of love.


When you pray the Lord's Prayer and say, Thy kingdom come," remember God's kingdom comes through pastors and missionaries Jesus sends in answer to your prayer. Don't despise the pastor. True, he is only a humble man. True, he may not be a sharp, talented speaker. True, he has weaknesses and faults. But in that plain way Jesus lets His kingdom come to the hearts of men. Therefore, pray for pastors, honor them as you honor Jesus, support them,listen to them, believe in Jesus. In that humble way God's grace and rule comes to your heart, and to the hearts of others.


Additional notes: Can't see the kingdom of God, it's ruling in our hearts- John 18:36, Luke 17:20-21 God's peace comes into the hearts of people - Luke 2:14, John 14:17
This wonderful peace between God and people can happen because of sins forgiven. John 20:19-23, Romans 5:1