August's Sermons

Church Period: Pentecost 8th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Is God's Word Successful In You?
Sermon Date: August 2, 1981
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Dear Christian friends:

The Parable of the Farmer Sowing His Seed is a good lesson for each one of us because it teaches about those who hear God's Word. We all hear God's Word regularly, so Jesus intends this lesson for us.

We all hear God's Word regularly, but do we hear it with success? Is God's Word successful in you?

When we study this parable we see that God's Word was successful in only 25% of the hearers. His Word failed in 75% of those who heard. That seems to be true also today. Only 25% of the church members are active workers in the churches, while 75% do little or nothing. Same with financial support of the church. About 25% of the members really give for the support of the church, while 75% of the members give little or nothing.

Jesus told this parable, so that the 25% will continue their successful hearing of God's Word and feel encouraged and He told it also as a warning to the 75% that they will wake-up and repent and let God's Word be successful in them.

So this morning I want to ask you this question:

Is God's Word Successful In You?

Do You hear God's Word and bear no fruit?
How much fruit do you bear?

In our text Jesus tells about the seed that fell on the roadway. Then the birds came and ate the seed. (verse 4) Jesus says this means people who come to church and sit in the church regularly, but God's Word is not successful in their mind and heart because the devil comes and takes God's Word out of their heart. (verse 19) This means people who come to church and do not expect to hear God's Word. They think, "It's only Rev. Hauptman preaching. He's only a man, It's not God's Word."

So they don't give any attention to the preacher. Some even fall asleep during the sermon. Others come to church to show-off that they are nice persons. Or they come to church to meet their friends and visit after church and enjoy the dinner in the Parish Hall. Some come to show off a new car or new clothes. All these folks do not really come to church to hear God's Word. The devil quickly takes it out of their heart before it can root and grow and multiply. Do you come to church like that?

In our text Jesus tells about some of the seed that fell on rocky ground, where the soil was shallow. The seeds sprouted quickly, because the soil was not deep. When the sun came up the young plants wilted and died because not enough moisture. (verses 5-6) Jesus says this means people who hear God's Word with joy, but it does not sink deep in their hearts. When trouble or persecution comes because of the cross, they quit the church. (verses 20-21)

These people are eager and glad to hear God's Word and very enthusiastic. They seem to be strong Christians at first, stronger than others. But when the unbelievers mock and persecute them they become afraid and ashamed of Jesus and His church. They refuse to take up their cross. They don't want any trouble or problems, so they quit the church. Perhaps they continue to come to the church service on Sundays, but they will not go and witness to the unbelievers. Are you like that?

In our text Jesus tells about the seed that fell among the thorns. The good seed and the thorns both grew up together, but the thorns choked the good plants and they could not produce any fruit. (verse 7) Jesus says,this means people who hear God's Word, but the worries of this life and the love for riches choke their faith and they can't multiply any seeds for God. (verse 22)

These people come to church and they truly really listen to God's Word. After the sermon they think about their job and worry about their bills and their health. Some of them dream about money and the pleasures they will have with their money. They are too much interested in this life here on earth; they don't care about the eternal life in heaven. So they do nothing for God. God's Word is not successful in them. Are you one of these? Are you letting the worries of this life choke your faith?

Now we have heard about the 75% of the church members in whom God's Word is not successful. If you are one of these, if God's Word has not been successful in you, you better wake up and change or else you may remain a fruitless hearer here on earth and a lost person later on.

Finally, Jesus tells about the seed that fell on good ground and grew strong and multiplied, some 100 times, some 60 times and some 30 times. (verse 8) Jesus says this means people who hear God's Word and understand it and do many good works, some do more than others. These people understand that they are sinners and by themselves alone they know they cannot please God. They, with humble hearts, confess their sinfulness to God and then trust in His great mercy, which He shows in His Son Jesus, for forgiveness of sins. They love God because He first loved them and gave His Son to save them. They have new life in Jesus.

True, they are not perfect. Jesus does not say that there are no thorns or weeds in the good soil. There are thorns and weeds in the good soil, too. These hearers are also tempted by mockery and persecution from unbelievers. They also have worries about money and health, like everyone else. But they do not let these worldly things choke their faith. They resist the temptations of Satan and the unbelievers and their own sinful heart and with God's help do many good works. Sometimes they fall into sin, but they repent and look to Jesus for help and strength to resist the evil and do the good. By God's Holy Spirit leading them they bear much beautiful fruit for God. God's Word is successful in them.

Are you one of these? Is God's Word successful in you? Thank God if you belong to this group! God's love and mercy has done wonderful work in you! Don't be proud or boast. With humble heart thank and praise your wonderful God and continue the good fight of faith. Let God's Word in the future be more successful in you. Notice some multiplied 100 times, some 60 and some 30. Are you 100 or 60 or 30? Yes, we all can improve and let God's Word be more successful in us.

In closing this parable Jesus says, "Let him that has ears to hear, hear!" Let everyone who hears God's Word listen carefully!
