August's Sermons

Church Period: The Ninth Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: Jesus Comes As Both Guest And Host
Sermon Date: August 5, 2001
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 10:38-42

Dear Christian Friends:

One day our daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Ken, came to visit us at our house. But surprise! They brought with them all the food for a fine dinner. Kentucky fried chicken and apple pie. The two visitors became the hosts. They served us in our home. We did not cook and serve them. Our visitors became the hosts!

That's what happened when Jesus visited Mary and Martha at their home in Bethany. True, Jesus did not bring with him fried chicken and apple pie, but He brought something they needed most! Jesus, the visitor became the host!

Martha saw Jesus only as a visitor. She did not see Him as a Host. She made a big mistake. But Mary did not make that mistake. She saw Jesus as both visitor and Host and she received what she needed most.

So that we can receive the "one thing we need most" let us attend to our text and learn that

Jesus Comes As Both Guest and Host

I. First we see Jesus come as a visitor.

A. Jesus came as a Visitor to the home in Bethany.

1. Martha invited Jesus to have lunch in her home. (v. 38) Although they have a humble home, Jesus accepts Martha's invitation.

2. Remember, Jesus is God's Son. In the beginning Jesus joined with the Father and the Holy Spirit and made the heaven and earth and all living things, plants, animals, birds and fishes. Sun, moon and stars. Jesus also made and He with the Father and Holy Spirit continually keeps and protects the universe and all living things. Jesus the Son of God who became a real Man, humbly visits in that home at Bethany! That is a surprising, wonderful event. That is much more wonderful than if Pontius Pilate, the Governor, would visit at that home!
Transition: But there is something more surprising and wonderful! What?

B. Jesus also comes to visit us! Jesus, the Lord, the Ruler over heaven and earth makes Himself humble and visits us today!

With mercy and kindness Jesus says to us, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will visit with him and he with Me." (Rev. 3:20)

C. Do we understand what is happening here?

1. The wonderful God, who has all power, the Maker of heaven and earth, the holy One, makes Himself humble and visits us sinners. That is much more wonderful than if President Bush would come here and visit us this morning!

2. Something most important will happen when the Son of God visits us.
Transition: what is that? Jesus, our Visitor changes roles! The Visitor becomes the Host! He is the Host with true love. "I am among you as One who serves ... The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom (payment) for many." (Matt. 20:28)

II. Jesus comes to be our host!

1. When Jesus comes into Martha and Mary's home the three of them greet each other and sit down and visit for a short time. Then Martha excuses herself, saying she must go to the kitchen and finish preparing the food for lunch.

2. But Mary stays in the living room with Jesus and visits more with Him. It seems that Jesus explains to Mary that in the near future He must suffer and die and on the third day arise from death and then go back to heaven. Jesus explains to Mary that He must do this to win forgiveness of sins for all nations. Our text says, "Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to His Word." (v. 39)

3. Understand what happens here! Jesus, the Visitor, now becomes the Host! He is not serving food for Mary's body. No! He is serving food for her soul. Jesus is giving her "the Bread of Life and the Water of Life." Jesus says, "If any eats My Bread, he will never hunger again; If anyone drinks My water, he will never thirst again." Jesus is serving and giving spiritual food; Jesus is the best Host! The Visitor becomes the Host!

B. We, like Mary, must let Jesus be our Host, not only Visitor.

1. But often we are the same as Martha, and do not let Jesus serve us with His spiritual food.

a. Like Martha, we think we must serve Jesus first! But Jesus does not permit that. He did not let Martha do that. (Read vv. 40-42)

b. Jesus must be the chief Host! Not us! We must first listen to Jesus' Word, let Jesus serve us first. Then after He gives us knowledge, wisdom, faith and His love, then we can serve Him and please Him!

Mary seems to understand this! She humbly sat a Jesus' feet and permitted Him to teach her and serve her first.

2. We must ourselves humble and permit Jesus to be our Host, same as Mary.

a. We must permit Him to forgive our sins, without our work and service. He judges us righteous and holy because He kept the Law (Gal. 4-7), and because He suffered the punishment we deserved when He died on the cross! (Gal. 3:13) We put on His righteousness by faith, not by our work or service.

b. We must humbly confess our sins and permit Jesus to be our Host and serve us forgiveness of sins in His Holy Supper. He says to sinners: "Take, eat, this is my body ... All you drink from this cup: for this is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. (Matt. 26: 26-28)

c. We must let Jesus serve us when we have troubles, grief and die. He is now preparing a home for us in heaven and in heaven He will have a wonderful banquet for us and He, Himself promises to serve us.

III, If we let Jesus first serve us with His Word and the Sacraments, then, and then only, will we be ready to serve Him.

"Without faith, we can't please God," the Bible says.

A. Our listening to Jesus' Word as we are doing now, and as Mary did, is service that pleases Jesus very much. Here in the text Jesus praised Mary, saying (v. 42 read it)

B. Many church members try to serve God like Martha, without first sitting at Jesus' feet and learning His Word: - not come often to Church services. Not. come to Bible Class. Not read Portals of Prayer daily! They become crabby servants, like Martha.

C. But if we first let Jesus serve us with the Word and Sacraments, then we will have much joy and thanks in Jesus and we can eagerly love and serve Him and one another. "We love Him, because He first loved us!" (1 Jn. 4:19) Mary (John 12:3) Conclusion: The Lord wants us to serve Him, but first He wants to serve us with the Word and Sacraments. Christian service begins at Jesus' feet. Then you will have the joy of serving Him now here on earth and forever in heaven!

Let us pray! Lord Jesus be my Host and serve me with the Bread of Life, that I can then with faith, thanks and joy serve You!
