Dear Christian friends:
"Christ's love controls us now. Because we believe that Christ died
for all of us, we should also believe that we have died of the old
sinful life we before lived. He died for all so that all who live
should not live anymore for themselves, to please themselves, but
live for Christ who died and arose for them."
Dear Christian friends:
We are preaching about Christian work, GO AND TELL ABOUT JESUS. Some
people call it evangelism; others call it witnessing.
The first sermon last Sunday answered the question: Who Should Tell
About Jesus? Do you remember the answer to that question?
Today we have another important question. That question is:
Why Should I Tell? As you know very well, we often fail to go and
tell others about Jesus. And we have many reasons and excuses. So
we need reminders and encouragement to do our work which the Lord
gives to us. So let us attend to our text and answer that question:
Why Should I Tell?
We should tell about Jesus because we love Him and He asks us to
do it. He who loved us and gave His life for us on the cross asks
us to go and tell about Himself to others.
In our text St. Paul writes, "Christ's love controls us now.
He died for all so that all who live should not live anymore for
themselves, to please themselves, but live for Christ who died and
arose for them." Can you say, "No," to JESUS?
What Will He Say?
If Jesus comes today
And finds I have many plans
Future plans, nice plans,
But not plans to do His work,
What will he say?
If Jesus comes today
And finds I not told
One person about my heavenly Friend,
Whose blessing, all my way attend,
What will He say?
If Jesus comes today
Will I be glad, truly glad?
When I remember He died for all,
But not one person through me heard His call,
What will He say?
O Jesus, forgive me and show mercy to me because I waited so long
a time and did not tell others about You. Help me to love You more and
help me to go and tell.
Another reason why we should tell about Jesus is because He
wants all people to be saved. St. Paul writes to young Timothy in
the Bible, "God wants all men to be saved." (1 Tim. 2:4) God loved
the whole world. He gave His Son Jesus to die for all people.
(John 3:16) God wants everyone to hear the Good News and believe in
Jesus. But how can they believe if you and I fail our duty and do not
tell them?
People do not live long here on earth. The sick, the old, and even
the young people do not stay here on earth very long. If we wait and
delay to tell someone, he may die or move away and we've lost the chance
to tell that person.
What will you say about a man who refuses to rescue a drowning
person? He saw the man struggle, but he continued sitting in the
boat and looked and said, “Sorry, too bad!" You would say, "That
man is a coward and he has no love or pity in his heart."
But are you and I any better when we see deaf people on the way to
hell and we do not try to stop them and warn them and tell them about
Jesus the Savior? We are worse! Because going to hell is much
worse than drowning. So don't delay! Do it today:
Another good reason why we should go and tell is because there is
much joy in that work.
One day Jesus told a story about a shepherd who had one hundred (100)
sheep. One sheep strayed away and became lost. So the shepherd left
the 99 sheep in the pen and went searching for the one lost sheep.
When he found it he was very happy. He grabbed it by the four legs
and hung it on his neck and hurried home with joy. When he arrived
home he called his neighbors and friends together and said, "Rejoice
with me, because I have found my lost sheep." Then Jesus said,
“There will be joy in heaven like that, because one sinner turns
from sin to God." (Luke 15:1-10)
Mary and Ann, sitting in church, were quietly crying. Why?
One year ago the pastor had asked them, "Will you teach Sunday School?"
Mary said, "Yes." And Mary studied hard to make her lessons interesting
and good for her class of girls. She went out and won a
little girl for Jesus, and through the girl she also won the parents
of the girl. Today the ten year old girl and her father and mother
were being baptized in the church service. Mary was crying with
tears of joy.
Ann said, “No", to the pastor. She did not want to give up her
time, get up early on Sunday mornings, and study hard. She did not
win anybody for Jesus. That's why she was crying. She cried with
tears of sadness.
You want to know and experience real happiness? Then start telling
others about Jesus, and you like Mary will cry with tears of joy
when someone becomes a believer in Jesus. True, some will not
believe and a few may give you a bad time. But the one you win for
Jesus will give great joy here on earth and also later on in heaven.
We know about movie stars here on earth. Do you want to be a real
star in heaven? Then get busy and win souls for Christ. The Bible
says, ‘He who wins souls is wise and he shall shine as the stars
forever and ever." (Daniel 12:3)
O Jesus, give us Your love so that we will love You and those now
lost and help us to go and tell them about You.